Author Topic: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.  (Read 2142598 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #975 on: August 31, 2017, 05:38:50 AM »
Stan. Bat-girl. Do they know which part of her name is true and which part  is false?

I bet these backers couldn't care less about Batgirl's carrying around a bat in her undies.

They probably are just are so oblivious that they wouldn't know the difference.. F*cking scary.

Bat girl has definitely been laid. 

Bored Gamer ... don't think so..

Schoolyard insults really make you appear as a normal, rational human being. Calling someone a virgin? Is that the best you got? Disappointing.

I'm sure that if you actually read and understood what he wrote, it would be obvious that he meant to say PAID not LAID. Try harder.


Several of your posts have been removed, and you have been issued yet another warning.

Stay on topic (not me, discuss Star Citizen) or you will be perma-banned for good this time. You want to discuss/attack me, stay on /r/ds and do it there.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 05:42:03 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #976 on: August 31, 2017, 05:39:49 AM »
Ummm. It's not about Derek.
Nobody is trying to get their money back from Derek.
Derek has not made an ass of himself streaming live around the world showing off his $157 Million dollar failure.
Derek does not need to prove his credibility because he has not taken countless Millions of backers money and pissed it away like a drunken sailor on a half baked dream that will never work.
I think there is a separate area to discus Derek's games, this is the Star Citizen discussion forum.
Derek has not been caught tripping on his own lies repeatedly.

You cultists always come to the anti cult page trying to make the weak appear to be the strong, the wrong to be the right. You have one problem, this project is an abysmal failure. There was nothing they could show that worked well, nothing to indicate that the last years efforts of 400 employees was well spent, well directed and managed and that the backers actually have something worthwhile to use and gauge the project's progress by. If this was a Saturn moon launch it would have resulted in Gus Grissoms death.

Please show us something in that presentation where we can look and be blown away by the BDSSE.
Something, anything?
You cannot. Why. This project was led by an inept buffoon who talked a good game but was in way over his pointy head.
The chickens are coming home to roost. You seem to think that you are scoring some sort of victory here.
I was watching the Goons You Tube video and almost pissed myself because it was just that bad.

Is your game so boring and lacking in content that you would rather spend time here? You know, you don't need to keep your money tied up in the game and you could still try arguing for Roberts, it does not cost anything to be wrong and publicly admit it.

Hello, a lot of my points are about Derek because I believe he makes stuff up all the time. I believe he's unhealthily obsessed with SC and spends far too long writing about it online.

And this has WHAT to do with Star Citizen's success or failure?

I believe this thread is about your self proclaimed ELE and I believe it's not happening. Your predictions regarding the ELE, and the validity of said claims, are surely worth debating in a thread with this title.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #977 on: August 31, 2017, 05:42:59 AM »
Stan. Bat-girl. Do they know which part of her name is true and which part  is false?

I bet these backers couldn't care less about Batgirl's carrying around a bat in her undies.

They probably are just are so oblivious that they wouldn't know the difference.. F*cking scary.

Bat girl has definitely been laid. 

Bored Gamer ... don't think so..

Schoolyard insults really make you appear as a normal, rational human being. Calling someone a virgin? Is that the best you got? Disappointing.

I'm sure that if you actually read and understood what he wrote, it would be obvious that he meant to say PAID not LAID. Try harder.

Also, several of your posts have been removed, and you have been issues yet another warning.

Stay on topic (not me, discuss Star Citizen) or you will be perma-banned for good this time. You want to discuss me, stay on /r/ds and do it there.

Good lord man, deleting the post where I highlight your failed predictions regarding this fictional ELE in a thread about the ELE and a slap on the wrist for calling out a post that has since been edited without changing the bit you claim I misunderstood? Pathetic to be honest. Discourse allowed you said...just not if it doesn't agree with you.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #978 on: August 31, 2017, 05:44:08 AM »
Ummm. It's not about Derek.
Nobody is trying to get their money back from Derek.
Derek has not made an ass of himself streaming live around the world showing off his $157 Million dollar failure.
Derek does not need to prove his credibility because he has not taken countless Millions of backers money and pissed it away like a drunken sailor on a half baked dream that will never work.
I think there is a separate area to discus Derek's games, this is the Star Citizen discussion forum.
Derek has not been caught tripping on his own lies repeatedly.

You cultists always come to the anti cult page trying to make the weak appear to be the strong, the wrong to be the right. You have one problem, this project is an abysmal failure. There was nothing they could show that worked well, nothing to indicate that the last years efforts of 400 employees was well spent, well directed and managed and that the backers actually have something worthwhile to use and gauge the project's progress by. If this was a Saturn moon launch it would have resulted in Gus Grissoms death.

Please show us something in that presentation where we can look and be blown away by the BDSSE.
Something, anything?
You cannot. Why. This project was led by an inept buffoon who talked a good game but was in way over his pointy head.
The chickens are coming home to roost. You seem to think that you are scoring some sort of victory here.
I was watching the Goons You Tube video and almost pissed myself because it was just that bad.

Is your game so boring and lacking in content that you would rather spend time here? You know, you don't need to keep your money tied up in the game and you could still try arguing for Roberts, it does not cost anything to be wrong and publicly admit it.

Hello, a lot of my points are about Derek because I believe he makes stuff up all the time. I believe he's unhealthily obsessed with SC and spends far too long writing about it online.

And this has WHAT to do with Star Citizen's success or failure?

I believe this thread is about your self proclaimed ELE and I believe it's not happening. Your predictions regarding the ELE, and the validity of said claims, are surely worth debating in a thread with this title.

The E.L.E. is about the Star Citizen project. It has nothing to do with "attacking me for voicing an opinion". Discuss why YOU don't think there is an E.L.E and people will engage in you specifically that. Why is it that others can do that, but you can't, and find every reason to inject me into practically every single post you make? You DO realize that NONE of that is going to make ANY difference to the fate of the project, right?

Most of us are of the opinion that it's a scam, that the project is FUBAR, and that a complete collapse is forthcoming.

Most of you guys don't think so.

Discuss. See how simple that is?
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #979 on: August 31, 2017, 05:45:47 AM »
Of course I do. Do you realise that your sources are apparently full of shit and feeding you duff information that is proven time and time again to be bullshit?

It's your ELE and I don't believe you. Of course it's about you.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #980 on: August 31, 2017, 05:49:53 AM »
Derek or anyone else doesn't have to be 100% correct on predictions.

Sources can be wrong, indeed you would expect them all to be wrong on some things because they are human and not able to see into the future whilst making predictions.

You also seem to want to argue that this project is being released if funding continues, whilst at the same time blaming Derek that as a result of funding continuing some of his predictions haven't come to pass.

But one need not concern oneself with Derek's predictions or his expert opinion or anything else he has said or done.

One need only apply simple critical thinking to what CRoberts has said and what he has delivered and you are left with the indisputable fact that he is a liar, a terrible project manager, terrible developer and in this for money rather than for the fame or the good of gamers and the genre.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 05:53:11 AM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #981 on: August 31, 2017, 05:57:05 AM »
Again with the absolutes Stan, it's either this or that with no chance of anything in-between. I don't believe CR is a hero god, worthy of worship and I don't believe he's an evil, lying scumbag worthy of jail time. It's probably somewhere in the middle. Over ambitious, made some mistakes, tried the wrong thing at the wrong time, great ideas, poor communication etc etc.

The very fact Derek won't allow evidence of his predictions being wrong and his sources to be full of it on this forum should make you stop and think for a minute. If he's so sure he's right, why delete my perfectly valid post about previous predictions from sources he was 100% sure about?


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #982 on: August 31, 2017, 06:02:13 AM »
Of course I do. Do you realise that your sources are apparently full of shit and feeding you duff information that is proven time and time again to be bullshit?

That's why terms like true, false, success, failure etc, exist. Even in news media, some sources tend to either have incorrect or stale information, or they pass along nonsense.

You can be in denial all you want, but considering how many IMPORTANT and RELEVANT things I've been right about thus far, I take comfort in the thought that my sources are well placed, and well informed. Whatever you think, is immaterial and inconsequential. And it's hilarious that you guys get more information from me, than you do from CIG.

It's your ELE and I don't believe you. Of course it's about you.

It's not "my E.L.E". That statement is yet another example that you're just throwing stuff at a wall to see what sticks.

I coined that term specifically as a series of on-going events which I believe will lead to the collapse of the project. I wrote an entire blog about it back on 04/2016. And since that time, ALL the adverse and troubling events that have happened to the project, even up to this recent GC2017, are evidence of an on-going E.L.E.

If I had any thought or belief that a game - of any kind - would ever come from this, I would never have used the term to describe the slow and steady decline of the project.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 06:04:25 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #983 on: August 31, 2017, 06:11:18 AM »
Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.

Nice try. That's not me. Even your own psychotic brethren don't think so. And there is ZERO evidence (which you guys tend not care about at all) to support that claim/theory. I responded to Mrflappywilly after he implied that Fred Bloggs was my alt. Then Fred Bloggs accidentally replied to MY post, instead of to the top-level Mrflappywilly post. It's not rocket science. But to make it easy for you, I've hailed the mod.

You must be confusing me with you guys who need various alts in order to post everywhere and signal boost your bullshit. Only cowards and shills hide behind alts. Like you for example, until you got uncovered as an /r/ds alt, ConfusedMonkeh

The PC Gamer mod has now clarified what happened in the PC Gamer article comments. That's the end of that. See how wrong you guys were - again?

« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 09:03:46 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #984 on: August 31, 2017, 06:12:47 AM »
You coined the term but it's not yours? You knew about these ongoing events 2 years ago and they're still ongoing now or is it new ongoing events that are more recently about to happen?

You believe and I don't. I offer evidence that perhaps you shouldn't be believed in all you say, agreed with by Stan up there, yet you delete my posts. Poor form sir, poor form.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #985 on: August 31, 2017, 06:14:21 AM »
Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.

Nice try. That's not me. Even your own psychotic brethren don't think so. And there is ZERO evidence (which you guys tend not care about at all) to support that claim/theory. I responded to Mrflappywilly after he implied that Fred Bloggs was my alt. Then Fred Bloggs accidentally replied to MY post, instead of to the top-level Mrflappywilly post. It's not rocket science. But to make it easy for you, I've hailed the mod.

You must be confusing me with you guys who need various alts in order to post everywhere and signal boost your bullshit. Only cowards and shills hide behind alts. Like you for example, until you got uncovered as an /r/ds alt, ConfusedMonkeh

The PC Gamer mod has now clarified what happened in the PC Gamer article comments. That's the end of that. See how wrong you guys were - again?

Ok. I jumped to the wrong conclusion there. Wasn't the only one. Did look like a funny boo boo though. I did do a lol. Apologies.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #986 on: August 31, 2017, 06:21:21 AM »
Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.

Nice try. That's not me. Even your own psychotic brethren don't think so. And there is ZERO evidence (which you guys tend not care about at all) to support that claim/theory. I responded to Mrflappywilly after he implied that Fred Bloggs was my alt. Then Fred Bloggs accidentally replied to MY post, instead of to the top-level Mrflappywilly post. It's not rocket science. But to make it easy for you, I've hailed the mod.

You must be confusing me with you guys who need various alts in order to post everywhere and signal boost your bullshit. Only cowards and shills hide behind alts. Like you for example, until you got uncovered as an /r/ds alt, ConfusedMonkeh

The PC Gamer mod has now clarified what happened in the PC Gamer article comments. That's the end of that. See how wrong you guys were - again?

LOL! Thanks Derek. I wonder what the reddit thread on this has to say now? Are all 124 of them now feeling stupid and Paranoid?


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #987 on: August 31, 2017, 06:23:36 AM »
Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.

Nice try. That's not me. Even your own psychotic brethren don't think so. And there is ZERO evidence (which you guys tend not care about at all) to support that claim/theory. I responded to Mrflappywilly after he implied that Fred Bloggs was my alt. Then Fred Bloggs accidentally replied to MY post, instead of to the top-level Mrflappywilly post. It's not rocket science. But to make it easy for you, I've hailed the mod.

You must be confusing me with you guys who need various alts in order to post everywhere and signal boost your bullshit. Only cowards and shills hide behind alts. Like you for example, until you got uncovered as an /r/ds alt, ConfusedMonkeh

The PC Gamer mod has now clarified what happened in the PC Gamer article comments. That's the end of that. See how wrong you guys were - again?

Ok. I jumped to the wrong conclusion there. Wasn't the only one. Did look like a funny boo boo though. I did do a lol. Apologies.

Maybe you guys should listen more. Especially when trolling on PCGamer gets people banned. Yes I got banned. Are you MrFlappyWilly Serendipity by any chance? My turn to get Paranoid. Do you like that?


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #988 on: August 31, 2017, 06:45:46 AM »
No, I don't post on SC articles. Just here, Reddit and spectrum.

I'm ConfusedMonkeh everywhere else.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #989 on: August 31, 2017, 06:48:59 AM »
5 year LTI? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

Well, yes. You don't honestly believe that 5 years from now not only did Scam Shitizen made it to an actual full game, but also still has a running MMO environment, now do you? Dear God. I think that every kind of insurance that is longer than one 1 year can be considered LTI. Since that's about the max I give CIG now.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 07:03:56 AM by Motto »


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