Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 1817800 times)


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #105 on: May 05, 2017, 06:21:32 AM »
So some guy got a referral code to Star Citizen. He created an account, heard about the newsletter etc. Then before he could pull the trigger, he decided to do some more reading.

In the end, he created a Reddit account and posted a reply in this thread on Sat.

He contacted me on Sat to let me know what they were censoring posts. Thinking that it was because he had a new account, he said he waited. By Sun, it still wasn't showing in the thread. He messaged the mods, and they ignored him.

So he messaged me (on Discord) the entire text. I asked him to post it here in my forum, but he declined, saying that he didn't think my forums were unbiased either. Then I asked him if I could share it. I heard back from him earlier today with his permission to do so. He also says that as of now, the /r/StarCitizen Reddit mods have still not approved the post. He didn't send me the source text, so there is no way to go to the embedded links though.

So yes, they are still censoring posts over there; even though it should be a neutral sub-Reddit. Last week, there was another fiasco in which a widely popular thread simply vanished after a bunch of Shitizens (no doubt) kept reporting it when it hit the frontpage. It came back several hours later.

As I wrote over in the PC Invasion article where those guys are in full force, they are the worst thing - besides Chris Roberts - to ever happen to this project.

ps: He also sent me his commander profile as proof

UPDATE: OK he created an original thread which appears to be showing now
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #106 on: May 05, 2017, 06:22:11 AM »
That thread was amazing. We were chatting about it on my Discord channel late last night. Right up to the point where the guy noticed that his thread was removed. It's interesting how all the critical threads over there get removed. Then there is an outcry, and they come back. It happened to two such threads last week.

So apparently those guys there mass reported his thread (as they did to the others) and the auto-moderator removed it. But after this thread happened, it was manually brought back. The poor guy never stood a chance. I mean, look at the -25 downvotes just for asking a question as to why his post was removed. It's hilarious that before it was made known why the thread was removed, they were all speculating and trying to find a reason for his post to be removed. Of course they were all wrong.

Some have been attacking him for being me (aka DS) and over in the /r/DS someone else is now speculating that it's RISC911 (a Goon).

If you go to the guy's Reddit profile and read his comments, it's easy to see why the Usual Suspects would be threatened with reason. He went entirely against their narrative and totally ruffled some knickers.

These were my favorites. I even created an image album out of them because such p0wning needs to be archived for posterity.

1) About those guys on a hate sub-Reddit


If you think my response is harsh well think about all the other potential backers who don't bother to post anything but who by looking at these things just shake their heads and go away. You see how the Star Citizen community got its bad rap? This is how. Which is sad because every response I received here and which answered my questions and concerns were polite and informative. It is also very interesting to me that most of those people have never posted on /r/DerekSmart afaik.

2) on elevating DS to bogeyman

3) on DS undermining the project

4) LOL!!! takes on TheGremlich, Shitizen 96

5) About that famous lie that "the community voted to expanded the game scope"

About that...

Jun 12, 2014: POLL: Should we continue to offer stretch goals?

Nov 12, 2012: POLL: What do YOU think we could plan to add to our campaign?

Sep 16, 2013: POLL: What should we do with the crowdfunding counter after we reach our goal?

6) About the need to raise money when the game is already late & over budget

7) LOL!! You mad, bro?

8) On DS being "jealous" of Star Citizen

9) LOL!! Apparently having no credit rating means you can still get business loans

10) About those pesky things like schedules

11) where they are now making excuses for why moons instead of planets are coming

12) The ever-shifting release date goal post
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #107 on: May 05, 2017, 06:23:01 AM »
NOTE: Scroll up to see the preview two installments.

Over the past 24hrs, that OldSchoolCmdr guy on Reddit has literally eviscerated those fools. It's embarrassing to watch. The greatest hits (!) so far:

After the guy said he was going to spend $60 on the game a few days ago, post-attacks, he changed his mind.

They are obsessed with this Derek Smart guy

It pleases me that people take the time to read and understand my pov while not accusing me of being partial or blind or something worse.

TheGremlich steps in it, and gets thrown out a 9th floor window. Then he respawns, comes back up, gets shot in the head, and thrown off the roof. Well, he respawned again. This time he got shot in the head, set on fire, and buried under a concrete slab.

Anna-Belle Huxley takes the fallback Ph.D position and gets her toes nailed to the floorboards   ps: if you know who that is, you're going to love this one.

Some dude comes up with 13 reasons why OldSchoolCmdr is maybe Derek Smart, and gets his eyelids glued to his forehead.

I don't think they will be inviting him to  /r/DerekSmart again.

That poor sap, messi_knessi didn't stand a chance when he did the same* thing that TheGremlich did.

* This is an old Blues News post from 2008.

"I was so excited at the prospects of a good Star Trek game and MMO, that I was rooting for the n00bs, thinking that they hadn't already dipped in the poison well. To the extent that I contacted them in 2004 and offered my consulting (since I had my own games and have no intentions of working for anyone, ever) assistance as well as my seamless space/planetary tech which they could build from. That went nowhere. The rest is history." - 2008

Yeah, I remember that. Actually I met up with two of them at E3 back in 2004 and we had a chat about the direction they were taking. I told them I couldn't work as part of a team because I don't want to work for anyone in that capacity, and I was already working on Universal Combat which came out that same year (2004). It was really just chatting with industry peers and saying "well if you guys need some thoughts and ideas, let me know". I recall that I was trying (for the third time I think) to get the Freespace license in order to do an FS3 after Universal Combat. I ended up doing All Aspect Warfare & Angle Of Attack instead, both of which released in 2009.

This is what messi_knessi stated, which made his statement false. Pretty much the same sort of thing TheGremlich did and just razed for it. This is probably why OldSchoolGamer didn't even reference it because it doesn't at all fit the description of what messi_knessi was saying.

"I wonder what triggered derek to jump onto the backs of this kickstarter project ... I'm guessing he might have applied for a job or as he calls it "offered his services" and got rejected. Or maybe he offered something to them and got rejected. Like what happened with Star Trek Online and Battlescape Inffinity, where derek publically turn sour on them (saying they will fail) when he got rejected by them."[/b]

Of course we all know what happened with STO before it got taken away, and after.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 10:26:01 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #108 on: May 05, 2017, 08:37:29 AM »
I had to read all of it, he wrote everything so eloquently that's just E.P.I.C. :D :D


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #109 on: May 05, 2017, 10:24:53 AM »
I had to read all of it, he wrote everything so eloquently that's just E.P.I.C. :D :D

Yeah, that guy is amazing. Too bad he chose not to post here. But I can understand his reason :smugjones:

The Usual Suspects over on /r/DerekSmart/ appear to be ignoring him for now, though I am sure they are reading the thread. So far only those 4 have dared to engage. We Goons are waiting to see if the other highly toxic numskulls like obey_the_fist, redchris18, cymelion, DisturbedJim, Lethality and some of the regulars, will dare to engage him. I would pay to read that.  :laugh:
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 10:59:18 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #110 on: May 05, 2017, 08:48:52 PM »
I interrupt this program, to bring you more LOLS (1, 2) from OSC.

Quick word on the money. Last night while I was continuing my research, I was browsing the project website. I went to the store, looked around, made some notes etc. Then a very disturbing feeling came over me. Say you are a backer who has paid $250 to a company for them to create a game. You see a mouse pad or t-shirt for sale. You buy it. How many backers were able to deduce that they had paid money to CIG, who then used some of that money to manufacture goods at low cost, which they then sold back to the backer at a premium. I am going to leave you with that picture in your mind.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.

J How

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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #111 on: May 06, 2017, 05:36:17 AM »
In trust I can conclusively say he is not Derek Smart (or are we all Derek Smart? by the logic of /r/dereksmart) humph...

They are creating their own drama it seems, although I am tending to shy away from all of it if I can, neither the time or patience anymore to sift through it. It is steadily getting worse for them (/r/ds and /r/starcitizen) just because they now seem to be stuck in this accusative hate cycle and to be honest I've lost all interest in it for that reason.

Still from time to time I get pinged either through discord or email. Looking at how things are right now I don't see it changing anytime soon, they are stuck in the cycle and can't break free from it (at a guess because there is nothing else going on). SC 3.0 keeps on moving goal posts, things changing, things being withdrawn, etc.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #112 on: May 06, 2017, 06:01:12 AM »
Yes, that's how a cult works. The problem is that when you have more toxic members, once you let them keep getting away with shit, they will continue until they go overboard. That's the cycle they are in now. And there is no way that they can change that. That train left the station, and even if Star Citizen is released (it won't) and turns out to be the BDSSE, that stigma will still be there. Then just like how the NMS fiasco reached peak, then just died down along with the game, that's precisely what will happen to Star Citizen.

As much as I would absolutely love to take credit for going straight into the /r/starcitizen/ lion's den, and causing angst and consternation, it's not me. That would be the ultimate troll I think.

One of his posts from last night. I was howling. This guy is deviously funny, without even trying it looks like.

Knowledge for those who seek it, can be found if you look hard enough. Because I choose not to remain ignorant, I made a decision to do as much research as possible so that I could be as effective when discussing this game and controversy with people who have no idea what they're writing about most of the time.
I did make a post asking questions. I got very few answers. But before I could benefit from the vast knowledge in this Reddit, a few of your buddies decided to inflict head shots even before I put my hat down on the table and ordered a drink from the fair maiden of knowledge. From that moment, I realized that my destiny and quest for knowledge lay not with the fair maiden herself, but with her offspring. Google.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 06:04:24 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #113 on: May 06, 2017, 08:44:39 PM »
Yep !

Credit where it is due.

His replies, like Dereks SC blog posts,  are worth reading as examples of how to do "it".

You need not be interested in Sc to learn from them.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #114 on: May 07, 2017, 05:48:18 AM »
Yeah, he does.

I have just now caught up with his latest posts

- about the timeline of the first blog that sparked the events now playing out (1, 2)

- advising backers to take back their community (1, 2)

Also, I did an impromptu Periscope broadcast yesterday in response to his post above. He says he will be commenting on it later today. I can't wait.  :laugh:

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #115 on: May 08, 2017, 06:30:20 AM »
I am banned from that Reddit for suggesting that BoredGamer might go off the deep end when Star Citizen crashes because he has invested so much time into promoting it.

He is apparently suffering from depression and I got jumped on for being beyond the pale.

ClinicallyDepressedGamer would obviously be a more appropriate handle for him.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #116 on: May 08, 2017, 07:12:52 PM »
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that /r/ds thinks I'm OSC; and if so, that means I've been owning them completely all week?  :vince:

He wrote two masterpieces this morning about the potential legal situation for CIG (Sandi's in it).


And since he showed up and dragged Jester86 (/r/ds mod) into his thread and gave him a 10K word lashing (PT1, PT2) about his toxic Reddit, /r/ds has been in complete meltdown mode.

This was a lovely takedown when they claimed that I called Sandi a prostitute. They claim to be "archiving", but nobody could find a single instance of me saying it. Weird, that.

That guy is brutal. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.  :glomp:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #117 on: May 09, 2017, 06:37:07 AM »
This is the mic-dropping money shot, right here:
Dr Smart claims to have done the research. What you and I believe to be true, doesn't matter. What matters is that he dared to put it in writing, complete with cited sources and references. Because he did this, leaving himself open to a destructive open and shut defamation case if it was false, normal people would have every reason to believe him when he writes that Ms Gardiner lied about her credentials. And in doing so, as an exec married to the boss, she hurts the company in a lot of ways that will only be obvious if there is a lawsuit down the road from this project.

I admit I initially wondered if you had shot your mouth off at first. God knows you could be a hothead years back 

Now I don't believe you did. And the fact that CIG had money to burn in a legal shoving match with the Escapist's owner, but not to squash you? It's the dog that didn't bark, as Holmes might say.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #118 on: May 09, 2017, 07:09:12 AM »
This is the mic-dropping money shot, right here:
Dr Smart claims to have done the research. What you and I believe to be true, doesn't matter. What matters is that he dared to put it in writing, complete with cited sources and references. Because he did this, leaving himself open to a destructive open and shut defamation case if it was false, normal people would have every reason to believe him when he writes that Ms Gardiner lied about her credentials. And in doing so, as an exec married to the boss, she hurts the company in a lot of ways that will only be obvious if there is a lawsuit down the road from this project.

I admit I initially wondered if you had shot your mouth off at first. God knows you could be a hothead years back 

Now I don't believe you did. And the fact that CIG had money to burn in a legal shoving match with the Escapist's owner, but not to squash you? It's the dog that didn't bark, as Holmes might say.

I have business degree and specialised in Marketing and IT.   

There is lot done at CIG that would indicate that they lack professional experience in sufficient depth in a number of areas.

Sandi was always a prime suspect when it came to actually being qualified for a VP Marketing role and of course it would take minutes to put up the evidence she had qualifications.

Not that that reduces the apparent risk Derek took in publishing his blog.

I don't know enough about USA law, but presumably Sandi could have been hired as a Presenter/Actor and paid quite a lot for doing videos etc - a lower risk way of paying her a relatively high salary that claiming she had the experience to be a VP of Marketing.   Who is to say she hasn't been paid for two roles, VP Marketing and a separate job as a Presenter/Actor.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 07:23:59 AM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #119 on: May 09, 2017, 07:14:41 AM »
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that /r/ds thinks I'm OSC; and if so, that means I've been owning them completely all week?  :vince:

He wrote two masterpieces this morning about the potential legal situation for CIG (Sandi's in it).


And since he showed up and dragged Jester86 (/r/ds mod) into his thread and gave him a 10K word lashing (PT1, PT2) about his toxic Reddit, /r/ds has been in complete meltdown mode.

This was a lovely takedown when they claimed that I called Sandi a prostitute. They claim to be "archiving", but nobody could find a single instance of me saying it. Weird, that.

That guy is brutal. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.  :glomp:

I am having to look up what anti-SLAAP is.

It sounds to me like some cosmetic surgery procedure for women worried about the size of their beef curtains
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 07:25:00 AM by StanTheMan »


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