Author Topic: 3.0 Progress Watch  (Read 333852 times)


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #105 on: December 04, 2017, 09:45:17 AM »
I'd love to know the final breakdown of how many people are doing what job at CIG. How many are programmers vs artists / animators / designers. And how does this compare to a normal AA studio? Considering the technical challenges they face, they need a lot of programmers, bus since this is CIG and they just make tech demos and JPEGS to sell the ships they aren't making, then I'm assuming they have a huge art department instead.

Totally. While it's expected that a game such as this would have a large art department I'm willing to bet that their ratio is way out of scale. Especially when you take into account the relevant skill levels. They absolutely need someone who has decades of experience to be running the network part. That's THE critical portion of an MMO and I don't believe they have anyone like that. I think I saw that they have less than 10 network engineers in the whole company?

I work with plenty of smart people, some who have a lot of experience in creating highly scalable robust backends and they still wouldn't be competent in doing this sort of thing for a game, it's a completely different situation. I don't believe they have the knowledge in-house to make any significant improvements.

Star Chip

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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #106 on: December 04, 2017, 11:30:32 AM »
It seem the only thing CIG is doing well are those ship commercials that showing off their over designed ships. CIG spend a disproportional amount of effort on cramming extra polygons onto ships and objects. Ironically outside of that, they have almost nothing. In every of their so called progress, we see new ship concepts, new ship aids, asset reworks, and ever more complex textures and reflections, mean while the game have a few tweaks here and there which are just changing a few parameters there and there. Nothing substantial was build, only more and more so called concepts that will never be implemented, and absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely NO content. SQ42 forever pie in the sky. CIG is lacking of net engineers, this has to do with Crobert being an ego maniac, unfortunately engineer has to work with reality which will clash with Crobert's ego. Artist on the other hand is free to come up anything to please Crobert, therefore CIG will end up the way it now. 6 years and 170m, SC is still no where near %2 complete compared to all the stretch goals sense the original KS. If you spend $1k or $10k on SC in its current state, you will still get to play a lesser game compared to things like EverSpace, which I brought for $20.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 11:48:07 AM by Star Chip »


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #107 on: December 05, 2017, 07:47:13 AM »
Adventure report from the PTU tonight. My self-imposed mission: complete one in-game "Quest."

Attempt #1:
Spawned in the wank pod and despite running a whole bunch of config changes and various performance tweaks, the game was as much of a 3 fps slideshow as ever. I jittered my way out of bed and then painstakingly made my way to the ship spawn chamber. Seriously this took about 3 minutes. Every time an npc would t-pose onto the screen or stutter-dance around a corner, my whole computer would freeze up for 5-10 seconds. It was like a horror movie except instead of murdered by the uncontrollably vibrating monsters I just got kind of mildly irritated. The consolation is that at least once you get out of port Ollisar the whole experience smooths out somewhat. Why they decided to make every player spawn in a tiny area when their main server performance issue occurs due to player density, I'll never know.

Eventually managed to make it to the ship spawner and decided to spawn an "Aegis Saber Tomcat Punches Above Its Weight Edition Mk 7." No idea what it was, just one of the PTU ships they allow players to spawn, but I was guessing that it was a single seat fighter because that is everything now. It spawned on pad C07. Painstakingly janked my way to the airlock and... it wouldn't open. That's no problem, dealt with that before, the solution is to jank your way to one of the other airlocks and then laboriously work your way back to your landing pad from the outside. Went to the next closest airlock- also broken. I should point out here that this bug has been in the game since 2.0 launched in fucking 2015 and they still haven't fixed it. Eventually after checking every airlock on the level, I found one that would let me out- on the far side of the pads from my ship. Great! Ran out into space. I decided it'd be faster to jump off the pads and then nipplejet my way over to my ship. Jumped off the pads, and my character went into a tumble animation and just kind of stayed there, 2 feet away from my launch point, flailing wildly and never returning control. Eventually I found the buttons to kill myself.

Attempt #2:
Back in the wank pod. Same shaky journey to the outside, where I discovered that my ASTPAIWE Mk7 was still spawned... on a whole separate set of pads from the one I respawned on. Undeterred, I threw myself off the landing platforms again and this time the nipplejets kicked into life. With a mighty fssssshhhhhh I kicked the jets in and spent the next 5+ minutes staring boredly at chat while my spaceman inched over to my ship. I guess some other people were planning to all hop in a caterpillar and fly to one of the planets but they couldn't get the doors to work? I made a mental note to grief them if I finished my mission.

Finally arriving at the ship, I noted that it was indeed a single-seat fighter, I guess... some kind of stealth ship? I didn't really take long to think about the ramifications of a stealth ship in a world where all combat happens at WW2 dogfight ranges and everything fires bright red lasers. Got in the ship, and miracle of miracles was able to take off without any jank. Now, when I say "Without any jank" I should clarify- everything in the game sucks shit. At no point in this experience did my fps jump above 5, and my spaceman is barely controllable at the best of times. But I didn't clip through anything, and didn't die, and that is a win in a Citizen's book. That's living the fucking dream. So anyway I pop into the ship and get a notification that I now have missions waiting for me to accept them if I will only bring up my retarded wrist-mounted HUD. So I hit f1 and the spaceman begins repeatedly punching himself in the dick really hard which I guess is what happens when the "Open menu" animation bugs out and starts looping. I'd heard that the bugfix for this is to just mash f1 a thousand more times, so I do that and eventually get to a menu.

Accepting the contract and navigating to it isn't easy. I'm going on some sort of rescue mission which the text says is on Delamar, the nav beacon that pops up (but I can't warp to) says is in intergalactic space, and the star map says is on Yela. Since the only one I can actually warp to is the one on the star map, I set it as my destination and proceed to hammer the "B" button a thousand times, which is the preferred method of engaging one's quantum drive. I like to imagine that all of the spaceships in the game are basically eastern european autos and all spacemen are in a permanent drunken rage as they hammer the shit out of every control just to get any kind of response. It makes the whole thing slightly less frustrating.

Anyway I get to Yela and it turns out the "Help" beacon spawned inside an asteroid so the person I'm supposed to protect dies instantly. Mission failed.

Attempt #3:
But that's okay because I'm being offered a new mission! Fly over to a wrecked starfarer and collect "The Goods." Deliver them to such and such for who cares and get like 300 credits. I know these are MMO quests and therefor basically just ways to waste your time, but it feels like if a crate is worth recovering from a wrecked spaceship you should probably pay more than the space equivalent of bus fare to whichever mercenary picks it up for you. But what do I know. Luckily the beacon for this is like 30 km away from the asteroid with the failed protection mission, so I don't have to quantum jump anywhere. I point the nose of my ship at the beacon and settle in for another 2 minute flight.

As I arrive, what to my wondering eyes should appear but another actual human being! Or at least, I assume it was. There's the wrecked starfarer, and there nestled up against its belly is a Cutlass that registers as friendly when I target it. Despite the ridiculous close-packed nature of the spawn, this is the first player I've encountered while just flying around in several hours of playing this stupid build. Naturally I set engines to full burn and just hammer those motherfucking triggers as the game devolves into a 1fps slideshow- I mean clearly he was after my loot, it's completely justified. I guess the pilot was actually in the cockpit because the cutlass begins trying to make evasive maneuvers, but either he flies in a straight line or he isn't pounding his controls hard enough because it is incredibly easy to track him and just lay on the fire until he explodes. That was... really odd, actually. Ships in 3.0 are normally completely unkillable due to lag and jank and weird balance issues. I played Arena Commander once (once) and none of the three guys on my team could kill even a single ship of the first wave, they just tanked everything.

So anyway the cutlass is dead and with one nefarious act of piracy under my belt I try to figure out how to get out of my fucking ship to get this loot. Unfortunately entering combat has A) destroyed the server, and B) destroyed my hud, including the "Push F to actually use anything in the cockpit" system that everyone is so keen on. So I'm still stuck at 1FPS and now nothing in the cockpit will respond except flight controls. Eventually I remember there's a hardcoded "Exit" key, Alt-F, and hammer that two thousand times until my guy gets up. Now all I have to do is fly into the crashed starfarer and retrieve a simple box.

Let me digress here for a moment. Do games ever make you feel motion sick? Can you remember the last time a game was so completely disorienting that you had no idea what way was up? For me it was the Descent games back in the 90's. Something about those suckers would just fuck with my inner ear something fierce. Flight sims and VR can't hold a candle to that feeling.

Well, Star Citizen can. See the thing is, the Starfarer is wrecked, so it has no power. That means the inside is zero-G, pitch black, and covered in floating debris. And every time you touch any piece of that debris, your spaceman starts doing sick 360 noscopes. Within seconds I'm completely disoriented, before half a minute has passed I am actually physically nauseous. The box, literally labelled "The Goods" is only 20m away but it might as well be 200. I seriously cannot make any progress towards it down a straight line fucking corridor, my spaceman janks and spins wildly every time I touch a control. But I am undeterred. I stand up and do a shot of maalox and then inch, ever so carefully, around every fucking piece of debris and down that hallway. The final door is in sight but it is covered in other boxes. I have no choice but to nipplejet straight at it and hope that I can bust through like some kind of retarded kool-aid man. Somehow, this actually works! I find myself in front of "The Goods" and somehow, manage to engage my grabby hands! This mission is so close to being over I can taste it. Now I just have to maneuver my way back out.

I hear laser fire from outside. Well, I assume it's laser fire. I hear noises, space noises, chopped up into incomprehensibility by the 1-2 fps that I'm getting. Did Cutlass man come back? Did the game spawn pirates on me when I got the box? I can't lose now! Slowly, caaarefully I - fuck, touched some debris, time for the zero-g tilt-a-whirl from hell again. I get back out the door and to the ship- I'm guessing it is NPC pirates shooting at it, but I really can't tell. Either way they appear to be doing zero damage to my entirely stationary, powered-off ship. Sure, okay.

I jet to the ship, pilfered goods in hand, and at last the moment is upon us. "Enter pilot seat" I tell my character, and he does just that- immediately chucking the box into the void of fucking space as he enters his pre-canned animation god DAMN IT. So apparently if you have single seat fighters, you should basically not do any mission that involves moving any kind of good because you literally have to physically stuff that shit in your ship, I guess? CIG I feel that you perhaps did not think any of this through very well.

In order to complete the mission I'd have to fight off the two basically invincible npc's, fly back to jankbase prime, spawn a ship with a cargo area, come back and redo the starfarer carnival ride bullshit a second time. I want to emphasize, this is a starter mission, paying 300 credits, and to complete it you're going to need 1+ hour and a ship that costs more than 100 bucks- one that can fight and carry cargo. 

Mission abandoned.
Thank you for the kind words everyone. Not sure how often I'm going to do any kind of PTU writeup because it really is a pile of unfun garbage, but if I find something amusing I will write about it for you.

It really can't be emphasized enough how bad the combat is right now. There's a reason all of the posts on the subreddit, and all of the streamer videos, feature people just flying from planet to planet and loading/unloding cargo- you literally cannot fight in the current build of the PTU. Between super low framerates, input lag in the 2-3second range, and targets jittering all over the screen like coked up hummingbirds, it's next to impossible to land a shot. Even if you do, some asshole at CIG decided to make combat more like Elite, I guess, which means your average engagement if you can hit the target will take 3-4 minutes just to do enough damage that they die. And there is literally nothing stopping them from ignoring you for the 10 seconds it takes to set a jump destination and fly away if they feel like they're losing. Not that you could tell you were losing because, as far as I can see, the shield indicators don't work and the damage states are broken as fuck. Missiles almost never hit, and if they do hit seem to do next to no damage.

I'm actually really excited for them to fix the FPS. The game is stable enough that it doesn't crash very often already, and the only reason it is so riveting is because just fighting through the lag and low FPS to land on a planet feels like a real achievement. Smooth those framerates out and people are going to get tired of wanking over landing and go try to actually do things in the PTU, only to realize that literally every system is either a stubbed-in placeholder, or broken, or both.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 07:49:53 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #108 on: December 05, 2017, 07:50:02 AM »
Today's fantastic write-up of a 3.0 play through, is brought to you by Gorf. It's amazing.

YOUTUBE: Walking In Hyperspace Ships

As a Public Service and “3.0 experience” documentation exercise for those not playing, I’m including below this summary of a randomly selected new Dan Gheesling video. (I apologize for any link errors and the absence of graphics. I wrote it on my phone in stages as my schedule allowed. I may edit in gifs later.)

A prior installment of this sort for those interested can be found here.

That summary, written nearly two years ago, saw Batgirl engaging in a riveting “let’s go flip a switch on or off in a satellite array for AlphaUEC” Mission in 2.4. Heads were bonked, complications ensued, and a person actually capable of landing a plane in real life discovered that she could not, for all her experience, land a ship in the game she loves so painfully much...

But that was nearly two years ago, and it’s often said much has changed since then. That there is more and better content in 3.0 than in a AAA game like GTA5.

So with 3.0 around the corner and Cargo Missions finally adding wild variety to the “menial crap to do in the ‘Verse to earn meager game currency”, let’s check it out and get a measure of progress on the gameplay experience 21 months later.


0:01 - Dan’s adventure begins, as all Star Citizen adventures must, with the “awake and escape from the bedroom” challenge. And lest you think getting out of a bed and opening a space door sounds hardly a risky affair, think again.

Yet while the challenge recently proved fatal for Batgirl, Dan proves equal to the task. He survives opening the door and is off in search of mega-thrills in Chris Roberts’s living, breathing universe of 3 moons, 1 planet, and a planetoid on loan from another star system as yet not in the game.

“Excited to get started here, we’ve hit a few of non-buttery patches of servers. But we’re going to give it the true experience here. We’re gonna battle through it.”

He then explains that he’s received so many requests to perform a Cargo mission that this will indeed be today’s goal.

0:19 - He races to the terminal to spawn his ship of choice — the Avenger — and then, like a shot, he races out to board it.

But it didn’t spawn, a fact he eventually realizes. IT’S ALPHA.

No matter, he’ll just spawn an Aurora and engage in the first of many fictive conversations with his viewers.

1:12 - ”Alright, lets take an Aurora DL.”
“Dan, you’re gonna take a bucket of bolts over the Avenger?”
”Well we pulled out a little early and Albert gave us cream cheese when we asked for... some anchovy-filled olives. Alright nonetheless another of you guys said was ‘Hey Dan, you’re able to go buy the actual easy helmet.’”

With that he’s off to the store and seconds later standing before the helmet he’d like to buy.

1:49 - “I would like to purchase the helmet.”

Apparently the Voice Command feature is having a little trouble because despite repeated attempts to purchase the helmet, he can’t. So he instead heads off in search of adventure resigned to wearing his “Eddie Bauer helmet”. For now.

2:50 - He approaches his Aurora. Gets in. Spends a small eternity trying to get it started but eventually succeeds. 3 minutes since his bedroom escape, his adventure begins.

3:45 - Mobiglass Fu ensues, eventually leading him to accept his Cargo mission four minutes in to his session.

The objective: Retrieve mineral samples from Daymar.

Say goodbye to those boring “flip the switch on/off at the Comm Array” missions of old and hello to the thrilling “get in a spaceship, expend fuel and time, navigate the mobiglass interface, contend with quantum drive challenges and the vast in-game distances to pick up one box of minerals from a pile of junk on the dark side of a moon for a pittance in credits” missions. Now you’re playing with power — SuperPower.

6:10 - After several failed attempts to Quantum jump to Daymar, he decides to apply one of the most ancient of PC rituals to his Aurora. The full-power reboot.

He shuts it off. Then powers it back up. And IT WORKS!

6:52 - “Quantum drive is now OFF. Quantum drive is now ON. Quantum drive is now OFF. Quantum drive is now ON.” (Just tap the button, Dan. Stop holding it.)

7:08 - A dazzling Quantum Jump slideshow begins.

“Dan the frames don’t look very good.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout the frames we’re going for the order delivery.”

7:40 - He discovers he’s still too far from the target for a quick approach and thus will have to micro-jump closer.

“Alright so let’s lock on to Orbital Marker 6 — get your dongers out, we’re going for it!”

9:08- “We’re fighting through the curds and whey to try to get to the butter server.”

A protracted interlude of interface difficulty and user error ensues. Eventually his boredom gives way to reflection and a revelatory utterance worthy of the truest of Star Citizens.

11:15 - “Alright so now we are de-coupled we should just literally... use our acquiescence, our momentum to move forward.”

(Acquiescence and momentum have gotten us this far, Dan, may they forever move us forward.)

Meanwhile, back in the Verse, Dan feels an urgent longing and decides it’s time to play with danger.

“While that’s going on... there’s a strong desire to get up and walk around, maybe lay down in the back.”
“Dan are you kidding me?”

He explains that no, he’s not really kidding,“We’ve got a long way to go and what else are you gonna do?” 
“But Dan if you get up, there’s a strong chance you may never sit down again.”
”I guess that’s a chance we have to take.”

12:03 - Dan leaves the pilot’s seat, eager to embark on a walkabout around his Aurora, a ship which has approximately two meters of walkable floor.

After a brief session of ultra-fidelity crotch shots, his meditative Aurora stroll finds him harkening back to his tender years, as memories of his love of Legos resurface:

”As a kid, I would build Lego vehicles and ships. Not because I liked ships — I kinda did but moreso, I liked the ability to walk around inside of a moving vehicle — store things in there, hide things in there, pull up the panels underneath maybe hide some inadequate... No, do not... Maybe have a little hidden area there where you can hide contraband. But this is the dream. This is part of why I like Star Citizen.”

13:30 - Reinvigorated by his brisk toddle around the Aurora, he returns to the Pilot’s Seat.

“I know there’s problems, I know there’s bugs, I know it’s Alpha, I know it’s going to take awhile. But... with that being said... we can walk around a moving ship. Respect it.”

15:15[/url] - “This is the very definition of ghost riding the whip...”
“But Dan, you’re not very stable here...”



Yes, he crashed. The past 15 minutes spent attempting to consummate an in-game UPS Driver Mission are lost and the Groundhog Day rebirth cycle begins anew. He awakens in his space bed for what surely is his 10000th time at this point and embarks upon the “Awake and escape from the bedroom” mission again.


15:28 - ”Chris Roberts taketh away... but also giveth. And this, look at this, this is a brand new fresh 60 fps server.”
“But Dan, why did you leave the other footage on this episode out?”
”This is why. So you can get a taste of the PTU. This is what it’s all about. You get some curds and whey and then you get the smooth butter.”

The do-over begins. Frame rates are up as are butter nonsequitors.

16:11 - “The more butter, LOOK at all these people! They’re gravitating towards the butter. Open this. We gotta go! LOOK at how good — this is... I’m not gassing you guys up this is 100%  60 fps...  or pretty darn close to it.”
”Dan you said 100% - which is it?”
”You tell me — you see the smoke? I got no words for it. This is why when you get the Butter Server you take full advantage of it... I’d like... Butter!”

He races through the hallways to get to his Avenger, but alas, are frames already slowing a bit on the Butter Server?

“See it’s startin’... People are startin’ to drop some curds and whey.”

17:06 - He’s reached the Avenger and boards it post haste as the threat of impending curds and whey looms large over the Butter Server.

“Dan, you said you were gonna do a Cargo mission.
“I think the title of this episode just became ‘Butter and Curds and Whey.”

He quickly cycles through missions like a man on a mission to get missions while the getting is Butter and not Curds and Whey.


“Dan you should probably read that quicker a little bit slower.”
“I would... but at the same time, we’re trying to get some Butter into Daymar. But when we get some stableness we’re going to soak all this in like a fine vintage.”

18:21 - The race to get some Butter to Daymar goes Quantum. But upon arrival in orbit, complications ensue. He’s lost his mission.

He navigates the Mobiglass in search of a Daymar-based Cargo mission because Butter, and fortunately, he finds one. A pickup mission at a stash house. He takes it. But sees no stash house added as quest marker.

19:22 - Panic threatens to set in, and Dan makes clear just how urgent the stakes are.

In a brute force gambit to overcome any disappearing objective risks, he accepts every mission and looks to see if that added a quest marker. No joy. Perhaps a jump to a nearby marker might solve the problem?

20:20 - “One can only hope. Let’s enjoy the Butter. Thank you guys so much for tuning in by the way! — So did they not give us the butter?”

Negatory, he sees no quest markers added after accepting all missions and jumping to a nearby orbital marker. Like you said before, Dan — Chris Roberts giveth and Chris Roberts taketh away.

Daymar is out and Yela is in, at least as a waypoint en route to Cellin.

21:42 - After nearly 22 minutes of not being able to engage in his Cargo quest mission, maybe this time is different. He begins the routine futz-with-interfaces ritual to attempt to set his new destination.

23:00 - A minute and a half later, he jumps to Yela — and upon completion, he muses aloud that it would be interesting to poll his viewers for a confidence check in his ability to complete the mission, or at least pick up the stash.

I believe in you, Dan — I gotta believe!

Now in orbit around Yela, he can begin the next leg of the world’s most circuitous “get in get stuff get out” plan. It’s time to visit his third planetary body, Cellin.

23:43 - The Jump to Cellin about to begin, Dan contrasts the incredible experience he’s currently been enjoying with Elite Dangerous, and it’s pretty clear which side of the bread his Butter is coming from.


(Yeah I hate having to measure the barometric pressure in Elite before traveling, too, Dan.)

24:00 - He’s here — at Cellin! And better still, the quest marker is right before him.

Finally, FINALLY, the quest is within arm’s reach, he’ll be there in no time! So what does Dan decide to do?

“Dan, are you going to walk around in the ship?”
”That’s debatable.”

But after a few moments pass, he makes his choice. He will PLAY WITH DANGER again because Legos, Butter, etc.

24:40 - He gets out of his Pilot Seat...

And it seems for a moment there might’ve been a problem, but no, everything’s fine. The terrifying mortal danger he was playing with by exiting a chair has past.

Dan breaths a sigh of relief, “Ah, okay, nice. I was a LITTLE BIT concerned there...”


“Ahhh. Noooo.”

25:10 - SESSION #3 - DAYMAR ELEGY[/b]

25:10 - “I cant believe that happened. No.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. We’re back in the exact same locale, exact same server, exact same mission.”

25:30 - Now in the Drake Herald, he sees his abandoned Avenger and wonders if it will beat him to the planet.

25:40 - “We should be able to beat it. We’re coming in hot, we should blow past it, it may crater. I don’t know if we’re going to be able to save our ship but nonetheless, I’m going to get up and walk around.”

He moves to do it.

”I’m just joking. I learned my lesson.”


He continues his descent with blistering speed.

“Dan, do you think you should pull up yet?”
”I think we’ve still got some time. There’s our Avenger let’s give it a nice little cruise by, shall we?”

Then it hits him, ”Oh we’re still going down Dan because you’re decoupled. Uh-oh! Pull-up!”


27:07 - “Oooaaahhhh!”

Dan’s ship spins wildly and you’d be forgiven for thinking all hope was lost, but no, he manages to stabilize it. He sets his sights on the quest objective and muses to self that he can’t believe he survived what should’ve been a fatal mistake. Given his past experience, maybe not leaving his pilot’s seat had something to do with that.

The pick-up point is now in sight. Consummation of the objective twice denied him is finally near.

27:55 - ”There’s our product! It’s just out there!”

28:07 - ”IT’S JUST OUT THERE!”
”Dan this is what you should be doing instead of dinkin’ around!”

28:17 - Dan pulls off an ”I can’t believe it’s not butter!” smooth landing that even he seems impressed with.

”Let’s go ahead and set her down- I didn’t know it was gonna be like this! Just dropped, like an airdrop!”

Dan decides to keep the engines on. And why not? He’s got line-of-sight on the package from here. Considering that he’s still got to deliver the thing that’s cost him two ships, two lives, and probably two hours of true gameplay time, he might as well grab-and-go.

30:25 - Having loaded his grabby hands with his “Walter White Stash”, he’s ready for the next leg of this rip-roaring, page turner of an adventure to begin.

Briefly, a dark thought cross his mind and lips. The butter-smooth landing of his Herald was actually more awkward than he realized before exiting the vehicle. He considers the possibility that he might not be able to get back in his vehicle. But hope springs eternal and he’s not afraid to show it.

“We got a shot at it. You think we don’t but YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE!”

(Hell ya Dan, you’re right about that — you gotta believe!)
30:42 - Paranoid about possible unseen threats in on the dark side of the moon near Box Retrieval HQ, he draws his weapon, inadvertently dropping the mission objective in the darkness.

30:59 - Confirming the box is no longer in his grabby hands, a horrified utterance escapes:“We dropped the box - no!”

31:38 - All hope seems lost, but wait... What’s that? Could it be? Saints be praised HE FINDS THE BOX and the adventure of a lifetime begins anew! You GOTTA BELIEVE, indeed!

32:05 - Oh wait, he can’t get the cargo in his ship. He really did park it wrong and the inordinate and only partially documented efforts at attempting to complete his first Cargo game loop, that of a riveting interstellar FED EX mission, ends in a heartbreaking realization:

32:10 - “I think this is probably... we’re stuck in a, in a spot. I hope that someone can come to Cellan and piece together what happened here. Thank you guys so much for watching!”


His YouTube description of this exercise in funkilling grinding through fatal bugs, poor choices and adventure-free missions?

“Star Citizen 3.0 Gameplay at it's finest!”
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 12:24:36 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #109 on: December 05, 2017, 08:10:12 AM »
You're just buttering us up here  :D


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #110 on: December 05, 2017, 08:17:00 AM »
I see CIG is working on the butter server.  That's where the $171M went.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #111 on: December 05, 2017, 10:54:37 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #112 on: December 05, 2017, 10:59:41 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #113 on: December 05, 2017, 12:08:09 PM »
Just a bit more "gameplay" from 3.0 in case anyone is in any doubt - this YouTuber is a fan of SC, but his exasperation is very real, and the comments make for some interesting reading. You've got to ask - how did all these bugs evade internal QA and then the vaunted Evocati when they crop up in what you would call normal, everyday game situations? I mean, they're hardly edge case, are they?

Yep in many cases it´s even worst than I just watching live stream where guy with 2x R9 Fury in Crossfire most of the time heaving between 10-20 FPS...thats just confirms that it´s not an hardware issue it´s a poor CIG netcode...

« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 12:12:15 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #114 on: December 05, 2017, 12:36:50 PM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #115 on: December 06, 2017, 02:00:58 AM »
Yep in many cases it´s even worst than I just watching live stream where guy with 2x R9 Fury in Crossfire most of the time heaving between 10-20 FPS...thats just confirms that it´s not an hardware issue it´s a poor CIG netcode...

So much for open-house-"Florian"(shill) and his imaginary 'high' frame rates. :what:   :laugh:


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #116 on: December 06, 2017, 05:14:55 AM »
I couldn't post my answer to Derek for some Javascript Reason, probably I'm just too stupid for this Forum.
However, all I wanted to say is that I well received his message. You're a good man, Derek, sometimes a bit full of yourself, obviously, but I can deal with that. Germany sends their regards.

EDIT: Almost forgot, greetings from my (Italian) wife, she's a big fan of your mentality to stay adamant even if it seems like half the world thinks you're wrong, not to speak of other audacities. If it weren't for her, I'd never have followed your twitter. I'd say see you in the 'verse but you're banned, lol. 
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 05:21:52 AM by AncoGaming »


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #117 on: December 06, 2017, 05:27:13 AM »
About the FPS issue...

Everyone is mad as fuck about this. And still I saw posts in Spectrum where people were THANKING CIG to let us know about the state these builds are in. They went on and called this Open Game Development... LOL

3.0 wasn't released to PTU to show open game development, it was released for the anniversary sale and many people bought into it.

It was a year late and is still in an unplayable state but concept ships need to be sold because obviously cash flow is a problem at the current burn rate this company manoevered itself into. I hope that 3.0 doesn't get pushed into live in time for Christmas Sale for it's nowhere near ready. I simply don't have an ass-kissing enough mindset to really appreciate this 3.0 trainwreck which simply got handed over to whales to make more $$.

It's absolutely mind-blowing how much this community is able to suffer and to just let slide the worst business ideas ever while EA is still the bad guy. This is beyond reasoning, I simply don't get it. This is NOT NORMAL. 

As I said before, I was always in for 1st wave testing since PTU 2.0 and did my part, but this time I'm almost begging CIG to never invite me in for that shit again. I've had it with this kind of free QA work in my spare time when I could ride my bike or play Squad to shoot people in the face. I haven't enjoyed a minute in 3.0 by now and it's not getting better. While people switch off cores and threads of their CPU (there's even a script for that, made by some die hard fan) just to make the builds freeze less, I am looking at my custom watercooled PC with a 1080Ti in it and say it's not my fucking job to work around issues which exist since many years. There's just no reason at all that it's my fault if the PU or PTU runs like shit after 5 years in development if I'm one of the folks who paid for it. I've invested to have fun, which is an OK reason to spend money. Dudes at CIG are nearing a point where they get trouble from me personally, and I don't want to be in their shoes then.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 05:51:59 AM by AncoGaming »


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #118 on: December 06, 2017, 06:07:00 AM »
Get a refund, while you still can...


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Re: 3.0 Released To PTU
« Reply #119 on: December 06, 2017, 06:13:16 AM »
Get a refund, while you still can...
That's not what I want, it's not about the money. I've spent weekends more expensive than everything I've put in this game. They can take my money and choke on it, doesn't hurt me. I want them to get shit done and I don't want them to push me over the edge.


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