Author Topic: Star Citizen Media Musings  (Read 1343496 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #915 on: January 29, 2019, 05:17:27 AM »
So... That’s pretty much same as being jealous of Bernie Madoff.

Not really. I expect no return from any investment. I only need a couple of video games. They'll arrive in due course.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #916 on: January 29, 2019, 05:39:37 AM »
Please gents, don't feed the troll.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #917 on: January 29, 2019, 06:26:46 AM »
Please gents, don't feed the troll.

Your last two replies to me have amounted to shouting, 'no you!', at me and then sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting gibberish.

Congratulations on looking less stupid than usual with this approach.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #918 on: January 29, 2019, 08:04:56 AM »
Since it has all the signs you really are not trolling, I will follow my own advice right after my final reply...

The only one looking stupid - and by stupid I mean really, really dumb - here, is you.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #919 on: January 29, 2019, 08:12:57 AM »
Since it has all the signs you really are not trolling, I will follow my own advice right after my final reply...

The only one looking stupid - and by stupid I mean really, really dumb - here, is you.

Only time will tell who has been looking stupid but I will say, I haven't had any predictions destroyed by CIGs progress and continuing survival. You, however, have been wrong on many occasions already.

How would you define 'dumb'? Is it being wrong over and over again?


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #920 on: January 29, 2019, 08:13:05 AM »
Slapme&c. does not really like or have confidence in Star Citizen and CIG.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #921 on: January 29, 2019, 09:36:42 AM »
Slapme&c. does not really like or have confidence in Star Citizen and CIG.

I haven't played the alpha for about a year and I'm perfectly open to the possibility of a huge crash and burn for CIG. I don't believe the fanatics from either side are accurate with their predictions but I do like interacting with them.

I'm looking forward to playing the games when squadron is out and the PU has more content.

I'm just a middling kinda guy, entrenched in apathy.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #922 on: January 29, 2019, 10:15:55 AM »
Jealous of the attention, the funding, the fans queueing up to get into a convention for this 'broken mess' of a project, jealous of their ability to secure funding from investors and banking institutions, jealous of their ability to create something that hundreds of thousands of people are excited by, jealous of the thousands playing their game and having fun, jealous of streamers giving free advertising, jealous of the press taking an interest in what they've accomplished.

Nope. Not my style. Plus, why would I be jealous of a project that I helped kick off right from the start. How does that work exactly?  :emot-iiam:

If you're honest, you will agree that until they dragged me into this fiasco back in July 2015, I wasn't even paying ANY attention to the project - at all. I tend not to follow projects that I fund. I just wait to hear of they release or are dead. e.g. the recent ones I got my rewards for were SoTA and Bloom Labyrinth; both of which I posted about on Twitter when I was notified that my games were ready.

I mean, I'm fucking jealous of raking in thirty plus million dollars a year and I'm nowhere near the business of making video games.

Maybe I'm just a terrible person.

:emot-lol: Well there is a fine line between jealousy and envy
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #923 on: January 29, 2019, 10:17:07 AM »
My effort post just got eaten by something called Cleantalk.
Testing: is this post coming through?

Edit: great, this short remark comes through but not my proper post  :cry:

Did you include some links, used suspicious words etc. CleanTalk is pretty aggressive with that. You could also have just used the back button and resubmitted. :(
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #924 on: January 29, 2019, 10:33:20 AM »
So... That’s pretty much same as being jealous of Bernie Madoff.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #925 on: January 29, 2019, 10:34:45 AM »
but I will say, I haven't had any predictions destroyed by CIGs progress and continuing survival.

Wait! Is that because you have zero expectations?  :emot-allears:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #926 on: January 29, 2019, 11:38:04 AM »
I haven't played the alpha for about a year and I'm perfectly open to the possibility of a huge crash and burn for CIG. I don't believe the fanatics from either side are accurate with their predictions but I do like interacting with them.

I'm looking forward to playing the games when squadron is out and the PU has more content.

I'm just a middling kinda guy, entrenched in apathy.
Good to hear we're both open to the possibility of a huge crash and burn for CIG. It will be both hilarious and sad.
I hope your enjoyment of SC will match how much you payed for it.
I'd say, if you're middle of the road, just let the fanatics be and watch the show. That's what I'm doing too.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #927 on: January 29, 2019, 11:53:29 AM »
Nope. Not my style. Plus, why would I be jealous of a project that I helped kick off right from the start. How does that work exactly?  :emot-iiam:

If you're honest, you will agree that until they dragged me into this fiasco back in July 2015, I wasn't even paying ANY attention to the project - at all. I tend not to follow projects that I fund. I just wait to hear of they release or are dead. e.g. the recent ones I got my rewards for were SoTA and Bloom Labyrinth; both of which I posted about on Twitter when I was notified that my games were ready.

:emot-lol: Well there is a fine line between jealousy and envy

I'd never heard of Chris or you before Star Citizen but I do remember reading your first blog about it all. It seemed to me at the time that you were using the success of SC to advertise your own product. That first blog had about half it's content describing LOD. They banned you shortly after for using their platform to promote your own product. Yes I know you never posted on their forums, but that's irrelevant. You were using what they had built for personal gain.

I think it would be hard for someone like yourself to not feel a little jealous of this success, especially after pooh poohing the return of Chris and David, over at Frontier, on twitter. Must have hurt a little to watch them both go from strength to strength.

I'm waiting on a few Kickstarters too, none of which I check up on. I also have a lifetime expansion pass thing for elite as well.

Wait! Is that because you have zero expectations?  :emot-allears:

Not at all, I'm just not daft enough to pretend I know what's going to happen in the future.

Good to hear we're both open to the possibility of a huge crash and burn for CIG. It will be both hilarious and sad.
I hope your enjoyment of SC will match how much you payed for it.
I'd say, if you're middle of the road, just let the fanatics be and watch the show. That's what I'm doing too.

I spent a few hundred dollarpounds on a freelancer and an avenger. Then I made a voiceattack profile and shared it with the community. They demanded to give me some money for it, so now I'm easily concierge with other people's cash. That probably helps my apathetic standpoint. I do wonder how I'd be feeling if I'd spent thousands of my own cash...

Google 'voiceattack Anna', if you wish to know more. She's my little SC baby and I love her.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 01:08:42 PM by Slapmeandcallmegurl »


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #928 on: January 29, 2019, 12:04:00 PM »
I spend a volume hundred dollarpounds on a freelancer and an avenger. Then I made a voiceattack profile and shared it with the community. They demanded to give me some money for it, so now I'm easily concierge with other people's cash. That probably helps my apathetic standpoint. I do wonder how I'd be feeling if I'd spend thousands of my own cash...

Google 'voiceattack Anna', if you wish to know more. She's my little SC baby and I love her.
Sounds like you're getting creative fun out of this, good. Indeed a smooth voice!
Maybe I assumed you to be too negative after your remark that Derek was jealous. That itself was an assumption. Such things create tension in the forum. I'll try to avoid that and use these pages just as a source of info.

Did you include some links, used suspicious words etc. CleanTalk is pretty aggressive with that. You could also have just used the back button and resubmitted. :(
I can sometimes get around it by using 'reply' in stead of 'quote'. But not always, just did so and got on the cleantalk page. Returned to the edit page, resubmitted, got a 'you already posted' message.
Now I'm on a returning 'you post to quickly' message because of my various attempts. Adblocker turned of now too, because it also talked about enabling javascript.

Maybe I can modify this existing post that got through earlier.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 01:26:27 PM by Beexoffel »

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #929 on: January 29, 2019, 12:57:29 PM »
Yeah, I guess Serendipity's moral compass is in the trash can as well. Perhaps he can stay at the room with no view as well as his hero, Bernie.


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