Author Topic: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.  (Read 2143178 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #795 on: August 12, 2017, 10:00:30 AM »
So, they are trending now. Basically, we don't release schedules anymore because we are always moving forward :doh:

Even the rusty, ancient Soviet Union managed to set up five-year plans and keep doing them, and that was like a century ago. CIG is an epic fail in virtually every way an organization is supposed to work, from leadership, marketing,  finances, scheduling, production to communication.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #796 on: August 12, 2017, 10:38:44 AM »

Check out this one aswell: Seeing 2.6.3 at Gamescom will feel embarrassing :lol: :golfclap:

It's hard to pinpoint which of all opinions being expressed (by multiple people) on that sub is the most deluded, but I propose it is "we see progress every week".


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #797 on: August 12, 2017, 10:44:46 AM »
Breaking news! At Games Com, Chris will announce that there probably will be a major announcement at Shitizen Con. But just to be sure, he makes no promises about that.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #798 on: August 12, 2017, 06:33:53 PM »
Breaking news! At Games Com, Chris will announce that there probably will be a major announcement at Shitizen Con. But just to be sure, he makes no promises about that.

"We have learnt over the last year that telling Backers that we are releasing a major update to the game in a few weeks time,  causes them to believe that we are actually going to do that, so we have decided to carry on doing that because now everyone knows that I am a f%%%%g lying C&&*"


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #799 on: August 12, 2017, 06:39:45 PM »
So, they are trending now. Basically, we don't release schedules anymore because we are always moving forward :doh:

Star Trekking across the universe, we are only going forward cos we can't find reverse"

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #800 on: August 12, 2017, 10:27:19 PM »
Isn't the latest update from CIG that there will be no more updates. Apparently for every fault the correct more pop up, the list is never ending and they don't have any idea how  long ti will take to fix. That sounds pretty ominous for a game 5 years in with a record sized payroll,  limited funds and a funding base that is shrinking rapidly. 

Even if I was a believer the SMART money would be on a refund.
I am enjoying this more that the game.

Off topic but do you think his marriage will survive this?
Ah that's mean. But I do wonder considering how shallow and short lived these Hollywood marriages are. Certainly Roberts career is finished. He would be lucky to be able to sell fish tacos in Ensenada when this is finished.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 10:30:16 PM by Spunky Munkee »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #801 on: August 12, 2017, 10:41:15 PM »
I had to laugh when I saw their updated schedule without a date. They can now drag out the development forever because they'll keep finding bugs.

And, what were they thinking having rotating planets and objects? It adds nothing to the gameplay and will give them an unending source of unfixable physics bugs.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 10:56:03 PM by N0mad »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #802 on: August 13, 2017, 02:12:53 AM »
He would be lucky to be able to sell fish tacos in Ensenada when this is finished.

Well, actually, if he did, I would expect a long line of customers. You see, he is going to make the best fish tacos in the world. He will make tacos that are not only tacos, but also wraps, and pretzels, and donuts. He also is looking to add some sauce based on toppings for pizza's and possible integrating foreign quick food like shoarma, döner-kebab, hotdogs and fallafel.

Now, the thing is, back in highschool, he sold cookies for the boy-scouts. It turned out that he bought more cookies than he could sell, so in the end, the boy-scouts had to buy his purchases, but who cares. He has shown the right spirit! So, the only thing to do now is for the customers to pay him in advance. Because he has to buy a van, the kitchen stuff, an interior designer et cetera and after that, he has to start designing the TBDFTE. So, here are some nice photoshop drawings of special taco's. Buy them now, so you'll help him design them.

But remember, no promises! This new way of designing and baking taco's has never ever been done before! So, I can't tell you how long it will take for him to deliver those taco's. There might be some premature taco's to taste, but as people are regularly being rushed to the hospital he cannot tell when he will be starting actually feeding people. Luckily, most of them don't mind the wait or the starvation, because once they get their taco's, it'll be heaven. Heaven in Hell even! In the meantime, his wife will make short videoclips where you will see Chris trying to buy a van, walking in groceriestores and tasting all kind of stuff in a restaurant kitchen that he has rented. With full staff that are waiting for the remodelling and a sign outside that says opening soon in a year yet to be defined.

The fact that Gordon Ramsay made a comment that that is not the way to create and cook a taco, let alone opening and managing a restaurant - when designing for a taco-van - doesn't matter. Since Gordon doesn't know about taco's.

Now, can I interest anyone in a nice photoshop drawing of a taco with Dutch cheese? It'll be a limited edition, priced at $ 999,- that I can only print 100 copies of. Until I decide to print some more of course. Now available but for a limited time, since there's a huge cooking event where al the masterchefs are showing their latest stuff and I really like to drive push my van inside the exhibitionhall, so please buy one. I promise I will make some drawings. And create video's! Honestly!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 10:43:16 AM by Motto »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #803 on: August 13, 2017, 02:25:19 AM »
So, the only thing to do now is for the customers to pay him in advance. Because he has to buy a van, the kitchen stuff, an interior designer et cetera and after that, he has to start designing the TBDFTE. So, here are some nice photoshop drawings of special taco's. Buy them now, so you'll help him design them.

You left out a bit - before he buys all the stuff to make Tacos (the van, the kitchen, the staff), he first needs to hire a shed load (make that 4) of designers and artists to work on Taco concept art and produce demos of the real thing (pictures, not Tacos duh). Together with a marketing department and video production staff for all the videos he has to make.

Then he needs to spend 4 years redesigning the oven.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 02:27:54 AM by N0mad »

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #804 on: August 13, 2017, 02:49:39 AM »
He also has to custom design the special fryers for the fish, presses for the tortillas and cutters for the cabbage.

 The fish must be his own genetic mutation, guaranteed not to have any bones, just like it's creator, just ask his wife.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #805 on: August 14, 2017, 02:59:29 PM »
So, PC Invasion did an article about the delay, and this comment deserves some extra attention. And not just for the term "Scam Citizen".


Scam Citizen should be the title. Apparently the new method to market this mostly incomplete game is to create a reality show to prove just how hard everybody is working. Mind you it does not say just how much they REALLY get done. What do I mean? Chris Roberts decided early on to take Cryengine, an engine best suited for single player FPS and modify it for an MMO style of play, and use it in a style and scale of play that had never been attempted, with an engine ill suited for its task. His reasoning? It would look good. After all looking good is better than being good in Chris Roberts world. Here we are over FIVE years later. Somewhere in the vicinity of One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars spent. CIG is making claims that once they get the underlying tech to work all of the previously completed work and models will suddenly fall into place and VIOLA! You will have a game.From my understanding this is not the truth on how things work in game creation. They should have all the underlying tech complete from the start (this is where building a custom game engine best suited for the task at hand would have paid off handsomely) and then build the missions leading to the art work and worlds. They built the cart first and cant get the donkey to pull it. Bass ackwards full steam ahead. Another monumental failure on an epic scale, even a larger blunder than Freelancer was before Microsoft saved it from Roberts MISMANAGEMENT. Chris Roberts graduated with honors from the Governments create a problem and spend lots of other peoples money and hire people smarter than yourself to solve it school. The problem is that the greatest problem is sitting in the Chairman's seat. If you begin with a failed premise the rest of the project is bound to fail regardless of how much of other peoples money is thrown at it. Many of the best minds left the project years ago. Perhaps they saw that the project had struck the figurative iceberg and it was a matter of time before it sank? Regardless, CIG is way behind in their own estimates and even they cannot make a reasonable guess as to when they can release any patches to improve the game. Come on guys, anything? You can't release a single thing to assure the backers that all is not lost???It does not bode well. Many long time backers have a bitter taste in their mouth and feel betrayed by Roberts and his overoptimistic appraisals after his years of constant scope creep. Finances appear to be getting tighter as the time passes and backers close their wallets. It's time to fish or cut bait so to speak. What will be the fate of this behemoth? Will it collapse? Will it be auctioned off to a Chinese gaming corporation for pennies on the dollar so that the bank can recoup its collateral on it's two loans that are outstanding? Will backers lose every penny? Tune in in a few months after watching many episodes of CIG's reality game "creation" show" AS THE STOMACH TURNS" starring Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner with a cameo by Big Ben as the mascot.What a mess. So glad I got my refund.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #806 on: August 15, 2017, 07:37:39 AM »
completed work and models will suddenly fall into place and VIOLA! You will have a game.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 05:07:04 PM by StanTheMan »

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #807 on: August 15, 2017, 12:24:19 PM »
I guess backers cant even finger paint any longer.
look at poor "STAN THE MAN" it's tragic.
Repeated exposure to Star Citizen and Roberts videos  turns its viewers into babbling drooling imbeciles! We must find a cure. perhaps the Smart institute of higher brain function can help?
If the cure is found perhaps we can cure him and hundreds of thousands mutants.  :D


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #808 on: August 15, 2017, 12:48:04 PM »
So, they are trending now. Basically, we don't release schedules anymore because we are always moving forward :doh:

Even the rusty, ancient Soviet Union managed to set up five-year plans and keep doing them, and that was like a century ago. CIG is an epic fail in virtually every way an organization is supposed to work, from leadership, marketing,  finances, scheduling, production to communication.
Not quite a proper analogy, as failing your five year plan in the Soviet Union was a great way to take an unscheduled ten-year vacation to Siberia -- if you were lucky. I don't think CIG is doing that with their employees.

"When a man knows he is about to be hanged, it concentrates the mind wonderfully."


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #809 on: August 15, 2017, 12:51:14 PM »
The fact that Gordon Ramsay made a comment that that is not the way to create and cook a taco, let alone opening and managing a restaurant - when designing for a taco-van - doesn't matter. Since Gordon doesn't know about taco's.

Doubly hilarious as Ramsay himself says he's a better manager than a chef.

(Note: This doesn't mean Ramsay himself is a BAD chef, he just views his best skills in management rather than cooking)

Maybe we should implore Gordon Ramsay to take over management of CIG and the Star Citizen project?


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