I've never seen this sub reddit so salty.
What's truly remarkable about it is there is nobody at all claiming that the negative remarks are coming from trolls or DS alts!
BTW, speaking of the drought - I haven't noticed anybody in any recent reddit thread attributing delays to "tool development" such that things will move faster in the future once all this great tooling-under-development is in place! So maybe that excuse is finally retired.
There are still a few folks - even in this thread! - claiming the delay is due to all the awesome unprecedented "tech" being developed in this game. AFAIK most of this "tech" (e.g., the magic Subsumption!) has yet to be seen outside of subscriber videos, and some of it isn't even seen there, only talked about. (I myself have developed, over the past few years, a sublinear exact solution to the
Travelling Salesman Problem, it's awesome tech, and I'll be releasing it as soon as I finish polishing it...)
Final comment: short memories! There are still people - even in this thread! - claiming that 3.0 is a major advance and
denying that any cuts have been made to it since it was "announced" by CR.