To implement a prison at this time is such a brilliant idea, i can only applaud whoever came up with the idea to implement it and not have a "click here to get released" button.

Also brilliant with the Space Cows and Whales and whatnot. Sooo "These things stick to easily" - yet the guys repeatedly use the name they don't want to stick. Then they show a creature concept of the whale which features a text about whaling and go into how they dislike whaling for them and would like whale tours.
Makes me wonder if i should them other brilliant ideas... like space rats (erm call em Crrats), which will steal food and stuff from your ship, unless you lay down crrats traps. But not killing traps, no that would be cruel. They'd rather be put in Crats prison were you can train them to make smart little tricks, like standing to a podium looking somewhat like a human moving their snout(?) to look a bit like certain game devs promising stuff and such

Best development to watch really, such a big entertainment factor. Thanks to you guys distilling all news down.