Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 1482091 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1650 on: January 06, 2018, 11:36:09 AM »
3.1 is about enhancing performance and polishing the gameplay systems and UI, including ships, system traversal, a large balance pass of our economy, and improving AI for spaceflight and combat.

Intriguing, I didn't know they had any gameplay systems to polish.

Also, big lol at the fact that the only content expansion for an entire year is going to be expanding Stanton.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1651 on: January 06, 2018, 12:02:47 PM »
New schedule report is up. 3.1 coming end of March.  :lol:

My questions about this schedule.

Although 3.1 is our focus for late March, several teams will also be working on our long-term goals for this year, in which we plan to deliver the vast majority of systems and mechanics so players have a variety of options to lose themselves in the ‘Verse.

This reads to me that we will see 100 plus star systems will be in SC before the end of 2018? When I see systems and loose themselves I think star systems? Maybe systems are more game mechanics, but I do not know I would loose myself in that.

Our next delivery in late September will introduce another major long-term tech goal: Object Container Streaming. This technology will allow us to start expanding the Stanton system with additional destinations, while managing our memory usage much better. In this delivery, we would also like to start introducing the mechanics of how you stake and file land claims and the gameplay that comes with this feature. This release will also continue to consolidate and polish all the new features in the past milestone.

This seems counter to the first question I have about delivering vast systems. If they need the new container system to just expand station assets how will the be able to add vast majority of systems if this does means planets, moons, etc?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1652 on: January 06, 2018, 03:03:12 PM »
This reads to me that we will see 100 plus star systems will be in SC before the end of 2018? When I see systems and loose themselves I think star systems? Maybe systems are more game mechanics, but I do not know I would loose myself in that.

"3.1 is about enhancing performance and polishing the gameplay systems"

It isn't much but take what you can ;)

That should answer your second question as well

If you need it more basic....
3.1 will add bug fixes and optimisations
3.2 will add some basic gameplay elements and mechanics
3.3 will expand the Stanton system
3.4 will expand the Stanton system

And yes...that should bring us to where 3.0 was expected to be when it released....going by last years timetable anyway.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1653 on: January 06, 2018, 04:16:31 PM »
Hello Kyrt,

Thank you for the response I saw others had posted about how little was planned 2018, I though I must be misunderstanding. If the base tech is there and now and this is all that is planned for 2018 what in the world are 450+ people doing? How can they fathom to keep afloat at this pace and keep people interested?

"3.1 is about enhancing performance and polishing the gameplay systems"

It isn't much but take what you can ;)

That should answer your second question as well

If you need it more basic....
3.1 will add bug fixes and optimisations
3.2 will add some basic gameplay elements and mechanics
3.3 will expand the Stanton system
3.4 will expand the Stanton system

And yes...that should bring us to where 3.0 was expected to be when it released....going by last years timetable anyway.

Aya Reiko

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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1654 on: January 06, 2018, 11:38:54 PM »
So basically, v3.X is adding the shit into the techdemo they promised would be in v3.0.  So expect that to be done probably sometime around 2020 or thereabouts.

If CiG lives long enough, that is.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1655 on: January 07, 2018, 02:32:49 AM »
So basically, v3.X is adding the shit into the techdemo they promised would be in v3.0.  So expect that to be done probably sometime around 2020 or thereabouts.

If CiG lives long enough, that is.

I'm sure they'll add a bit more than that, but Stanton fleshed out was originally 3.0, the netcode was originally 3.0, 3.0 was supposed to be relatively bug free with a suitable performance...

Read into it what you may


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1656 on: January 07, 2018, 05:02:47 AM »
misunderstanding. If the base tech is there and now and this is all that is planned for 2018 what in the world are 450+ people doing? How can they fathom to keep afloat at this pace and keep people interested?

I took "systems" meaning their supposed nonsense immersive "systems" in "lose yourself"-gameplay such as their aquatic tanks, visible toilets, basically squealing for "more time"(forever) to keep their ponzi going while trying to make their techdemo palatable for more brainwashed whalers to keep funding. Rather than anything to do with extra star systems outside of 'Stanton'. How laughable they used the words "lose yourself". Imagine if Mack, the WAB guy read those "words..words. of the developer", lol. @ "lose yourself"! dingDing!  The "development" is such a farce that the writer of that bs note is in "pants on fire" mode or halfway drunk already.

Well, I would expect much of their 450+ somebodies to keep making timecostly but disparate textures for their vaporware ships, now adding land grants. Get ready for "land beacons" with intricate strobing , rotating details like a police siren or Lynch's Dune "thumper"-sticks (more scripted 2.6.3'ish "Dune ripoff sandworm events") And oh yes, the "tanks" as they try to mesh in another techdemo Starshitizen "galaxy of tanks" game. (world of tanks fad they are glomming on to at the moment in their desperate reaching for anything anywhere to continue to hook their funding boneheaded whalers).

« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 05:14:21 AM by krylite »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1657 on: January 07, 2018, 08:11:43 AM »
LOL on your response krylite, it is very sad that the language they used is so over the top to describe such basics.

WAB is awesome I'm glad the he's in a better position to do more reviews.  I find him to be very honest, funny and passionate when he does them. As I dune fan read all the books and the sand worm demo was very nostalgic to watch.  To be honest I have always wondered why they are taking any dev time to implement so many small features. Why would they do so when the engine / modules are not up to promised game levels.  If the qoute below is true then what is holding them up? I speculate they knew the lawsuit was coming and have spent they last year not on engine dev but merging modules to ly and trying to remove all of the cyrtek code.

(I think it took us a day or so of two engineers on the engine team). What runs Star Citizen and Squadron 42 is our heavily modified version of the engine which we have dubbed StarEngine, just now our foundation is Lumberyard not CryEngine.

I wonderand they are not seeming to move forward as they are spending a bunch to now remove all the Crytek code and trying to merge it all to ly. 

I took "systems" meaning their supposed nonsense immersive "systems" in "lose yourself"-gameplay such as their aquatic tanks, visible toilets, basically squealing for "more time"(forever) to keep their ponzi going while trying to make their techdemo palatable for more brainwashed whalers to keep funding. Rather than anything to do with extra star systems outside of 'Stanton'. How laughable they used the words "lose yourself". Imagine if Mack, the WAB guy read those "words..words. of the developer", lol. @ "lose yourself"! dingDing!  The "development" is such a farce that the writer of that bs note is in "pants on fire" mode or halfway drunk already.

Well, I would expect much of their 450+ somebodies to keep making timecostly but disparate textures for their vaporware ships, now adding land grants. Get ready for "land beacons" with intricate strobing , rotating details like a police siren or Lynch's Dune "thumper"-sticks (more scripted 2.6.3'ish "Dune ripoff sandworm events") And oh yes, the "tanks" as they try to mesh in another techdemo Starshitizen "galaxy of tanks" game. (world of tanks fad they are glomming on to at the moment in their desperate reaching for anything anywhere to continue to hook their funding boneheaded whalers).


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1658 on: January 11, 2018, 01:45:47 PM »
ATV is back for the new year:

It's all interviews, I mean ALL of it. It's so dull, I started skipping bits. Then just got bored.

Please tell me if there's something interesting in here because I, sure as hell, am not watching it all.

Once again, it's a game Dev log, where they don't actually show the game (maybe for legal reasons?)!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 01:48:04 PM by N0mad »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1659 on: January 11, 2018, 02:33:20 PM »
ATV is back for the new year:

I can see why you got bored the first 28 mins were rough for me a lot talking but not much being said.

volumes/tags, gameplay at 29:00 min lol JK,  including how great they worked on polishing 3.0 ptu,

32:00 claimed they were improving gameplay on 3.0 while people where playing

37:34 talks about inderditcions, elite enginner flashback,

41:00 server degradation monitoring

50:17 showing skype screenshots guys working 3:00 am in morning on Christmas
The fixes all my fears about SC.

52:00 data/persistance cache causing the cargo losses etc.
Thought this was interesting.

55:37 Sandi pushing tanks

To be honest watching SC employees talk they do seem genuine but I have always a hard time in discerning this in people. When I watching Sandi and Chris I do not have the same feeling though. They did show some game play near the end, running down corridor, fly a ship for only a few seconds.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1660 on: January 11, 2018, 03:12:34 PM »
Thanks for doing that.

I guess they didn't have much to talk about having just come back from their holidays.

Still, quarterly releases should be interesting - although I can't actually see them releasing anything significant every quarter. My guess is that they'll spend the next 6 months fixing what's already available in 3.0.

I can't see them fixing the frame rate issues any time soon since that seems to be a problem at the very core of the engine and probably can't be fixed without breaking, or at least rewriting, lots of other code.

Still, should be interesting to see if they can actually add some real gameplay this year (if the company lasts that long).


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1661 on: January 11, 2018, 04:15:17 PM »
NP N0mad,

Been going back and forth with people on the new Montoya video, no matter what you say the keep saying the same thing over and over. Collectively "we don't care how long it takes, there are no red flags"

Kudos to Montoya, so far as he's not deleting opposing view points.

Thanks for doing that.

I guess they didn't have much to talk about having just come back from their holidays.

Still, quarterly releases should be interesting - although I can't actually see them releasing anything significant every quarter. My guess is that they'll spend the next 6 months fixing what's already available in 3.0.

I can't see them fixing the frame rate issues any time soon since that seems to be a problem at the very core of the engine and probably can't be fixed without breaking, or at least rewriting, lots of other code.

Still, should be interesting to see if they can actually add some real gameplay this year (if the company lasts that long).


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1662 on: January 11, 2018, 06:09:31 PM »
I probably don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said multiple times here and elsewhere.

I finally let 3.0 on to my machine and fiddled around with it for about 20 minutes.  My system is merely a 6-core i7 running at 4GHz with 16GiB RAM and an NVIDIA GTX-970 (the only "weak" part of the rig).  This machine happily tears through just about every game I've thrown at it.

...And boy is this thing choppy.  Just walking around Olisar has the disk thrashing it's brains out, presumably as it's loading assets.  I didn't even bother to fly my ship; I walked around Olisar, then EVAed from one half of Olisar to the other.

It seems they've spent all their time polishing the visuals -- everything does look rather more impressive.  There was an interesting "sheen" on the glass of the space ships that wasn't there before.  A nice detail, but utterly insignificant to game play.

You're started with 5000 aUAE.  Available missions don't seem to offer more than 200 aUAE or so, which feels grind-tastic.

Previously, when you looked at something in one of the stores, a description of the item would appear.  Now all you see is an invented brand name and a price.  "Um, what is this, and what does it do?" are kind of important questions when looking at armor, space suits, and spaceship parts.  Shopkeepers repeat the same lines of monologue far too often.

The clothing store is still a complete waste of time and space.

Saw a couple of NPCs stuck behind planters, chairs, and other random bits of geometry.

Certainly there has been an attempt to make things more "realistic."  Your EVA suit now has a limited O2 supply.  You can become exhausted by running everywhere, depleting your O2 supply more quickly.  Definitely realistic.  Also: No damned fun.

I actually became comfortable flying the Aurora ES around in the previous release.  But I'm anxious they've changed all the flight controls and dynamics, so I'm afraid to take my ship out for a spin.

All in all, there's still no "there" there.  It feels like a dying amusement park -- the only reason anyone is there is out of sheer habit.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1663 on: January 11, 2018, 07:39:10 PM »
Welcome to The Verse  :woop:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1664 on: January 12, 2018, 12:34:21 AM »
Really sounds like I a game I should pledge for invest in pre-order


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