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Steam v Epic Games Store Furor

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--- Quote from: tuberchimpy on February 05, 2019, 03:49:10 AM ---Excuse my multiposting please, I just wanted to continue before the page expired and try and post my chart

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This thread wasn't showing as updated for me; hence the late response.

Anyway, your posts are precisely the gist of my jumping into the fray about this. As a game dev, we who use Steam, know all its benefits. Which is why I was surprised by the results of that poll which I had posted in the thread. If you compare Steam to Lumberyard + AWS + all the crap (e.g. GameLift) that Amazon lumps into that ecosystem, and compare the costs, nothing beats Steam. Amazon makes a ton of money from their AWS services. That's how they're able to give Lumberyard away for free. The same applies to Improbable, which has the same business model.

It was disappointed as I enjoyed the metro series, but I'm totally fine waiting a year for it.


--- Quote from: jwh1701 on February 19, 2019, 09:46:18 PM ---It was disappointed as I enjoyed the metro series, but I'm totally fine waiting a year for it.

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In a bit of an hilarious twist, the fans have been giving it glowing reviews.....on Steam :emot-lol:

Regarding your latest Twitter series:

I'm not exactly sure what Reasoning you're asking for... ?
Why EPIC might want to distill marketing informations from their competitors data on your machine? Why the might want to share said informations with a major shareholder (who possess blocking minorities rights), who might also own a lot of juicy user data of the chinese market,in which EPIC might be interested?

So while the whole thing isn't the apocalypse, just as you wrote, i don't get what you're asking for in the end there?


--- Quote from: DemonInvestor on March 16, 2019, 12:06:20 PM ---Regarding your latest Twitter series:

I'm not exactly sure what Reasoning you're asking for... ?
Why EPIC might want to distill marketing informations from their competitors data on your machine? Why the might want to share said informations with a major shareholder (who possess blocking minorities rights), who might also own a lot of juicy user data of the chinese market,in which EPIC might be interested?

So while the whole thing isn't the apocalypse, just as you wrote, i don't get what you're asking for in the end there?

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Not sure what you're going on about. I was having a discussion with another party about the issue. I've written several threads about it. Can you be more specific?


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