Author Topic: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed  (Read 47398 times)


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2019, 05:33:47 PM »
Is he having a panic attack over Lumberyard?

What does your heart tell you? :emot-lol:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2019, 11:21:05 PM »
I don't think he is pulling his hair out over it.  :afro:


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2019, 11:40:49 PM »
Is he having a panic attack over Lumberyard?

Its fine, CI will save Amazon like PC gaming, by selling their cool MMO tech to Amazon ;)
Server smashing tech will save all Amazon projects.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2019, 06:51:44 AM »
This is great news for Star Citizen.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2019, 03:55:53 AM »
This is great news for Star Citizen.


You know what Slap? You are ok.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2019, 04:41:45 PM »
Derek just tweeted about LumberYard's discontinuation. However he hasn't linked any website in his tweet stating more to come.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2019, 12:54:21 AM »
Derek: "BREAKING NEWS! Amazon's Lumberyard engine - for all intent and purposes - is history."
John van der Burg (Animation Systems Tech Lead at Amazon): "You know more than me if that is true :)"
Derek: "You guys on the inside are almost always the last to know - anything because when it comes to exec level decisions most of you don't matter because those decisions are usually above your pay grade. It's dead. Whether it's used internally or not is irrelevant - and nobody cares."

I was reading it before and it's awesome. The exchange was longer but I can't find those tweets now, maybe some got deleted? or I saw them in other thread, I'm not sure.

P.S. I've just joined this forum but I've been lurking for years. I work in software development and Star Citizen project is just awesome, in the sense of teaching us all how not to do things (if your objective is to deliver a product, I mean, because if your objective is just to get people to pay you millions then they have done it right).


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2019, 02:13:03 AM »
Problem is with that tweet is that there are no stories or official announcements about LumberYard being shitcanned. Derek won't cite where he got the information.
If it's an inside source within CIG who just got the news from their superior then sure, Derek wouldn't disclose them for fear of litigation.

BTW, does anyone find it funny that anonymous devs at Amazon who state that LumberYard wasn't made for multiplayer games yet the shillizens chant "Server side OCS" and "Server meshing" as part of their hymn to solve serious network issues?
If that were the case aren't CIG bound by licence to share that tech with Amazon? Amazon shouldn't be "driving a train while laying the track" if CIG had shared their jesus patches with them.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2019, 11:40:36 AM »
Derek: "BREAKING NEWS! Amazon's Lumberyard engine - for all intent and purposes - is history."
John van der Burg (Animation Systems Tech Lead at Amazon): "You know more than me if that is true :)"
Derek: "You guys on the inside are almost always the last to know - anything because when it comes to exec level decisions most of you don't matter because those decisions are usually above your pay grade. It's dead. Whether it's used internally or not is irrelevant - and nobody cares."

I was reading it before and it's awesome. The exchange was longer but I can't find those tweets now, maybe some got deleted? or I saw them in other thread, I'm not sure.

P.S. I've just joined this forum but I've been lurking for years. I work in software development and Star Citizen project is just awesome, in the sense of teaching us all how not to do things (if your objective is to deliver a product, I mean, because if your objective is just to get people to pay you millions then they have done it right).
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen's Lumberyard Engine Is Doomed
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2019, 11:42:33 AM »
Problem is with that tweet is that there are no stories or official announcements about LumberYard being shitcanned. Derek won't cite where he got the information.
If it's an inside source within CIG who just got the news from their superior then sure, Derek wouldn't disclose them for fear of litigation.

I got it from several sources at Amazon. One of them is one of the sources that leaked this to the media during E3.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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