Games > Star Citizen

Star Citizen Citizenship

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--- Quote from: jwh1701 on December 17, 2020, 01:15:51 PM ---
I remember seeing the first part awhile back there is so much I do not like about it.

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Just watched it, it's really bad. Their character models look very dated, it ticks off every trope they could find and Chris has a real fetish for turrets. He still has not got over that scene in Star Wars. It doesn't bode well for S54 story and writing.

Wasting money on this while the games are years late and with not even a rough idea on when they will be released. Still, should get a few more Mercurys sold.


--- Quote from: Judge_dolly_OG on December 19, 2020, 06:14:48 AM ---He still has not got over that scene in Star Wars. It doesn't bode well for S54 story and writing.

--- End quote ---

that canyon run with back turret bit, reminded me similarly of this past "Mandalorian", Season 2, Episode 4, "Chapter 12: The Seige" dir. by Carl Weathers, of the dry lava canyons chase, and a bit of the subsequent action into the air. I guess CRobs isn't done being "wide-eyed" at SW scenes and trying to riff off them to add to his "director"'s repertoire. i.e. "If old Apollo Creed could direct that, I can do it too!", :emot-laugh:  Calders keep CRobs less visible because his blab bs and Sandi teamed ATVs had farcically gone on too long by now, but he is free to direct and make all the trailer "movie action" animatics he wants, behind the scenes, with a chunk of the recent years' dumped shitizen sunkcost & investment disposable funds now, I'm guessing.

Meanwhile, over there...

I am on my way. I donated in fucking 2013. Was one of the first 11K. Never again. I used to be a game dev. But this has been a fucking grift of the highest order. I wasted almost 400 bucks to this shit show. Fuck them. STAY AWAY.

So one of the important points here is that the outside investments (for future S42 marketing, and the one for partial company ownership) are the only things currently keeping CIG in the black.
Other than that, they've spent more than they've taken in each year.


A little storm in a teacup in the SC world. The citizens are kicking up a fuss as CIG have apparently confirmed that ship names must be unique per ship class. Some commandos are upset as they will not be able to call their ships Rocinate or Millenium Falcon and have to come up with an original name like M1ll3nium F4lc0n. Apparently though there will be some super smart tech to prevent naming ships like this :D

I'm imagining something so clever that naming your ship after the British town of Scunthorpe will be blocked :D


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