Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 1225415 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2325 on: July 09, 2020, 04:24:30 AM »
Could be because 3 9.1 is an absolutly busted, 30k riddled mess. Delays for the incremental patch 3.10 is still with the evocati and still no word on the video for SQ42.
Also, where ist the pot bellied, twin chinned, dyed hair snake oil peddling liar, CRoberts,  whose been largely absent as of late?

Who wants to buy into this buggy, broken, overdue, overpriced, mismanaged, scandal ridden, crash laden and ultimately boring project? Take into account Elite Dangerous : Oddysee is coming out early next year which also adds more lemon and salt into the wounds of this boodoggle.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2326 on: July 09, 2020, 04:47:23 AM »
Could be because 3 9.1 is an absolutly busted, 30k riddled mess. Delays for the incremental patch 3.10 is still with the evocati and still no word on the video for SQ42.
Also, where ist the pot bellied, twin chinned, dyed hair snake oil peddling liar, CRoberts,  whose been largely absent as of late?

Who wants to buy into this buggy, broken, overdue, overpriced, mismanaged, scandal ridden, crash laden and ultimately boring project? Take into account Elite Dangerous : Oddysee is coming out early next year which also adds more lemon and salt into the wounds of this boodoggle.

To be fair, EDO isn't out yet and, if FDev follow their usual path, it won't be everything people hope for.

But it'll also be there, and in game, and something FDev are likely to iterate upon and improve.

But, as SC shows, it is easy to build up hopes on something which isn't released.

NMS is probably a better comparison. Graphical style aside, it offers (if not all) most of what SC is promising, and it is available and finished. EDO will eventually fall into this category as well, and both have been developed at a fraction of the cost of SC.

Add in that SC now appears to be in dire need of an engine refresh as its once vaunted visuals are falling further and further behind current standards and it seems likely that discontent with progress will become more vocal.  I would suggest, however, that the sunk cost issue will encourage continuing support for quite some time to come.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2327 on: July 13, 2020, 01:56:02 PM »


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2328 on: July 18, 2020, 05:30:35 AM »
Always be dreaming! :)
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2329 on: July 20, 2020, 09:51:50 AM »
To be fair, EDO isn't out yet and, if FDev follow their usual path, it won't be everything people hope for.

But it'll also be there, and in game, and something FDev are likely to iterate upon and improve.

If ED: Odyssey starts off with what was shown in the teaser implemented I'll be pleased enough then and can wait for them to gradually implement more. So many impatient ED players were sayihng FDev would never do spacelegs, or if they tried, it would be only spaclegs or atmospherics. I was one of the few who anticipated they could be doing both.

Why do I feel FDev has more support for ED now? Well having seen what positions Frontier were hiring up to two years ago, and some of their financial and investor relations brochures, it looks very reasonable that Frontier had expanded successfully especially after releasing two more successful games after Planet Coaster, namely Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Zoo. The job descriptions emphasized "cross development" where devs on one game would eventually be rotated to work on another. I also saw in the financial brochures a diagram showing Frontier's goal to "stagger" development and rotate on their current game IPs. I think very much so, it's back to ED's turn where they've said it's a "new era" for ED, as well as the biggest update to the game being worked on since game launch. And it'll be a paid update, effectively another "season". I also had brief pm contact with a member on the official forums who later got hired by Frontier and became a dev for ED. The last I heard from him almost two years ago, was that the dev initiatives for ED's new era were substantial and motivated, and were going to be so amazing when the public finally finds out all the great new cool stuff they are working on for the game but only when Frontier announces each detail on their own schedule. So absolutely ED's initial "ten year planning" was not stalled or ever abandoned, even if delayed by the PS4 port delay and other unanticipated challenges, and continues on from year five and six now. (that's all I'm going to say about that, all I heard were just that vague summary anyways as much as he dared to let me know)

Of the update issues the impatient of ED complained about, most were free updates that came with later patches of Horizons and the free "season" of Beyond. Sure, new features such as Fleet Carriers had rough edges on release, but that's not unreasonable for a complex addon patch to have rough spots that will eventually be fixed. And yes, when FDev does betas, they are bonafide and legit and release soon enough, with integrity unlike CIG  run by CRobs. I think the ED:Odyssey era is going to quite amazing and innovative, where FDev is adding spacelegs to an already massive proc gen galaxy model which also already has a working space flight and ship combat sim working game in its infrastructure already. It'll truly be a first, unprecedented, and another barsetter (at least in its genre. MS' Flight Simulator (12) is looking to be a groundbreaking sim again also.)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 10:13:55 AM by krylite »


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2330 on: July 21, 2020, 01:21:02 AM »
It'll truly be a first, unprecedented, and another barsetter.

Yes but what about a bartender?  :lipsrsealed: :cool:


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2331 on: July 21, 2020, 05:28:14 AM »
Meanwhile, the salty comments from the tribe over the latest roadmap are comedy Gold
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2332 on: July 21, 2020, 10:36:12 AM »
I think he mad

Wow there's going to be a ton of disappointed backers then because that was the expectations that CIG presented. They do this shit every year and its really starting to piss me off, all they have to do is be vocal and tell us what's happening, why something they hoped they would of had won't make it in and tell us as soon as they know, but no they are going to pull the same bullshit that they did in 3.8 (DEC 2019) where literally two weeks (14 days) before the patch release, they purge half the features that were supposed to be in it. It was like 10 seperate tasks too, and don't tell me that they didn't know those tasks weren't going to make it until 2 weeks before live because we still don't have those features nearly 9 months later.. it was very convenient that they waited until after a major ship sale that included 4 ships that would soon be axed off the patch with one of those ships including a gameplay loop. I lost a great deal of respect after that since it was obvious they held back telling us certain tasks weren't going to make it so that they keep up the illusion during the ship sale so people would buy those ships thinking they would be in game very soon with it's gameplay, only to find out right after they bought them they and were removed from the roadmap. We called them out on it and I hope they felt our wrath because that was not right. Now I feel they are doing the same thing this year by setting expectations up throughout the year but "not actually putting them on the roadmap" creating the illusion for our imaginations to run wild (because we have nothing else to go by) that we're not only getting 4.0 but it'll include pyro, crusader and landing zone, a new gameplay loop and several ships all based off what they've unveiled that they've been working on when in reality we'll probably only get a Barron pyro much like micro tech was in 3.8, a ship or two like the Hercules, no new gameplay loops, and maybe elevator panel improvements if we're lucky. They know they're but ready to give us much by the end of the year, and that they would like to give us probably won't be finished by December so instead of telling us now so that we can see expectations accordingly they rather keep us in the dark and maintain an illusion so that they had maintain record sales based on blinding assumptions that star citizen is going to get a feature rich patch at the end of the year that CIG created. I hope they prove me wrong but after what happened last year and the fact that we're still on the dark, know very little about what's being worked on, and what we do know what's being worked on it either in early stages or still needs a ton of work, and the fact the each patch are including less and less in content yet being delayed by 2 months plus and riddled with bugs where by the time they fix those it's time for the best patch, they are too busy playing catch up and have no time for future tasks and it seems they are overwhelmed and littered with issues or problems that they have no clue what to do.

Sorry I just need to rant, I still have faith in the project but I feel they need a restructure and reevaluate how they take on these tasks with better planning, deadlines, and action. If you have developers struggling with tasks, replace them, if you don't have anyone who is proficient in certain areas, find someone whose greatly experienced. It was concerning in the beginning when CR basically gave jobs to all his friends and literally anyone willing to jump ship from crytech, it was obvious that cig didn't have tight management and leadership in the beginning so I hope they have or becoming more of a professional studio which will be needed to pull off a project of this magnitude. Also show alot more respect to the backers, if it wasn't for our continues pledging of 300m, you would have been dead in the water years ago without anything to show for it and this dream would be gone forever. We've kept it alive, paid your checks, your bills, and have only a partial game so far to show for it. Don't lie to us, be honest, and keep us updated. It's all we want and we've proved to be understanding in the past. We're also smart so pulling this fast ones over us will only kill our desire to keep faith.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2333 on: July 21, 2020, 10:36:30 AM »
Just gonna leave this here.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2334 on: July 21, 2020, 10:45:56 AM »
Just gonna leave this here.

Now CR is gonna want hair to be affected by wind. Just added 2 years to release date.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2335 on: July 21, 2020, 12:18:48 PM »
Meanwhile, the salty comments from the tribe over the latest roadmap are comedy Gold

You read the thread about the Bartender?

I mean again not knowing much about actual AI programming, but they seemingly think Searching objects/actors within a range and going there is something no other AI has ever done before O_O


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2336 on: July 21, 2020, 12:32:59 PM »
You read the thread about the Bartender?

So it's a Space Game, full of bugs, with little in terms of gameplay or content but they found time to have a team of people doing the artwork / mocap / AI for a bartender.

Says everything you need to know about SC.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2337 on: July 21, 2020, 04:35:02 PM »
So it's a Space Game, full of bugs, with little in terms of gameplay or content but they found time to have a team of people doing the artwork / mocap / AI for a bartender.

Says everything you need to know about SC.

Know what' coming in August? Frontier are releasing dev diaries for Elite Dangerous Odyssey and not to mention the U.S is ending  the stimulus care package with the stimulus cheques and bonus unemployment benefits ending.

This should be fun!


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2338 on: July 21, 2020, 04:38:29 PM »
Meanwhile, the salty comments from the tribe over the latest roadmap are comedy Gold

That server to client refactor is still nowhere close to finished.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #2339 on: July 22, 2020, 08:00:00 AM »
You read the thread about the Bartender?

I mean again not knowing much about actual AI programming, but they seemingly think Searching objects/actors within a range and going there is something no other AI has ever done before O_O

Yeah, I saw that one. It's remarkable how old tech is somehow touted and celebrated as new tech. But then again, these are broken-brained clowns who will cling to anything if it justifies their sunk cost fallacy and bad choices.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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