So, Relay did an interview with Faceware here
It took them about 2 months to get that face shit into the game. What have CIG been doing for the other 14 months then?
Edit: it's not intended to say negative things in the comments. Mine got deleted and I immediately got banned 
And I only said that it was too bad that SC would never see the light of day.
I'm guessing they will remove that whole article as soon as CIG crashes :cop:
Update: never mind, Relay is a fansite :doh:
The story of Relay. They are the ex-INN guys who, through me, found out that their boss was apparently getting money & gifts from CIG while stiffing them.
So barely weeks after I wrote this
INN Conspiracy expose blog, they pulled off a mutiny (it was nasty) which had them and their boss slinging stones at each other on Reddit for weeks. Left by himself to run INN, I guess the money dried up - so it's dead now.
The scheming reprobates then went on to form Relay carrying out the propaganda business as usual.
That's why you got banned. They're de facto Shitizens; and one of them, an ass-clown named Trevor Noblitt (aka Dolvak), is a mod (he was booted before, but he's back a few weeks ago) on /r/starcitizen