Man, checkout these Reddit threads.
I can't believe that it's $144M and year 2017, yet they still toss the same worn-out rhetorical BS around. Such as
- "They don't know what they're doing, because it hasn't been done before"
- "When you're working on something groundbreaking, delays happen"
- "it's hard to make accurate projections when you're building the most complex & ambitious game ever."
- "Chris overhypes certainly. But that's what he does."
- "CR's games have never been made in a timely fashion. They have always been awesome though."
- "Your typical large Scale AAA game takes 4-8 years of dev. CiG is building 2 games, has built an entire worldwide company and if they they ship SQ42 at EOY 2017 will have only taken 5 years, same as GTA V."
- "Didn't you read the TOS and all the disclaimers CIG makes you read before they let you give them money? I'm not sure why you're acting surprised or upset."
- "If your criticisms are indistinguishable from Derek Smart posts, it's an indication you're doing something wrong."
Totally agree with you nightfire, I know its hard for some people to admit that they were wrong so they spun up new excuses but i cant fathom what kind of immense optimism these guys have.
I had enough of this bullshit after that horrendous december livestream, i knew cig were lying after citcon presentation but i seriously thought if they had any brain they will release some concrete milestones or info that they have achieved this year but all we got was promises and excuses.
The way i see it 3.0 was promised by december 2016 and 2.6 in august-september, and waht do we have now not even 2.6 in its entirety. They think backers and a pile of A-Holes and now i am beginning to believe they are very correct.
There incompetency grows each day. i know many will say they are making something never made before and i do agree. All i want from them is to say publicly they fucked up and tell us what the actual state is , they say they have enough money to make the game now so why are they still keeping us in the dark while more morons get milked everyday.
that schedule thing is the biggest joke in the history. who can complain about the game when even there schedules are being behind "schedule" . They told us the schedules they share are estimates only do they want us to believe they dont even have a estimate or track of what is being made what has to be made ??
Sure they keeep changing the schedule before also so they can share with us whatever they have and keep iterating on it as time passes by!!!
There is no chance of squadron 42 releasing in 2017 ..period. then also there page shows coming 2017 now. all it is now is just a milking scam. before it was 2016

. Dont put a date if you cant meet the goals. Just write coming soon but writing that will delay the milking so its unacceptable.
I dont even know what these whales will do in the game once and if this game ever releases. They already have all the ships and weapons , what will they grind.?? there wont be more than a couple of systems in beginning so no real exploration also. all they can do is troll the person who bought bare minimum package and is grinding.
also if i think optimistically 3.0 should come somewhere between june-july, so they have to waste time till april, they will drop 2.6.2 in april this will give them some time to breathe keeping blind backers happy that "yaay another timely patch delivered by cig" so they will have 2 more months after 2.6.2 that backer unrest begins to surface. but if they miss the deadline of june- july 2017 for 3.0 they will be hit hard and will be needing distractions so
whats next : 2.6.2.a and 2.6.2.b