Author Topic: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within  (Read 68344 times)


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2017, 10:23:04 AM »
"I am Derek Smart!"


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2017, 02:10:08 PM »
Another scripted demo... When will sheeple wake up?


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2017, 02:44:31 PM »
Sorry guys. I only dropped in from time to time. Friday, ya know, and I got better things to do.
First, yeah I didn't join your discord posse. But I read the comments on the official CIG chat. Two years ago, you could
Speak of the Shitizen as dominating the community. Now, everyone's competing in the twitch comments to ridicule the game and the lack of development.
Second, I only saw bits and pieces:
1. Some incoherent mumblimg about how SSDs will allow for less optimized memory utilization.
2. Some graphics enhacement that allows "almost no frame rate impact" -- a great place to be when you're already a slideshow.
3. A detailed explanation of how lens flares and anti-aliasing works, as if anybody should be working on solving these issues.
4. Some poor kid made to emphasize his inability to socialize as he runs across the same "playground" they had a couple months ago, looking for a ship that's not there. When asked what he'd like improved, he says "not a thing"  as a ship spawns in front of him  and promptly turtles.
5. A sizzle reel showing the highlights of previous con demos that don't exist in game.
6. Five hours later, I turn it back on, and CR looks like he's apologizing for another crash. He then avoids eye contact with a room full of boys as he explains that their future releases won't focus on content, since they can't deliver that. Cut to demo of more undeliverable content.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2017, 02:56:06 PM »
Someone on SA dropped a very true comment about their camera work in the ProcGen demo. It looked like it was moving around (sickeningly at times) showing stuff off only during dull or mostly static moments. Whenever transitioning would occur they would point the camera towards a place that rendered no assets whatsoever.

And come on... how is 8 minutes of travelling not a loading screen? As far as I know you can't free roam in QT travel. The game knows exactly where you'll end up on the other side and can use that time to pre-load everything (using 40 gigs or more RAM). But the most troubling point is, you get there and you basically play MS Flight Simulator 2015. :cripes:


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2017, 02:26:37 AM »
Well, looks like they've done enough to keep the show on the road for another year, although it didn't go unnoticed on reddit that there was no gameplay in their extended tech demo.

They've almost done too much with the procedural cities. CRoberts basically said that all the buildings will have interiors and NPCs etc, and you can land anywhere on the planet and explore. A lot of backers are simply not going to believe that this is possible (even if it is, all the interiors will look the same and there will still be nothing to do). Given their inability to deliver 3.0 with empty moons, giving players a city planet seems unrealistic. That said, there are still plenty out there who will be amazed by that extended tech demo, probably enough to forgive them for a bad implementation of 3.0.

I might have missed it, but was there any discussion of gameplay mechanics & features post 3.0? Other than base building with the Pioneer, although I didn't notice a date when they said that feature would get added. I'm guessing all the bad news will arrive with the updated production schedule next week !


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2017, 03:26:18 AM »
Well, looks like they've done enough to keep the show on the road for another year, although it didn't go unnoticed on reddit that there was no gameplay in their extended tech demo.

They've almost done too much with the procedural cities. CRoberts basically said that all the buildings will have interiors and NPCs etc, and you can land anywhere on the planet and explore. A lot of backers are simply not going to believe that this is possible (even if it is, all the interiors will look the same and there will still be nothing to do). Given their inability to deliver 3.0 with empty moons, giving players a city planet seems unrealistic. That said, there are still plenty out there who will be amazed by that extended tech demo, probably enough to forgive them for a bad implementation of 3.0.

I might have missed it, but was there any discussion of gameplay mechanics & features post 3.0? Other than base building with the Pioneer, although I didn't notice a date when they said that feature would get added. I'm guessing all the bad news will arrive with the updated production schedule next week !

It was all the usual tech demo bullshit. And no, there wasn't a single shred of gameplay mechanics or features discussed. In fact, going into the presentation, Chris said this is what was coming after 3.0. He didn't say what build, nor if it was 3.1 (lol!) or whatever.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2017, 03:33:08 AM »
I haven't been feeling well these past few days, but I managed to catch crobert's live presentation on my iPad. I regret it. My Twitter comments are below. I will be on OpenHouse today at 10AM EST, 3PM GMT to discuss my thoughts. Meanwhile over at the tribal council.

croberts keynote address:

My Twitter reaction when it was over:

CitizenCon is over. No gameplay. No gameplay mechanics. No schedule forecast. Just another 15 fps tech demo of flying through a city.

Wven the tools they showed, weren't even live. It was pre-recorded (they got busted when the cam showed the media player)

And during his keynote, said this was coming after 3.0 (which is a year late already).

Even with the one guy flying through, it was sub 15-20 fps. As always, this was all for show (again). There's never going to be game

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2017, 03:37:53 AM »
For those of you non-devs, procedural level generation isn't new, revolutionary, or ground breaking. Here it is in UE4

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2017, 03:57:36 AM »
Before I forget. Check out the latest release section in the MyRadar app.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2017, 05:07:02 AM »
In case you were wondering about their future "beyond" releases. They got that from FDev

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2017, 05:37:29 AM »
Quote from: Beer4TheBeerGod" post="477808960
One of the nice things about Star Citizen at this point is that things have pretty much calcified into their existing properties. Nobody here is magically going to be impressed and decide that, indeed, Star Citizen is good and will impress the world. Similarly nobody on the other side is going to see that and magically go "wow, they didn't show any gameplay" and decide to get a refund. People will see what they want to see, especially given how good Chris is at providing just enough rope for people to hang themselves on their own dreams. What I saw was a lot of really impressive work for a game that nobody actually paid for. I see planets that would look fantastic as flyovers during a cutscene, art assets that would be really great in localized encounters, and plenty of generic (but still nice) content. If CIG had maintained the original concept of instances linked by cutscenes, or if it was for a single player Squadron 42, then I'd be pretty impressed. But since the content they revealed has minimal impact on the expected gameplay, they steadfastly failed to show any kind of multiplayer interaction (or any real gameplay to speak of), and since Star Citizen is supposed to be a MMO and not a single player game there isn't much to be excited about.

What I saw was basically yet another indication of the things that actually matter to Chris Roberts; grandeur, scale, and derivative content. Look at how many times he talked about things that sound impressive like all those NPCs, the size of various buildings, provided a reference to a superior work of fiction like Blade Runner or Star Wars. Look at how little he talked about gameplay loops, or introduced mechanics that players have been waiting years for, or addressed core issues like networking, performance, or the flight model. Look at how a game that was meant to be a space simulation barely even touched space; indeed the only relevant discussion regarding actual space travel was how Chris apparently thinks that waiting eight minutes to travel between planets is somehow good game design. Look at how he thinks that showing hundreds of "procedurally generated" city blocks will somehow enhance the player experience, or how having millions of square kilometers of empty territory will lead to a better experience than what you can already get with Elite.

Star Citizen is not a scam, it's an ego trip. It's hundreds of people working on something, and doing what looks to be some good work doing it, to stoke the narcissism of a failed developer who is more interested in maintaining the appearances of producing a AAA title than actually delivering it. What we saw today was absolutely an indication that they are burning millions and using up a lot of personnel, and they are delivering on things. The problem is that what they're delivering has no bearing on what people are paying for.


All I saw was a tech demo similar to all the crap we devs do on our own just to setup to see what I really can/cannot do in our games. Stuff gamers may never get to see. Some of it makes into the game, some don't. And you move on with what works.

Example. just last week I was doing an update for UCCE 3.0x (based on a known issue about the solar array) and came across code that I prototyped using a spreadsheet to see if I could actually use the Earth's tilt to calculate solar energy collection based on the ship's solar arrays in relation to that. A fucking spreadsheet. I could simply have faked it, but I think I was already slowly losing my mind (this was back in early nineties btw) at the time, so any rational thought eluded me. Anyway, it wasn't until months later that I actually decided to try out my pipe dream because the issue of players actually running out of nuclear reactor fuel and getting stranded in deep space, started to be an issue - many games lost as a result. I had implemented an emergency tow function to combat that btw. So I implemented it anyway. And it just worked. Simply because I had tested is months before, but never actually wrote the code to do it because I didn't think it was actually going to be needed. Then it was.

For any backer to have viewed this as anything but another tech demo of dreams, is the sort of reason why they keep giving CIG money. No, it makes no sense, but that's how life works. I believe they're just happy it wasn't an embarrassing repeat of GC2017 and they're just happy CIG brought enough lube for the shafting this time.

There will never - ever - be a game showing any of that shit. Right now - as I type this - they can't even get 3.0 in ANY decent working condition. And that's already almost a year overdue. And they have significant performance issues - even for a  massively scaled down version of what they promised. But yeah, even seeing the 15-20 fps of a single player in local LAN, they're totally going to put that into a real-time game, let alone a fucking MMO for a game that can't run more than 8 clients without falling over. And that level didn't even look as efficient as GTA-V which built a whole fucking city, complete with dynamic LOD and very advanced vis - all because they built their own engine. And this yahoos think they're going to do any of that shit in any version of CryEngine.

They can go fuck themselves.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2017, 06:05:04 AM »
Well, it's a known fact that you're stalking Sandi since that is as close as you can get to being Chris - your ultimate life fantasy, the only thing you ever truly wanted - and to ridicule someone who has absolutely no talents at all yet has spent so much backer money on probably the biggest talent she doesn't have, it would seem cruel to make that so obvious public to everybody. You're clearly forgetting the main feature that this screening of Sandi's appearance in the movie has in common with Star Citizen. They're both black holes! So when they turn on the projector in Frankfurt, and stream those whole zero seconds of Sandi being in the money on Twitch, I'd expect you to hold back. No need to make an animated gif of those moments of absolutely nothing being repeated over and over again. That would be brutal man. Maybe she'll be in the Director's Cut? That's another decision he has to make in a split second.

Well, according to imdb she "Is in the Guinness Book of Records 2015 for co-creating the most successful crowd funded project ever."

I guess an additional entry will be in "the guinnes book of records for biggest waste of backers' money" at some point in the future.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2017, 10:16:20 AM »
Just in case you all forgot what ArcCorp looked like in 2014...when it was coming soon
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2017, 10:54:02 AM »
You tweeted 2104  :D

Star Chip

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Re: CitizenCon 2017 - The Hilarity Within
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2017, 05:22:22 PM »
I wonder why CR did not try to go further in that city on foot, someone asked can you land anywhere in that city, of course we all know the obvious answer, I wonder if that procedural generated city is full of procedural generated NPCs walk around procedural generated FPS level, doing their procedural generated business, delver procedural generated dialog. Is this just another procedural scripted demo? Based on the "awwwww" and  :woof:"wuuuuu" during the con, it is obvious these shitizens will have great confident to burn another $850. :dance:
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 05:26:04 PM by Star Chip »


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