Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 2563124 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1140 on: September 09, 2017, 05:37:25 PM »
Is that 5% a year? So in CIGs case we'd be talking 20 leavers a year or so. I think it's considerably fewer than that. Sounds like a very happy workforce overall then. Nice.

Actually a 10% turn over rate is considered a healthy turnover rate, and yes that is per year.

If you have sources to show that points the way that CIG has a higher turn over rate than normal, provide some numbers to show how many people CIG has lost per year, then I would

*mod censored*  :science:

Derek is a developer of some 40 years, I am a recruitment consultant of some 20 years.  You appear to have sited some claim in a piece about SALES STAFF.

What experts tell you is not sufficient evidence for you, you prefer to seek out other opinions that might support your position and then try and use those to discredit the actual experts that don't agree with your claims.   This is not a pathway to truth it is the way that biased people approach an issue to try and justify their beliefs.

*mod censored*  :science:

Derek is not an isolated expert voice and I am not an isolated expert recruitment voice.

If you have sources to show what is considered a healthy turn over rate for tech companies and provide some numbers to show how many people CIG has lost per year, then I would be interested in reading such sources.

I did find this article that talks about how tech companies have the highest turn over rate

This article talks about what can the tech industry do to help against such a high turnover rate


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1141 on: September 09, 2017, 05:46:11 PM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what?

I already answered this early in this thread, around page 70.
And I disagree about Chris Roberts lying about when things would be released, otherwise you would have to say every single developer is a liar when ever they have something that is late, I dont't call them liars unless there is actual proof that  when they gave the release date they knew it was not possible.  Chris Roberts has always been bad at giving good release dates, it is one of his flaws among his perfectionism and his management style, and this is all stuff I knew before I put my $60 into this game.

This illustrates your naivety and is evidence of your age and lack of experience in the world of work.

Whilst technically you are correct that people lie all the time, the REALITY is that there are accepted norms in professional circles and that CROBERTS has greatly overstated his position such that it is reasonable to call him a LIAR versus some other developer whose schedule slipped (because that would be within expected industry norms or is otherwise reasonably explained)

Another reason why the lay person is idiotic to ignore expert opinion in favour of their own opinion.

First of all, don't assume my age or my experience in the work force, that is uncalled for, you know nothing about me, and really stop with the underhanded insults.

I look at what is normal for Chris Roberts himself, he has had this problem with release dates for decades.  So while what he does is abnormal for the industry, it is normal for him cause he is really bad at it and he can't get himself to stop, and in the end his games still got released and were excellent games.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1142 on: September 09, 2017, 05:47:55 PM »

Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults. 

This claim of yours is simply incorrect unless you can, at the very least, read minds.

If you can read minds, I would be after a Nobel prize and would be kicking myself I didnt take up James Randi on his £1mil challenge.

What?  What I said had nothing to do with reading minds, and everything to do with looking at history and knowing enough about the person.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1143 on: September 15, 2017, 01:19:54 AM »
They show more of the Mission and "Subsumption AI" system in ATV this week. So has anyone got an idea of how it works yet?

To my eyes, the screenshots don't look like they've shown off the actual AI behaviour graphs, but rather the mission creation logic. Which just looks like a visual scripting tool to me, nothing special in itself. Perhaps another example of CIG reinventing the wheel unnecessarily, whilst over-complicating it at the same time.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1144 on: September 15, 2017, 05:31:10 PM »
Meanwhile... :wtchris:
Brian Chambers‏ on Twitter: "We're getting closer. #StarCitizen #3.0"


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1145 on: September 15, 2017, 05:37:41 PM »
Meanwhile... :wtchris:
Brian Chambers‏ on Twitter: "We're getting closer. #StarCitizen #3.0"

Till they find more bugs and that graph shoots up again.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1146 on: September 15, 2017, 06:00:42 PM »
The latest dev schedule (diff) is up, but I haven't had the chance to take a look yet. When I do, I will update with Nick's synopsis

Meantime, who recalls that time when I said they were going to chop up and shit out whatever they had as 3.0 because they simply cannot get it done by year end, let alone for ShitizenCon?

They already started.

In last night's Star Citizen update, they proudly proclaimed that they had reduced their "must fix" issues by 50, reducing the count to 26. Except for one thing they said: "...some by fixing bugs and some shifted over to allow for a more focused polish of traversal".

What this means is that, as I've reported before, they're still removing/hiding items from 3.0 build. They started doing that in the previous dev schedule update, and they're still doing it as per this recent update.

This means is that, like the 3K+ bugs in current 2.6.3 update, they're removing features + bugs, in order to release "something" called 3.0.

My prediction for 3.0 is that it won't have any space<->planet traversal, and will just be a level you load into. Just like GC2017 showed.

Now comes this statement about today's reveal. By the same guy who looked directly at the cameras at GC2017, and said that the build they were playing in the stream, was going to be the same build that Chris would be showcasing later - and which only had some things disabled.

I've been hearing this from a couple sources, so I wanted to take a moment to clarify how this process works.

Firstly, there is no "special" or "separate" build with specific features for Evocati. What we push to Evocati will be the most current build of 3.0 from our release branch that we feel is suitable for our immediate testing needs.

What this means is that like every Evocati build before it, it will still contain many, many bugs impacting the overall Star Citizen experience we hope to achieve when Alpha 3.0 eventually launches, but that the most pressing bugs standing in the way of testing specific features we are prioritizing at that moment have been hopefully eliminated. Once this is done, we can push a build to Evocati and direct them to concentrated testing of those specific features within the overall 3.0 branch.

As Erin said in Burndown yesterday, we intend to sweep through game system by game system, starting first with traversing between the moons of Crusader. As milestones are hit, and waves of bugs associated with additional features are smashed, we will push further builds to Evocati, then to PTU, and finally to our live environment, which itself is still a test bed for Star Citizen Alpha.

Meanwhile, remember back when I said GC2017 was a hacked version they put together for the show? Sure you do.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 06:19:53 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1147 on: September 15, 2017, 07:28:55 PM »
So in the recent AtV, Erin threw his devs under the bus. From now on, you can blame the devs - not management - for any/all delays and fuckups.

Erin, verbatim as transcribed on SA

Star Citizen: Around the Verse Sep 14, 2017
@ 08:23

Erin Roberts:
I wanna get... I wanna go to Evocati... I wanna make sure the first thing we can do is ensure we can traverse the system easily and well, and that's all this set of bugs is about, is we... you know... from getting in, taking off, ATC working, QT-ing working, being able to go to locations, all that kinda stuff, we just get THAT working and so it's not... it's not a nightm... you know I'm not going into maps all the time and trying to work out where I can jump places and so forth... you can do that kind of stuff and we have what I think is a really good start for EVOCATI cos it's a lot of FUN, it's FUN.

You go down to planets you do some EVENTS. And THEN, once we get this set of twenty, you know, SIX bugs left, you know... and don't forget these are the 26 bugs I want fixed to go to EVOCATI with, but I'm SURE we'll fix a bunch of other STUFF, you know, at the same time and stuff like that... and then we basically go and get that in, and then once we get that set of BUGS... you know, those set of, uh, BUGS... then what we're gonna do again is sit... sit down with TARD and then say, 'Right! What's um... what's the next feature we wanna focus on', and then pick another say ten, twenty um... like FEATURES... let's get TRADING maybe working properly and then maybe... ten or fifteen features...

(A dev raises his hand to speak at this point and is ignored)

... and we say right, here's the... here's the seventeen BUGS for that, that's the next release for EVOCATI, let's get all this stuff worked on and then we fix all sorts of stuff in the background, and we just basically PICK a FEATURE at a time, NAIL IT DOWN and just keep on going that way and that's how we're gonna close this out.

"So the bug countdown to each point release is what's being given to the backers, Erin is in there telling his guys to work on these buglists and we're being shown it in a video, the backers will then be watching these buglists as a countdown to the next release - so Erin is removing himself from the equation and putting his devs right up against the backers and that's what this little piece of theatre was about and the change to the point release schedule.

Hey Erin Roberts, go fuck yourself. And fuck you devs if you are still stupid enough to be working for that cunt

Meanwhile over there...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 07:35:22 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1148 on: September 15, 2017, 09:28:32 PM »
Quote from: TouchdownTim55
Leaders and project managers need to shield their employees from the customers/other leaders and act as the go between. -TouchdownTim55

Absofuckinglutelyright! I've had to report to more then one "Manager" that didn't understand this quintessential fact about what their main job function really was.

Mainly a good Project Manager's job boils down to getting upper management off the back of the guys in the trenches, so that they can get the shit that needs to be done, up and running. Shielding them from the micromanaging bullshit coming from a dingle berry that has a hard time just dressing himself in the morning, let alone actually knowing what shit needs to be done, and how to get it done right. 

I have great empathy for the real devs on the floor. The guys working their asses off, and doing the best that they can. Just to pull a salary, and feed their families. What do they get for all that effort and hard work? They have to deal with an absolute fucktard like Erin.

If you listen closely you can hear their muttered refrains. "I can't shit out Tiffany Cuff Links on command you D-Bag..."

I can see from this exchange, that Erin has already checked out. All it looks like he's doing now is a study in blame shifting.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 09:39:13 PM by Orgetorix »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1149 on: September 16, 2017, 02:48:32 AM »
These developers should consider going on paid sick leave until after CitizenCon. At least that's what people do in countries with employee rights under such a treatment by a superior.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1150 on: September 16, 2017, 02:49:01 AM »
Erin is seeing his life of luxury and his yearly 300K salary + benefits going up in smoke in the short run, with the possibility to have to pay back everything gained in the last years. So he is as desperate to get a working 3.0 build out of the door as Chris is. What an ass he is in that clip. It's almost as if it's filmed with a hidden camera to expose some major bad thing. He fits right in in that scenario.

And they're not even hiding it anymore; straight from the diffchecker

This week we’ve got good news on the bug fixing front as we’ve taken a giant leap toward our objective of getting Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 into the hands of the Evocati. Last week’s report indicated a total of 76 must-fix issues and this week we are down to 26. While a number of these bugs were simply resolved due to the team’s usual endeavors, our directors reviews have been keenly focused on core player loops which has led to a redefinition of must-fix. In short, we’ve decided that we need to get this into Evocati hands sooner rather than later. We are simply going to accept that there will still be additional issues to resolve, but we want your feedback now, so we have readjusted our numbers to reflect bugs that are blocking the core experience (gameplay loops, missions, commodities and shopping, to name a few). We want you traversing the universe, landing on planets and generally testing 3.0 while we continue to polish and bug fix more features that can then be passed along for testing. We can then prioritize any new issues that come up, but it will accelerate the process so we can advance 3.0 much quicker to the PU and ultimately to our entire player base. We’ll be back next week with another update on how we’re doing.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 03:01:44 AM by Motto »

Aya Reiko

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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1151 on: September 16, 2017, 03:59:47 AM »
In short, scale back 3.0 even more and hope no one will notice how much has been dropped from what was originally promised.

Remember this:

Don't get surprised if only Daymar is added to the official 3.0 release.  Maybe one more moon at most.  No space travel.  Just separate levels like the GC version.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 04:02:06 AM by Aya Reiko »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1152 on: September 16, 2017, 06:15:34 AM »
Erin is seeing his life of luxury and his yearly 300K salary + benefits going up in smoke in the short run, with the possibility to have to pay back everything gained in the last years. So he is as desperate to get a working 3.0 build out of the door as Chris is. What an ass he is in that clip. It's almost as if it's filmed with a hidden camera to expose some major bad thing. He fits right in in that scenario.

And they're not even hiding it anymore; straight from the diffchecker

This week we’ve got good news on the bug fixing front as we’ve taken a giant leap toward our objective of getting Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 into the hands of the Evocati. Last week’s report indicated a total of 76 must-fix issues and this week we are down to 26. While a number of these bugs were simply resolved due to the team’s usual endeavors, our directors reviews have been keenly focused on core player loops which has led to a redefinition of must-fix. In short, we’ve decided that we need to get this into Evocati hands sooner rather than later. We are simply going to accept that there will still be additional issues to resolve, but we want your feedback now, so we have readjusted our numbers to reflect bugs that are blocking the core experience (gameplay loops, missions, commodities and shopping, to name a few). We want you traversing the universe, landing on planets and generally testing 3.0 while we continue to polish and bug fix more features that can then be passed along for testing. We can then prioritize any new issues that come up, but it will accelerate the process so we can advance 3.0 much quicker to the PU and ultimately to our entire player base. We’ll be back next week with another update on how we’re doing.

Yeah, as I wrote, they basically removed 50 bugs from the list, fixing some, obviously leaving others in the existing pool of 3K+ bugs already in 2.6.3. The reason is simple. They can't get 3.0 done in time for CC2017, and they're just going to "release" something called 3.0 and call it a day. It's a brilliant plan if you ask me.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1153 on: September 16, 2017, 06:39:36 AM »
There's no chance of a general release before Citizencon now I don't think. Evocati might get their hands on it though.

A lot of the community have requested them to just release whst they have, (totally ignoring the meaning of the word 'blocker'), and it seems they have listened. They must be getting a little desperate to just get it out of the door though. It is a little embarrassing.

26 little bugs in the code, 26 little bugs. Knock one off the load, compile the code, find 64 little bugs in the code.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1154 on: September 16, 2017, 06:53:48 AM »
Makes you wonder what they'll be showing at CitizenCon if the full 3.0 release is still full of game breaking bugs. Maybe a cut-down slice of 3.0 like at GamesCom?


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