Nope. Not my style. Plus, why would I be jealous of a project that I helped kick off right from the start. How does that work exactly? 
If you're honest, you will agree that until they dragged me into this fiasco back in July 2015, I wasn't even paying ANY attention to the project - at all. I tend not to follow projects that I fund. I just wait to hear of they release or are dead. e.g. the recent ones I got my rewards for were SoTA and Bloom Labyrinth; both of which I posted about on Twitter when I was notified that my games were ready.
Well there is a fine line between jealousy and envy
I'd never heard of Chris or you before Star Citizen but I do remember reading your first blog about it all. It seemed to me at the time that you were using the success of SC to advertise your own product. That first blog had about half it's content describing LOD. They banned you shortly after for using their platform to promote your own product. Yes I know you never posted on their forums, but that's irrelevant. You were using what they had built for personal gain.
I think it would be hard for someone like yourself to not feel a little jealous of this success, especially after pooh poohing the return of Chris and David, over at Frontier, on twitter. Must have hurt a little to watch them both go from strength to strength.
I'm waiting on a few Kickstarters too, none of which I check up on. I also have a lifetime expansion pass thing for elite as well.
Wait! Is that because you have zero expectations? 
Not at all, I'm just not daft enough to pretend I know what's going to happen in the future.
Good to hear we're both open to the possibility of a huge crash and burn for CIG. It will be both hilarious and sad.
I hope your enjoyment of SC will match how much you payed for it.
I'd say, if you're middle of the road, just let the fanatics be and watch the show. That's what I'm doing too.
I spent a few hundred dollarpounds on a freelancer and an avenger. Then I made a voiceattack profile and shared it with the community. They demanded to give me some money for it, so now I'm easily concierge with other people's cash. That probably helps my apathetic standpoint. I do wonder how I'd be feeling if I'd spent thousands of my own cash...
Google 'voiceattack Anna', if you wish to know more. She's my little SC baby and I love her.