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Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
I am very much looking forward to this one.
Gorf over on SA has a good write-up (with time stamp links) of the video above, as it relates to our favorite train-wreck
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The guy has a perfect voice for a wry NPR show.
The Competition —When developing the first Rebel Galaxy, they steered clear of a 3d space dogfighting sim, fearing getting crushed by Star Citizen, Elite or No Man’s Sky. But as it turned out, none of those titles delivered the experience they’d had in mind. So now they are.
The Mission Board — Remember when ArcCorp was supposed to have something like this? Now it’s all cockpit based, like Elite, which I personally think is less cool. (Not that Elite has much choice.)
7 In Game Radio Stations — 21 hours of music, spanning genres, with scripted DJs. This is drat COOL. Being in your ship, tunes blaring as your running missions, is going to automatically be more immersive and cool than Robo-voices GalNet updates OR the 200tg repetition of the “tension building” orchestral score Star Citizen loads.
Mission interrupted — The taunting alien on your HUD evokes golden era Chris Roberts games, even while Chris’s $200 million game has no aliens still. (Oh, and look, a fun flight model, too. Whodathunk you need that in a dogfighting game?)
Cockpit damage — Nice, familiar touch. And I love the half-realistic, half-cartoonish explosions.
Starmap — Too straightforward and easy to use. Needs to be made far more overcomplicated and unusable to really compete at the Quadruple A game level.
Landing at a Base to do Repairs, Upgrades and R&R — Automatic docking and loading screens sure help speed up the boring, repetitive stuff. Prior to PG, Star Citizen was planning to do a little bit of this, too. I guess some people feel like autopiloting and shortcuts kill immersiveness, so maybe total immersion in boredom is a superior alternative.
Gambling for Money or Ship Parts — Such an obvious and appealing addition to such a game. It’d be better with additional NPCs and more complex games — the Red Dead gambling sessions were fantastic — but it’s a $30 indie. Still a better leisure activity than anything in Star acitizen or Elite to date. (And holographic chess isn’t going to work no matter how good it looks...)
Merchant’s Guild — Unlocks new missions for Cargo delivery.
There’s 45 more minutes of this stuff. I won’t write up it all but for a $30 indie, it’s looking drat promising. This is in such a sweet spot between the dinky but gorgeous No Man’s Sky (an exploration/crafting/survival sim) and the sprawling, ponderous, joyless giants. I hope they make an absolute fortune and keep upping their game for this franchise, because it looks a lot more like the kind of space game I’d rather play these days.
You know, the Fun kind.
Autopursuit — Oh I like this.
Wagering for Ship Parts - Fully simulated 8 ball pool. Nice. (Which ship in Star Citizen has the pool table again? And what can you do with it?)
How long until Chris has a fever dream and commissions a skunk works team to minigame up the boring rear end Verse? Weeks not months, I reckon.
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Another preview
Sounds cool. I loved the first game (ok, other gameplay but fun)
The first game was 2.5D. This one is full 3D and looks like Privateer meets Freelancer with a dash of Firefly (the movie)
The upgrades from the small ship to the big vessel with a lot of cannons.... :grin:
Amd a good pace of progress.
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