Author Topic: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen  (Read 108217 times)


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2017, 10:38:28 AM »
it is a live tracker and I tested it my self.
Of course it behaves like a live tracker. CIG would be stupid not to make it appear like one.  But there’s no guarantee that they didn’t add an inflation feature.

Code: [Select]
function createAccount() {
   account.weight = 1 + randomBetween(0, 1);

function totalUsers() {
   foreach (account in accountList) total += account.weight;
   return total;


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2017, 11:31:55 AM »
Be careful with that! Before you know it, Chris is offering you a job...


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2017, 11:54:15 AM »
Be careful with that! Before you know it, Chris is offering you a job...

I did code my own version of „Space Invaders“ on the PET 2001 back in the days, so I do know a thing or two about space sim game development :D However, I doubt that my experience with block graphics would be relevant for a company aiming for high fidelity toilets in spaceships…


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2017, 12:19:10 PM »
I did Snake in QBasic in 1983 on a Commodore 64. Should I apply for First Primary Head Senior Lead Developer at Roberts Space Industries Cloud Imperium Games Scam LTD.? I'll bring my own money.

Aya Reiko

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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2017, 12:53:26 PM »
It would be hard for the industry to completely ignore the amount of money that was put into SC, and then not to realize that is s clear sign that there are a lot of people wanting space combat sims. So if anything, for anybody to not see the loud voice that the backers of SC have shown for this genre are the ones that are naive or just don't want to admit that SC, whether it succeeds or not, already made an good affect on the space combat sim genre, and no not the FTL type games.

I'm not sure that's true though, is it?

If the $160m raised by CIG had come from 2.6m unique backers each pledging an industry standard $60 you might have a point. Instead Star Citizen has far fewer individual backers (likely less than 1m) with the bulk of the funding provided by an even smaller number of whales who have been irresponsible enough to pledge amounts well into the four figures and often way beyond that. That is not a model that that can be used by the wider industry - in fact rather than demonstrating a wide appeal for 'space combat sims' it actually proves that this genre has a HUGE appeal for only very small subset of gamers. It's also valid to speculate that when CIG fails (and it's only matter of time) the appetite of the whales responsible for most of the funding will disappear and they will be reluctant to take such risks in future.

Star Citizen is unlikely to have any effect on the industry in future other than as an object lesson in how NOT to finance and manage a project such as this. That alone is to the benefit of gamers though.

Considering we already have years of experience with crowdfunded games, good and the bad, if it fails I doubt it will have that much effect on crowdfunding over all, if anything it would be nobody else would do the same kind of continued campaign of raising money by selling in game assets, and instead just do the traditional things of pledge tiers with specific rewards and the campaign would have an end time and stretch goals would not go so far.

On this I completely agree with you.
And you know what the real lesson learned from this will be.

More over-priced DLC!
More Micro-transactions!

Who needs a wide playerbase when you can just snag a enough fools who'll pay and pay big to "get and stay ahead".


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2017, 12:59:07 PM »
I did Snake in QBasic in 1983 on a Commodore 64. Should I apply for First Primary Head Senior Lead Developer at Roberts Space Industries Cloud Imperium Games Scam LTD.? I'll bring my own money.

Better wait until Derek picks up the remnants of this mess including the office furniture and the airlock door in the upcoming garage sale. We can all still apply for the lead positions then. Sandipity can become Head of Marketing and continue to spread the positive mantras while the nerds wrap their heads around 64-bit POKEs and PEEKs. And I’ll get to tweet like this  :supaburn:


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2017, 01:20:28 PM »
Not sure if serious....  :supaburn:


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #37 on: September 11, 2017, 01:38:44 PM »
Don't start again. It's somewhere in one of Dereks findings. And if you don't believe it, that's fine, just don't dispute it here again. We all here believe the things Derek has researched and written down.

 I wasn't starting anything, I was seriously asking what the source of verification was, and now I have my answer.

The search function on all my sites, work. Try using them. Here is a handy list for you to bookmark

Star Citizen Blogs:

Star Citizen Forum:

Star Citizen Scoops:

Star Citizen Musings:

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2017, 07:03:54 AM »
Except it isn't trolling at all.  Rather it is giving a different perspective on the situation from 1 backer.

But is this place just supposed to be an echo chamber then?

Moeis are you Serendipity in disguise? Because I remember going through all these same arguments with him over and over. At least you haven't trolled Derek yet, so I suppose not.

Yeah, some of us think he's one of the /r/ds guys, and possibly another Serendipity alt. If that's true, it's only a matter of time. As you know, those guys can't help themselves, nor hide for long.

Regardless, let's not engage in witch hunts. We will continue to monitor carefully. We already identified another Serendipity alt which I just banned.

You didn't identify any such thing. It wasn't me. You've banned an innocent. Won't somebody please think of the children...?


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2017, 08:47:00 AM »
Except it isn't trolling at all.  Rather it is giving a different perspective on the situation from 1 backer.

But is this place just supposed to be an echo chamber then?

Moeis are you Serendipity in disguise? Because I remember going through all these same arguments with him over and over. At least you haven't trolled Derek yet, so I suppose not.

Yeah, some of us think he's one of the /r/ds guys, and possibly another Serendipity alt. If that's true, it's only a matter of time. As you know, those guys can't help themselves, nor hide for long.

Regardless, let's not engage in witch hunts. We will continue to monitor carefully. We already identified another Serendipity alt which I just banned.

You didn't identify any such thing. It wasn't me. You've banned an innocent. Won't somebody please think of the children...?

Nothing is to be gained by engaging in this line of discussion. If I didn't have irrefutable evidence that it was you, just like how your ConfusedMoneh alt was uncovered, I wouldn't have stated it in writing. If you say it's not you, fine, move on because you're not going to convince anyone; and I'm not inclined to make this data public in a pointless bid to prove you wrong. If your feelz are hurt, go have a stiff drink.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2017, 10:56:04 AM »
Would you pm me the evidence because seriously, I haven't re-registered. I literally have no reason to lie to you about this.

Hopefully you have noticed I'm an honest type, I'm not lying. There's nothing to gain from doing so. Whoever registered during my temp ban wasn't me. I admitted to being that Monkeh dude so why not admit to this? Truly, honestly and definitely, it was not me whom you banned.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2017, 04:03:45 AM »
Would you pm me the evidence because seriously, I haven't re-registered. I literally have no reason to lie to you about this.

Hopefully you have noticed I'm an honest type, I'm not lying. There's nothing to gain from doing so. Whoever registered during my temp ban wasn't me. I admitted to being that Monkeh dude so why not admit to this? Truly, honestly and definitely, it was not me whom you banned.

Please tell me how you discovered me. I thought I had covered my tracks extra good this time.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #42 on: September 19, 2017, 02:20:41 AM »
Would you pm me the evidence because seriously, I haven't re-registered. I literally have no reason to lie to you about this.

Hopefully you have noticed I'm an honest type, I'm not lying. There's nothing to gain from doing so. Whoever registered during my temp ban wasn't me. I admitted to being that Monkeh dude so why not admit to this? Truly, honestly and definitely, it was not me whom you banned.

Please tell me how you discovered me. I thought I had covered my tracks extra good this time.

Fine, if we want to be paranoid then just reassess what constitutes 'irrefutable evidence'. There's probably 5 or 6 IP addresses from which both this account and Monkeh have ever logged in from. My places of work and home. Maybe a couple more as I've moved since Monkeh was registered.

I don't use a VPN because I can't be arsed and have nothing to hide, so that should be obvious from logs or whatever.

I've never tried to cover any tracks, I'm sure Derek can confirm this account and Monkeh logged in from some of the same IP's as I didn't try to hide. Just picked a new name from a very similar email address. Honestly, if I was trying to hide it was the worst attempt ever. I wasn't.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2017, 06:19:57 PM »
Anything else from SC after this is nothing more than the cherry on top.

So your whole justification for supporting Croberts, and Star Citizen boils down to this.

He sucked $150 million+ into a blackhole of game dev for a project that will never be finished, but that's perfectly alright because it somehow, someway shined a spot light on a little served area of the game market.


You do understand that the ends should never justify the means. All the money that Croberts is dumping down a hole is wasted, you get that?

The space sim resurgence would have happened without him, you understand that?

A vast portion of that money would have inevitably made it's way to those games that have come out and are playable.

So just to make sure I haven't misunderstood you. It's perfectly alright for Croberts to run the greatest scam in crowd funding history, just because a couple other games you like have gotten a boost (In your mind), from his scam?

:gary: :ughh: :yarg:

You forgot to mention that Roberts in fact saved pc gaming through this fantastic project. How could you forget? We would all play on ps4's now if it were not for him.


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Re: Why I already got my money's worth out of Star Citizen
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2017, 07:18:41 PM »
You forgot to mention that Roberts in fact saved pc gaming through this fantastic project. How could you forget? We would all play on ps4's now if it were not for him.
I'm playing on PS4 now thanks to Croberts' failure to deliver.


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