Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 2320422 times)


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #720 on: January 15, 2018, 05:44:30 AM »
Yeah, I'm thinking he's mad? FF to 27:26. It's amazing

Meanwhile, over on SA

Bovis (the data analytics dude):

This whole video is pretty good for schadenfreude if you're looking to burn some time.

1) Game freezes immediately at the start of the video.
2) Reloading takes 70 seconds.
3) Cutlass Black is lost due to the freeze, reclaiming it takes 85 minutes, reduced to 7.5 minutes if you pay to expedite the claim. (Note: expedited processing fees seem to be waived currently).
3) It takes him 12 minutes of space combat action to kill a single NPC fighter guarding the mission objective.
4) After grabbing the mission objective box floating in space and re-entering his ship, the local physics grid ejects him and he is stuck paralyzed in space, with no working controls.
5) He suicides and flies back out to the mission site in another ship. The mission objective box is still sitting inside his previous ship but is glitched and cannot be picked up.
6) He attempts to quantum travel back to Olisar but QT is not working and removes control of the ship, fixable only by exiting the pilot seat. Another NPC ship comes and takes his shields down to critical while he's sitting, immobilized.
7) Suicide, respawn, and rant.

All this takes place at sub-20 fps, except for dips down to 3-5 fps during items 5 and 6.


His rant at the end gloriously missed the point as well. He's obviously upset at the whole thing, and he's ranting at CIG about how the quality of Live is lower than the PTU etc. Just ranting and raving and not having any of the "It's just an Alpha" excuses slow him down. While I enjoy the salt, I'm still blown away - absolutely mind blown - how much he's missing the point. And it's not just him - every streamer, every backer, missing the procedurally-generated forest for the high-fidelity trees.

It doesn't matter that CIG released the game in this state to the Live environment. The frame-rate doesn't matter. The patch cycle doesn't matter. This guy needs to get something through his head - he can't treat CIG like a game development company because CIG is not a game development company. They are a company creating digital assets for sale, and they're attempting to cobble together an online world in which to use those assets. The company is led by a non-game developer who is not qualified, and in fact uniquely unqualified to do his job, and the company has produced nothing, has no history, and no path forward. Holding them to the standards of a game development company is unbelievably stupid.

That's one part of it.

The next part is the assumption that CIG gives a flying fuck about what they release to the PTU or whatnot as if it's all part of normal game testing and deployment. It isn't. Every single byte of code that lands on the PTU, or anywhere else, is done for purely optic reasons - not to do anything for backers or the people who have funded this. It's to create gaming journal headlines like "Long-Awaited 3.0 Patch Goes Live" just in time for backers to spend their Christmas money on Chris's lies again. It's so they can create a false narrative of progress (like how 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, now 3.0, are all numbers going up hence progress and not a scam at all guys). So when this guy rants and raves about the relative quality of what's released to "Test" vs. "Live" my stomach actually hurts as I realize how naive he is - going into this with the belief that the "Test" and "Live" environments are being used as if Chris understands them, how they're used, why they're used, etc. It literally hurts to listen to.

Dear Streamer: if you haven't already, please take a few hours out of your life and go watch The Truman Show. Then come to the realization that Chris Roberts is doing the exact same thing with Star Citizen. That's why there are so many videos which they are peddling as "open development." It explains why the highest possible fidelity assets were built before the engine was done. It explains why they don't patch properly or test properly. Or do anything properly. I realize the awakening to the fact that Star Citizen has devolved into a scam is a painful one, but that pain is worth it. Once you get past it, instead of banging your head against the wall trying to understand this project, you will actually be able to predict its course.

Example: soon there will be a concept ship sale. No matter the state of the game at the time, no matter the bug count, no matter the lawsuit status - there will be a ship sale. Anything and everything CIG can do to move dollars from your bank account to theirs is their #1 priority all day and all night, 365 days of the year. Stop throwing yourself against this brick wall - there's nothing on the other side.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #721 on: January 15, 2018, 11:21:04 AM »
Meanwhile, over on SA

Bovis (the data analytics dude):



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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #722 on: January 16, 2018, 12:51:56 PM »
LOL!! Oh, now he's feeling ripped off?  :lol:

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #723 on: January 16, 2018, 01:07:09 PM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #724 on: January 16, 2018, 02:39:32 PM »
LOL!! Oh, now he's feeling ripped off?  :lol

Dissent is not allowed someone needs to tell him to hand over his CR Commander Cap and then get a refund.
But I do have some empathy the original pitched game was an exciting announcement.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 02:16:34 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #725 on: January 16, 2018, 02:46:46 PM »
Star Citizen - Masterpiece or Pay to Win Technical Nightmare?

Another good video, he also quotes development started by CR that started a year before pitching the game is now known to be a lie.

I wonder if they may very well hit a wall due to horrific design decisions that cannot be programmed around. Similar to poor engineering on some servers where I have soldier over 48 interconnects.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 03:34:40 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #726 on: January 16, 2018, 03:13:30 PM »
The most shocking Star Citizen related thing you will read today.

His son is in hospital with a coma.

He wants a refund to help with medical bills.

But he's concerned CIG will close his account after the refund.


Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #727 on: January 16, 2018, 04:38:49 PM »
You don't want to think what will happen to these kind of backers when CIG crashes and all the money is just gone.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #728 on: January 16, 2018, 05:12:37 PM »
LOL!! Oh, now he's feeling ripped off?  :lol

Dissent is not allowed someone needs to tell him to hand over his CR Commander Cap and then get a refund.
But I do have some empathy the original pitched game was an exciting announcement.

Sympathy ? 

This *unt, Citizen Armadildo, has had his head buried up his *hit pipe for years....
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 05:14:26 PM by StanTheMan »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #729 on: January 16, 2018, 10:00:08 PM »
Another good video, he also quotes development started by CR that started a year before pitching the game is now known to be a lie.

Good to recall that bit about CR stating development supposedly ongoing like two years before the kickstarter. Now I think it was more likely just producing those expensive looking slick trailers (whether time consuming in-house or wasting funds on expensive 3rd party production), where maybe up to half of SC "development" even up to this point was about making more slick trailers, the useless ATVs i.e. CR's deranged thinking that somehow his (failed) movie making experience somehow legitimately benefits SC's development. If anything CR was a major influence in the "cutscene" part of the gaming industry history other than slapping on textures on sprites in WC.

example: eyepopping expensive looking trailers, but ultimately useless for development of the game, except to hook in more whales. imo, the "Vanduul" (haha, 'vandal savage') trailer coincided with the ED announcement short humble trailer but ultimately existing implemented thargoids. The "600i" , ripoff of the ED cutter, incl. a knock-off of the interior imperial Gutamaya look.

You don't want to think what will happen to these kind of backers when CIG crashes and all the money is just gone.

Perhaps even worse than a financial industry ponzi is there could likely be no recourse for the idiot backers who doubled down to keep denying DS was right. In financial ponzi's at least the victims would be helped by a clawback representative assigned by the court where individually they could possibly get up to 50% back by the law liquidizing seized assets of the criminal. But in SC's case, I'd doubt the whalers would have any substantial recourse. It's not like they were investing in a fund expecting a monetary return. At this point, many of the brainwashed whalers are still in it pathetically just to want to prove the "naysayers" and DS wrong :laugh:
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 10:23:58 PM by krylite »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #730 on: January 17, 2018, 06:59:14 AM »
Sympathy ? 

This *unt, Citizen Armadildo, has had his head buried up his *hit pipe for years....

I do as this is not an easy world to live in, I've been stolen from in my businesses twice
including family and friends over the years. I do not like to see anyone stolen from even if they have helped
to create the situation knowingly or unknowingly. This individual was much like myself before
I started researching the information that many were providing that something was amiss.
Considering the fiasco that is SC,  I give them credit on the ability to smile and provide a slick YouTube videos.
The average person without knowledge of the situation could easily be taken in by them.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #731 on: January 17, 2018, 08:19:25 AM »
The most shocking Star Citizen related thing you will read today.

His son is in hospital with a coma.

He wants a refund to help with medical bills.

But he's concerned CIG will close his account after the refund.


I have to believe this is made up.  I can't parse this otherwise.  If someone's son is in a coma, a normal human would have nothing else on their mind.  Close my account, take my PC, fuck it take my house, just make my son get better.

Not this guy - first thought - better make sure my Star Citizen account is intact.  The behavior is consistent with the backers that are left after all the warning signs, but this is just too far.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #732 on: January 17, 2018, 08:27:33 AM »
Gorf wrote up a post about Batgirl's latest video.

YOUTUBE: Batgirl’s State of the Game, January 13th

(This is the longest Batgirl SoTG episode I’ve ever seen. Forgive me if I dispense of the first half hour pretty briskly, there is so much here not worth covering and I’m going giving that latter part extra attention.)

It’s over an hour and a half and one of the first things out of her mouth is a statement of confidence that 2018 is  going to be an amazing year for Star Citizen.

She starts things off hopping in her much-beloved Mustang and is off in search of adventures, the sort that await a courier accepting a pickup and delivery job a half hour out of town. It’s a riveting experience even for a viewer, just watching her navigate through nothingness for minutes at a time as she races towards the dark side of a barren moon to pick up a box.

Alas, in her nascent encounters with emergent gameplay, a plot complication ensues. Almost a half hour into her mission, the lurking horror slowly, inexorably dawns upon her. She brought the wrong ship! You can’t haul cargo in the Mustang, Batgirl!

She cuts back to Olisar, gets kicked off the terminal a couple times trying to get a ship that can actually carry cargo. Then does the whole corridors to ship to jump to descend to the moon thing again. We are 40 minutes in to the video now and still nothing resembling gameplay has transpired, just lots and lots of monologing. But as she approaches the 40 minute mark, things pick up. She gives her opinions about Pay To Win, then discusses her fury and grief when Bensdays with Batgirl was cancelled. Apparently others complained that Batgirl was getting preferential treatment from CIG via direct access with the Master of Ships.

—> 44:44!

She has found the black box and begins the long jog back to her craft. Futzing ensues until she figures out how to put it down.

She decides to return to the shipwreck and explore. What’s this? Another box?!

Well it looks like this 45 minute long fetch quest sans combat or adventure par excellence just got doubly fun! She picks up yet another box, begins the trek back to her ship, decides to retrieve yet another box!

Welcome my friends to a little thing we call a game loop of emergent gameplay.

“This might take a while folks — sorry about that... but this is FUN!”

Moments later she explains that she parked far away from the shipwreck because she loves walking towards her ship. So get comfortable because she’s going to be doing that marathon for a small eternity a half dozen times.

Yet while she performs this ritual of the highest fidelity mundanity ever unleashed upon the world, she strikes up a conversation with her viewers.

51 minutes in, “So tell me folks... what is the most exciting part of 3.0 for you?”  You’re playing it, Batgirl. Oh, but then she asks what the most disappointing aspect of 3.0 has been for viewers, and proceeds to answer the question herself.

She talks about those like her who have long supported the game out of love of Chris Roberts, ”Anything Chris makes turns to gold. Well not always.”[/b]

And then, as if she is being tested by the gods of irony, she attempts to lower the gold  cargo box she’s been carrying and watches it clip through the floor of her ship.

She goes beneath the ship to retrieve it, musing about the timing of her Chris Roberts praise. She picks it up, carries it inside, and this time it stays. Back to the grind!

Boredom returns for several minutes. She searches further, hoping she might find a dragonfly. Chris did during his Gamescom 2016 playthrough, so it’s not that big a stretch. Then again, do you really think Chris would give away that which he could sell?

Well, this post is already long enough so I’ll spare you too much additional detail on Batgirl’s big mission. Here, an hour and twenty minutes in, is the final punchline. Voiced with two different accents and three different personalities.

I don’t want to give anything away. Sometimes, despite enormous effort and endurance on your part, you can’t.

”This is becoming a nightmare. A nightmare of futility.”

Not one to give up without a fight, Batgirl tries yet again, leaving the station and returning, traipsing through the corridors to once again plead with the NPC who can compensate her for what was surely two hours of her time.

But he’s got other words for this backer, and in many ways they’re about the truest words ever uttered about the 6 years in development $180 million pre-Alpha.

”Hey, take your shit.”

And that, dear friends, is The State of the Game.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #733 on: January 17, 2018, 09:44:22 AM »
Gorf wrote up a post about Batgirl's latest video.

YOUTUBE: Batgirl’s State of the Game, January 13th

Sad state on the level the game is in considering what little is even available and how much time has passed.
Loaded this up on second monitor while working took a few quick notes while listening.

24:44 did not think through ship selection
36:01 talking about pay to win, and they will fix all the problems
45:04 wowed by the beauty of the game "nothing else like it"
45:42 box placing,
46:34 finds more boxes
50:15 textures popping
53:03 almost everything CR Makes turns to gold
53:09 Box is hit by radiation flare causing it to phrase through the floor "j"k.
1:02:17 another box is hit by solar flare and when its dropped teleports through his legs and his behind him
1:05 counted 12 boxes total
1:20 npc doesn't want his box lololol, tells him to take his sh###
1:21:28 is confused
1:22:26 unable to sell stuff on ship
1:22:43 took box to wrong place to deliver box
1:26 trying to get to right landing pad
1:28:40 flight npc confused
1:31:40 looks like all boxes intact
1:36:07 lol npc is not going to take the box

Thank you Derek, hate to use the entire quote and I'm good at forgetting to put the end tag back in.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 02:16:08 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #734 on: January 17, 2018, 01:21:56 PM »
Hey, are you aware that you are burying all your comments in quote tags?
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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