Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 1648410 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1500 on: November 28, 2018, 10:53:29 AM »
Meanwhile over there...

Well here's a novel. But you did ask.

The people who are spending thousands right now are not enabling it. You don't make the visions of an addict come true by giving him all your money- you allow him to spiral deeper into his problems. CIG is a company with a bunch of abusive habits and wasteful practices. They are years behind schedule and hundreds of millions over their original budget but they're doing things like reshooting mocap for the fifth time and hosting million-dollar conventions for the game they haven't released. Throwing money at them will never finish this project.

I was a backer- well over 1k, after the initial kickstarter. I played the grey market, I speculated about ships, I posted on this sub. After two years with nothing to show but a hangar module and a very broken Arena Commander, I started to have some serious doubts. When the PU came out in 2015, some of that was quelled but then six months after that early launch, everything was still broken and they had made no progress, I got my final refund and got out. The refund was a giant ordeal- I had to fight them tooth and nail for every penny and eventually take it to a legal claim and a bank chargeback. They gave me 90% of my cash back and I considered that settled. I've been semi-regularly posting on the goon thread ever since.

Three years later, I came back and used what's left on my account to set up and check the game out, see if anything's progressed. You can dispute this if you feel like it, but- it hasn't. The FPS is better, they've added a shitload of new planets, lots of new ship models, and literally everything about the game is still broken. The missions, the economy, the grouping, the ships, the quest NPC's, the combat. Most of this stuff was also broken 3 years ago. From someone who's watched this go on for five years it is very apparent that they have no plan, there is nobody at the helm of this thing. They're a marketing head without the engineering body. It is a very pretty, very empty shell with no content. Without even the possibility of content, because the design is so fundamentally flawed that things will break apart the second they try. They have been "Layering in" the core techs for so long that console games are starting to surpass their engine for visuals. There is no end in sight. They distract with weird but neat doodads like FOIP (also broken) when core mechanics like grouping and trading are so broken that nobody bothers to use them.

Then I come in here, and the community is still doing what drove me out 3 years ago- circlejerk posting about the screenshots, and goomba stomping every person who criticizes. And the prices have gone up by more than double. Years ago the Cutlass was a 100 dollar ship. New stuff like the Terrapin is 220! This whole thread is about a 1400 dollar ship with a 250 dollar addon! This is insane. Three or four years after their launch most games are in the bargain bin and here Star Citizen is asking for your house payment for a ship that doesn't even exist as a flyable model. "Alpha" doesn't shield this.

I don't hate the community- despite the constant attacks and hostility when I post. I am the community. I am a person who bought and who occasionally plays Star Citizen, just like you and everyone else on this sub. But I'm also a person who thinks the game is bad, and without strong pushback from people around here it will stay bad. Though I express frustration with bad posters around here, my actual anger is reserved for the company that took a great game concept and a passionate community, and squandered one while grooming the other into gaming's most obnoxious true-believer cult. There's a reason Star Citizen threads get laughed out of every other sub on reddit and it's not goons brigading you- there are maybe two dozen of us and mostly we sit around photoshopping bear pictures. It is because from the outside, this thing is so patently ridiculous that people cannot believe anyone is still invested in it. It is a bubble that has completely diverged from reality.

In any case that is why I'm here- I wish that this game were better, and I'm deluded enough to believe that maybe if I make the point that it's going in the wrong direction enough times the general tenor around here will change. I used to do it more gently, but after so many years watching the same criticisms get same responses and eventual bans from the sub, a lot of the smooth edges have been filed off and I'm much more bitter in my posting.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1501 on: November 28, 2018, 11:32:06 AM »
Meanwhile over there...

Excellent, and when someone complained he was a complainer and should chill here's his reply:

Very good advice. Enjoy your game, and remember- multicrew ship battles are just around the corner! Constellations vs Idris!
Oops I'm sorry, that video was from 2013. But it's definitely almost here now! Keep spending!

(Hmm, when I paste it into this forum the link ignores the start time delta and starts at the beginning.  It should start 1:40 into the clip.)

You know, I've been following this forum for the SC spectacle for three years now (it took me quite awhile to register) and I think it is more fun than ever!  Looking forward to the Holiday Stream and then an exciting 2019!
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 11:34:15 AM by David-2 »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1502 on: November 28, 2018, 11:38:08 AM »
You know, I've been following this forum for the SC spectacle for three years now (it took me quite awhile to register) and I think it is more fun than ever!  Looking forward to the Holiday Stream and then an exciting 2019!

Oh I think the best is yet to come. That's going to be when the whole shit-show finally collapses.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1503 on: November 28, 2018, 12:34:33 PM »
So The Yamiks gave this game another try...

Missed that one thx, Yamiks is entertaining.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1504 on: November 28, 2018, 01:15:33 PM »
Excellent, and when someone complained he was a complainer and should chill here's his reply:

Excellent response lol.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1505 on: November 28, 2018, 05:38:02 PM »
When Backers say they are "part" of Star Citizen and can see how far it has come they spend more $ on JPEGS.

We need to be reminding them of that when it all goes to shit and they are looking for people other than themselves to blame.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1506 on: November 28, 2018, 08:05:37 PM »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1507 on: November 28, 2018, 09:59:53 PM »
Theory Crafter of the Year goes to.............

Yes, and also Most Optimistic Person Ever Laughing In The Face Of Evidence:
You know when Star Citizen is all said and done and there's resources to experiment or try other things


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1508 on: November 29, 2018, 12:20:04 AM »
Yes, and also Most Optimistic Person Ever Laughing In The Face Of Evidence:

If the project lasts I wouldn't put it past the king of score creep, Lucas Trolleys, to start another game, especially if he was in danger of actually having to release something.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1509 on: November 29, 2018, 04:48:00 AM »
Erh lol. :P

"When you doing that things that have never been done before it takes time. No one has ever done a space game or and fps shooter, plus CIG has really just started development 6 months ago. Stop spreading fud and learn how open development really works. Plus look at the sq42 roadmap that Chris promised to release and how much progress they made on it. "


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1510 on: November 29, 2018, 09:49:53 AM »
This game could do with being adapted to help prepare SC Backers for when CIG collapses.

Soup kitchen Simulator

"FCCK you eat your lemon"  as he delivers an apple...


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1511 on: November 29, 2018, 01:23:44 PM »
Discussion about loading screens at Frontier's. CIG damage control has been called in. This might become funny.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1512 on: November 29, 2018, 03:17:55 PM »
Discussion about loading screens at Frontier's. CIG damage control has been called in. This might become funny.

Got link?  :emot-colbert:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1513 on: November 29, 2018, 05:10:50 PM »
Ship Review - Day 1
Ship Review - Day 2

Ship Review - Day 3

WOULD go here, but yesterday I tried twice and the expo floor was empty both times. Then a loving midwestern blizzard hit, and we lost internet for the entire day. I had to read the thread by mobile phone hotspot like a god drat caveman! So, no origin ship reviews. Instead, we move on to

Ship Review - Day 4

Named for the legendary shield wielded by Greece's most intelligent goddess, Aegis specializes in legendary jpegs sold to Germany's most gullible auditors. As opposed to "Anvil," a combat ship company, and "Origin," the luxury ship company, "Aegis" seems to make... just... all sorts of random poo poo. Salvage ships and combat frigates and little police fighters or something who cares. There is probably some 20 page corporate lore backstory but if there's one thing I have less time for than Chris Roberts' towering self-regard, it is Chris Roberts' corporate fanfiction. I am not at home to rent these so I'm just going to steal pictures from the wiki. gently caress you, Derek doesn't pay me enough to care about this.

Aegis Avenger
Cost 50-85 dollars
Guns 1 big nose gimbal, 2 puny wing guns
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Modest

Reviewer's Thoughts: CIG had this weird period where they started selling the A-10 warthog over and over again. The Avenger was the start of that trend. Basically they introduced this ship that looked like the space shuttle had sex with a Salavador Dali painting, and it had a big gently caress-off nose gatling, and every Citizen in the universe simultaneously orgasmed at the sight of it. Then they did it again with the Gladius. Then they did it again with the Vanguard. Then they... you get the picture. Ironically none of these ships are actually ground attack craft, and the big nose gun tends to be kind of useless. The Avenger is not useless though- it is a decent little ship by Star Citizen standards. It can fight and carry cargo or a box, and it has a ramp, so you won't be instantly murdered by the ladder bug if you try to use it. It also got a "Redesign" which is goddamn hilarious since they were so thorough and fidelitous that they left a giant gently caress-off hole in the interior geometry. Seriously you can sleep in the bed of this thing and look out the hole into space. Naturally this will never be fixed. Also this thing has like 5 variants with no theme that I am aware of. They all suck.

Aegis Gladius
Cost 90 dollars
Guns 1 big nose gimbal, 2 puny wing guns
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Nope
Speed: Zippy

Reviewer's Thoughts: Hey look it's a space A-10 again. I actually really like this ship, it is my favorite fighter in the game. It's not nearly as effective as the Super Hornet but it is a) way cheaper, and b) way more fun to fly. This thing will cause your pilot to black out from acceleration at the slightest twitch of your mouse. Using it in combat is literally a point-and-click adventure because it can turn faster than you can scroll. It will also explode if anything looks at it funny. Once upon a time this was the ship they used to demo "Damage 3.0" or some version number, so it actually comes apart really beautifully. Shots leave big holes in the skin, the wings and components tear off in satisfying ways, and the flight model adjusts to match the damage. Of course they didn't bother to move "Damage 3.0" to any of the other fighters or ships in the game, so it's just the gladius that is now unbelievably fragile, years later. That's okay though, you can pay money for one of the other fighters!

Aegis Sabre
Cost 170 dollars
Guns 2 big nose guns, 2 puny wing guns
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Nope
Speed: Dunno

Reviewer's Thoughts: This is like, the fourth "Space Superiority" fighter in the 170-200 dollar price range. Sure is funny how they keep putting those out, and each new one is better than the old ones. This thing strictly outmatches the Super Hornet in firepower, but I think it's all fixed-forward or something. It is "Stealthy" which in game translates to "You can see it at the same range as every other ship but please imagine that some day you will be an F-22." It has no missiles, so that stealth better be real fuckin' good or it'll be visible at the only range it can fight, regardless. They sold a variant of this, the "Sabre Raven" as some kind of add-on if you bought an Optane hard drive, because Star Citizen has product tie ins just like actual games. I'm pretty sure the Raven variant sucks or maybe nobody bought those HDD's because I've never seen one.

Aegis Vanguard
Cost 225-250 dollars
Guns 1 big nose gun, 4 puny nose guns, a manned turret and a bunch of missiles.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Maybe?
Speed: Sluggish

Reviewer's Thoughts: Hey look it's an A-10/Space Superiority fighter again! It costs more than any of the others, and it has a shitload more firepower! This one is at least slightly imaginative- it's supposed to be a "Long Range Patrol" ship, for like flying the space border to keep out the space migrant caravans I guess. The promotional marketing was heavily based on the F-14 Tomcat which is a carrier based fleet defense ship. Of course all of this is undermined by the fact that in Star Citizen, big capital ships travel ~4 to 5 times faster than fighters. Why you'd ever "Screen" yourself with a ship that goes slower than you, I don't know. gently caress you, buy the Tomcat spaceship. This thing has a small compartment where crewmen can actually stand, so it can probably carry a box but I did not test that. It has the usual superfluous and useless turret. It is very expensive and, based on reports from people who own one, kind of sucks- I think it's too big for its shield size or something? Whatever, who loving cares- it is another fighter in a game with like 40 goddamn fighters, and it costs as much money as the 5-man Constellation while not really making any sense for its intended role. It is peak Star Citizen circa 2017.

Aegis Retaliator
Cost 275 big ol fuckin' dollars
Guns 5 manned turrets and a big fuckin load of useless missiles
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Maybe?
Speed: Glacial

Reviewer's Thoughts: Hey look it's the B-1 bomber in space except it sucks rear end and there's nothing to bomb! This ship is such a tragedy. I think the styling is absolutely beautiful, the intended role (cap-ship killer with torpedos) is kind of neat, and there are enough turrets that it seems credibly threatening to fighters. It was the first big goon buy-in ship, as well, when the hive mind thought that if we had enough of these we would be smoking idiots in their giant Idris ships. Alas for we sweet summer children, it was us who were the idiots, all along. This was also one of the first big ships to be released into the game, amusingly, since I don't think I've actually seen one in-game since about 2015. That's for a very important reason: missiles don't work. They literally do not work- you can't fire them, if you do fire them they don't hit the target, if they do hit the target they don't do damage. This thing is less threatening than a NERF gun. It is a giant loving "Kick Me" sign slapped onto the backs of every person who tried to buy into the Rock-Paper-Scissors power-creep fest that is Star Citizen. It sucks so hard that they never even bothered to sell variants of this turd.

Aegis Eclipse
Cost 275 stealthy dollars
Guns Probably something unrealistically stupid
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Probably?
Speed: Glacial

Reviewer's Thoughts: Does this actually exist in game? Their website says it does. Anyway hey look it's another bomber, and it costs the same as the last one, but this time it's STEALTH. Buy this one instead! I mean it still probably doesn't loving work worth a drat because missiles are complete garbage, but it's a new thing to spend your money on SPEND SPEND SPEND

Aegis Reclaimer
Cost 400 salvaged dollars
Guns I'm sure it's just covered with turrets in retarded places
Can It Do Anything But Fight: It can't even fight
Speed: Glaciers race by this guy

Reviewer's Thoughts: Hey it's the big salvage ship in the game where ships despawn immediately after playing their death animation! Haha, we'd probably fix that, but uh... the servers couldn't loving handle it if wrecks stayed around for more than a minute or two at some locations. Whoops we already sold this to you! Oh well coming soon, keep on waiting for the next patch where we implement the gameplay for this giant ship! Assuming we ever get salvaging in, we'll probably have to think of something to do with that salvage- haha j/k we will turn it into "Scrap" in your cargo hold which can be sold at one of the broken trade consoles in the game for next to nothing! Don't worry it's Tier 0, next time we get around to it this will be the ship of your dreams! Keep on pledging!

This ship is a giant pig and doesn't do anything worth talking about in-game.

Aegis Hammerhead
Cost 725 of your literal, actual US Dollars
Guns All of them. All of the guns.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Sure, gently caress it
Speed: Basically stationary

Reviewer's Thoughts: Uh oh, it's an AEGIS combat ship that doesn't come with a giant gently caress-off nose cannon or STEALTH. That means you probably shouldn't buy it, because a better version will be released the next time their sales dip. So this is the "Gunship corvette" which means it is just covered in manned turrets. It is the first "True" combat capital ship in the game, which I love because it costs as much as my loving month's rent and needs a crew of 3 or more to actually do anything. The pilot doesn't get any guns. So everyone who bought one of these hangar queens is constantly trying in chat to entice any other spacemen onto his giant monument to bad financial planning, and if you see one flying around they're basically guaranteed to have like 1 guy on a turret somewhere and be easily shootable anywhere else. Unfortunately for the eager goon troll, CIG didn't want their brand new combat centerpiece to be TOO easy to destroy- so they made it completely impossible to destroy. This thing has shields for days. You can shoot them until your ammo runs out and not make a dent. Also every turret has the firepower of an entire Constellation. No poo poo- 4xsize 4 guns. That'll basically instagib any smaller ship in the game. If you can get 3 or 4 people on one of these things and put it somewhere with lots of traffic teleporting in, baby you got a grief stew going. If you try to use it for anything else, including other types of combat than ambush camping, you're wasting your loving time. It has a top speed measured in inches per minute, can't turn worth a drat, has zero visibility, appears on people's radars at thirty kilometers out, and has a load of useless missiles that don't do anything slaved to the pilot seat for some reason. It also has all the amenities of a CIG spaceship- bunk beds and showers and locker rooms and engineering stations and cargo hatches and a mess hall, all that good poo poo. None of that does anything, don't bother. It's not even a STEALTH mess-hall. Don't worry, I'm sure when the next most biggest bestest ship comes out, this one will get an emergency upgrade package for only 250 loving dollars or whatever. Just set your money on fire, god drat.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 05:14:55 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1514 on: November 29, 2018, 05:17:36 PM »
Ship Review - Day 1
Ship Review - Day 2
Ship Review - Day 3

Ship Review - Day 5

Named for Nathan Drake, discoverer of Cortez's last expedition, the legendary lost city of gold and also Shambala as well as a few other games I haven't played, Drake Interplanetary is also all about shooting native peoples and relieving them of their treasures. This is the pirate company, that makes illegal pirate ships, for pirating. It's like a company whose primary clientele was Somali pirates. Yeah I don't know how they make any sales either. Also, you cannot actually pirate in Star Citizen. On with the show!

Drake Dragonfly
Price: 40 loving actual dollars for a space bike
Guns: Surprisingly it has a shotgun mounted on it
Speed: Really slow actually
Can It Do Anything Other Than Fight: Can't even fight

Reviewer's Thoughts: I was all prepared to praise CIG for at least having a kind-of-fun hoverbike that works in zero g or on a planet. Then I looked at the price- forty loving dollars! What the hell? This thing isn't a ship, it is like an accessory at best, and it costs as much as existing AAA games! gently caress you Star Citizen. Ugh. Anyway, this bike kind of sucks. For some reason it has shotguns mounted on it but there's nothing to shoot on the ground ever. Its top speed is 50 m/s which, for reference, is half the speed of the glacially slow Hammerhead capital ship. It is actually slower than the two wheeled vehicles in the game. It does have the actually-kind-of-nice feature that, when you're hover-biking, it will raise and lower to keep you just above obstacles like trees and rocks. If it were faster, this would make it far and away the best way to get around on the ground without constantly hitting poo poo. Unfortunately it's slow as poo poo. Oh also if you hit anything, it likes to spazz the gently caress out and just kind of rocket off into space, up up and away like a piece of poo poo. One final note- you cannot set waypoints for yourself while in ground vehicles. This makes getting around extremely challenging at best.

Drake Herald
Price: 85 dollars for a space missile with a chair strapped to it
Guns: Of course it has guns, everything has guns
Speed: Probably pretty fast
Can It Do Anything Other Than Fight: No

Reviewer's Thoughts: Citizens hate on this ship a lot. Not because, as you might expect, it is a "Data Runner" in a game with no data and no running of same, but because it was originally sold with a big weird asymmetric doodad on it and on release it doesn't have that. Citizens are very, very concerned about the visuals of their ships- they don't really give a poo poo if they don't function. Anyway this is another ship that sucks, the whole premise is that it moves poo poo around fast but hey guess what Chris Roberts in another surprise decision made all the small, cheap ships way loving slower than the big ships. So, if you want to move data, hope you bought an Idris cause it'd be faster to stick your extremely fast courier inside your frigate than to fly anywhere in it yourself. Other than that, this thing is crap and it costs 85 dollars. I'd call it robbery but we're just getting started.

Drake Cutlass
Price: 100 dollars
Guns: 4 gimbals, 1 manned turret
Speed: It's alright
Can It Do Anything Other Than Fight: Sure

Reviewer's Thoughts: Ah, the Cutlass. Beer's favorite ship! This ship has a long and troubled history. When it was first launched it was kind of the poster child for what was wrong with Star Citizen. It was billed as a sleek dangerous pirate ship, and Citizens who were at the time terrified of being griefed demanded that it not be as good as their chariots. Ben Lesnick, master of ships, complied and the first version of the Cutlass was a fat tub that looked like crap and flew even worse. It was fragile and pointless and everyone who'd spent 100 bucks on one was incandescently furious. Then it became apparent that goons and pirates in general were not actually going to play Star Citizen, and the furor about being hunted like vermin by genetically superior space bullies died down. Eventually the Cutlass got like 8 reworks, and now in the year of our lord 2018 is actually one of the best ships in the game. It is extremely tough to the point of absurdity, it has good guns, it is fast, it has a nice sized cargo hold, it doesn't have all the frilly bullshit like sinks and espresso machines that clutter half the other ships in the game, and the overall look and feel is very sleek and cool. This'd probably be a 300 dollar ship these days, but it is grandfathered in at 100 dollars. Unfortunately it is still a ship in Star Citizen, which is like being one of the nicest turds in the 1000 foot tall mountain of horse manure.

Drake Buccaneer
Price: 110 dollars
Guns: 2 wings and a nose gun
Speed: Really fast
Can It Do Anything Other Than Fight: No

Reviewer's Thoughts: I don't get this ship. It is another small fighter, and sucks basically worse than any other fighter in the game. It is clearly the "NPC tie-fighter" ship that is designed to be destroyed in the dozens by the player. Yet here it is, for sale to you, at 110 actual dollars. That is right, this ship costs more than the tougher, more dangerous, more "Do-everything" Cutlass. It's... faster, I guess? I mean, only in regular space. The Cutlass is actually faster in QT. So yeah. Don't, uh, don't buy this. Or any other ship in the game.

Drake Caterpillar
Price: 295 dollars
Guns: Apparently this thing has some
Speed: Really slow
Can It Do Anything Other Than Fight: I guess

Reviewer's Thoughts: I love that CIG has set the real life prices and priorities for development based on the aesthetic value of the ships in game. See, luxury ships like the Constellation Phoenix cost 400 dollars and get multiple reworks because they are elite and only rich people get them. This, which is basically a capital ship sized transport? Ew, it's a pirate ship, cut 100 bucks off the price, kick it out the door, never touch it again. Chris reflecting on your stupidity has become like a daily meditation for me, and it hurts. It hurts me, Chris. Anyway the Caterpillar was sold as some kind of piratey pirate ship which never made a lick of goddamn sense because it is a huge unwieldy transport. I guess the idea was that your pirate fleet would disable the enemy and then ride off with the loot in this thing. Also a lot of fuss was made about this thing being able to transport smaller fighters in the cargo bays, which may actually have been the first recorded case of the "It's a POCKET CARRIER" sale. Naturally it can't actually do that- the only fighter that sort of fits is the Merlin and it jitters and explodes if you try it. Oh also this ship was sold with like bulkhead cutters and pirate docking collars for forced boarding actions and none of that ever materialized either because Chris has no idea what he's doing and just kind of makes poo poo up. Luckily, this is currently the best cargo ship in the game with almost double the capacity of the "Starfarer." Unluckily, trade in the game is completely hosed and you can't do bulk trades without running the risk of losing your entire credit balance in one shot. So it's a pirate ship that can't pirate, a trade ship that can't trade, and a pocket carrier that can't carry pockets. But it can sure reach into your pockets. Empty your wallets for Star Citizen and a one way ticket to second-class citizen status, you pirate scum.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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