Author Topic: Want more Subscribers for your broken game?  (Read 18625 times)


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Want more Subscribers for your broken game?
« on: December 18, 2016, 11:50:22 AM »
Do the following:
- Update your server with a worthless Patch
- Give 1% of your customers access to it
- Hide the patch for the other 99% behind a paywall
- Break all previous versions by not compatible server version (just make it unplayable you know, crashes, no rendering of assets etc)
- Tell them that maybe all will get access "soon"
- go on Holiday for a month
- $$$

This groundbreaking business modell has been brought to you by CIG (Please don't copy it all CIG is doing is groundbreaking and new)

Come on Sandy we know you are off camera at the moment .... smile for us.



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