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Star Citizen Breaking News

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--- Quote from: dsmart on October 12, 2017, 05:22:13 PM ---$10K+ backer. He's in Canada. CIG sends him a check he can't cash.

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These people have had plenty of time to wake up and smell the coffee.


SQ42 isn't coming in 2017.

Yeah, I totally called this back in May

--- Quote ---SQUADRON 42 DELAYED TO 2018

As I reported on Twitter earlier today, several sources, as they have done twice before in 2015 and 2016, have once again informed me that SQ42 is now a 2018 game. In fact, the current internal schedule shows it stretching all the way to mid-2018, and possibly beyond. The past two times that I had reported this, some people didn’t believe it. And CIG kept denying it. This Sept 2016 denial was my favorite. Both 2015 and 2016 came and went. Right up to the blatant lies that CIG told during the events (GamesCom and CitizenCon) of Q4/2016. I wrote extensively about that in my Shattered Dreams blog from Oct 2016.

Sources also tell me that they’re frantically trying to either get a preview or trailer out before the end of the year. So yeah, probably a repeat of Q4/2016 all over again.

Oh, and they have definitely chopped up the SQ42 game. I reported on this back in 2016 as well, but they have apparently stuck to the goal of releasing the once full game, into bits and pieces in order to “keep things going and raising money”. It makes perfect sense if you ask me. They know that the minute they release any “final” version of any portion of this train-wreck project, that’s it’s all over. So why not maintain the bait and switch Status Quo by splitting a full game into parts, then sell them separately? If you recall, they did that back in 2016 when they split SQ42 from Star Citizen, in order to sell it separately. Except this time, they’re going to split SQ42 even further. Which, now that I think about it, explains why you can buy that game for $15 (instead of $45) if you buy it as a bundle ($45 + $15) with Star Citizen. My God man! We’re doing it all wrong.
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This is the full newsletter.

It's hilarious that they announced this two months ahead of time. It's almost as if they are worried about money, so using the promise of something, as a confidence trick to get backers to keep giving them money.

They also removed the date from the SQ42 page.

There is a thread on KIA about this rising to prominence. Threads there can make the front page occasionally.

Mods have labeled it unverified, more confirmation needed. Need some more users burned by RSI on board.

Yeah, I saw that yesterday. I don't know what verification is needed. I guess they are waiting for official lies from CIG.  :smugjones:

Meanwhile over on /r/games, as of this writing, this post had almost 500 upvotes.

--- Quote ---"As I've pointed out before, back in January 2015, Roberts delivered a presentation in which he claimed that not only would the first episode of Squadron 42 be released by Fall 2015, but the full commercial release - meaning SQ42 and the persistent universe / MMO - would happen by the end of 2016. He made this claim at 1:32:06 in this video.

At the time of this presentation, the PU wasn't yet in the alpha stage. He seemed to think that his team could get through all of alpha, get through all of beta, and optimize enough for a decent MMO launch in 2 years, all while concurrently working on a single-player game. By saying this, he demonstrated that he either didn't know what he was talking about, or he was being dishonest. It was probably a combination of the two.

Now, almost 3 years after that presentation, backers still haven't seen a mission demo of SQ42, and the MMO is in alpha with, I'm guessing, another 1-2 years of alpha ahead of them. At this rate, I would be impressed if the first episode of SQ42 gets released by 2020, and the MMO gets released by 2023."
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