Lumberyard... bogeyman

It does make me wonder what or who at amazon was thinking about making their lumberyard based on cryengine.
Meanwhile, CIG did a recent "reaction" trailer in response to the ED:Odyssey alpha. (desperate kool-aid reminder to their sunkcost and whales in the midst of the "RIP" caused by Odyssey alpha phase 3,

) Using word titles like "unprecendented", a "
new universe", "thriving community", when actually only a few snippets of a few seconds of actual gameplay is shown among their collage of old or past videos. And all those happy conned at citizencon (maybe caught when they saw the sandworm?). And "build it with us" = more sunk $$ please.

Also the yt comments are hilarious.
And this shillizen pretending he's trying to be "fair". Ok, he at least put a few seconds of "scam" mentioned, but of course at the last minute of the video finally mentions ED putting shade on it, hilariously not mentioning the Odyssey alpha success ( but I bet they all had a shock and sunk feelings with the Odyssey alpha up to phase 3 jawdropping show of achieved scope now with fpv reveals) . Claims he just tried SC again after a year , but actually seems to be sunkcost having multiple ships already. Then asks newcomers to "make up their mind", try the free fly or basic. Basically the essence of the video is his bs trying to convince himself in the face of the Odyssey "RIP SC" blow.

But really no one should touch this cig/cr steaming pile, expensively polished, but still a pile. He gets a few kudos at least for not editing all the crashes out like the other shillizen streamers. Maybe he's finally waking up , almost there, maybe, but not quiet ready to admit the truth of being ponzi fooled by CR and wrong about SC like all the rest.