Oh, yes. The proof is so good. It must be shaking the sunk-cost shitizens (and the shills) internally in their "boots" knowing they are losing the faux denial game as well as seeing the proof that $400 million was already wasted on this criminalistic ponzi all because of being fooled and the greed and double-down denial of not changing engines and perpetuating a .jpg scam instead by CRobbers. I happened to see "DG360" 's "reaction" video (
www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIpDosEUpEM) which was a pathetic fake excuse themed video where he claimed he left ED initially because he felt griefing was not supported enough. big "danger" themed bs. (Anyone can go to the known populated areas and find gankers quickly in open if one wants to challenge them, during more peak playing times of course, but I guess what DG really means, even pretentiously, being able to gank and ambush small fry/seal-clubbing in a bigger ship, lol) It was obvious he had left because he had dumped ED entirely in favor of SC selling out to cig as a SC shill channel for years.
The citizenship response seems to be "you can't walk inside your ship so it is rubbish". I bet ship interiors will get added eventually though. FDev are pretty good at iterating on the game with achievable goals rather than just promising everything and delivering very little of it.
Exactly. FDev had always been steadily working on ED gradually and with realistic and legitimate operations and consideration, and always kept their financials and business processes square with no funny financials-shell gaming, or predatory marketing and p2w shenanigans, unlike cig. They ignore the naysaying, rather let it percolate on their official boards by pathetic trolls who "play" the game of blaming the game and the devs rather than play the game itself. Fdev also worked on Odyssey indirectly with crossdev from their other games PC, JWE and PZ. Horizons mainly got delayed because of the PS4 port challenge, imo. And all still within the 10-year planning for 2015 on, where FDev are gradually fulfilling all the preconcept kickstarter paintings drawn incl. spacelegs, station malls, etc., shown since 2012-4. Frontier licensing out the Bowie song must have been a higher marketing expense investment for them in a very long time.
Here's a "collage" of recent comments on yt in reaction to the gameplay in-game footage trailer. At least plenty of people are wised up to the scam of SC and can recognize that ED is the real deal if they hadn't before, or had forgotten. (first comment is a favorite,

) Have fun with it, all. o7!

(EDIT: I've updated the collage where it has maybe about double the comments now,

, enjoy. )