Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 1225431 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1905 on: March 28, 2019, 09:01:01 AM »
$280M worth of shit. A walking sim.

Tons of LOD, FNIS still failing, No universe server to run the AI, The hair looks like toupee on many, female mission giver over dressed to be sitting by the heat exchangers and unapproachable, fps tanked below 30 and he was by himself,

The whole thing is just sad for all the claims and money wasted on the great city tech. I not a programmer but I bet it will never be what they showed once you have ships, ncp, and a 1000 players running around or even 100 plus ships. Unity mega city demo is kicking CI butts with just year of work and they did not need to scam people to make it.

Unity was only using a 1060.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 09:05:11 AM by jwh1701 »


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1906 on: March 28, 2019, 09:03:10 AM »
The comment in this latest rage thread are epic

"Way back in May of 2017, you said that Alpha 3.0 was going to include the full Stanton System... that's not even in this year's roadmap... how about you guys deliver what you promised before taking stuff from customers?" <---- :emot-lol:

I do not understand at this point what they were expecting, I'm just glad I started asking questions and looking for alternate views so I did not end up making bigger mistakes with the farce. You have a guy with a history of failing, his partner is a shady lawyer and you then give the pair 260m.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1907 on: March 28, 2019, 12:26:58 PM »
3.5 is coming out of PTU this weekend


Uh, judging by the build that was available last night… yeah I don’t think so.

Turbulence for ALL size ships above ArcCorp is like a M9.0 earthquake. Your viewport looks like you’re riding a galloping horse with a non-stabilized webcam.

ZERO indications of this supposed Group Improvements v4

AI bounty hunters, where?

8-12 FPS in and around Area 18

Players falling into city geometry when sitting down in various stools

30K disconnect errors like every ten minutes

Spotty bed logout persistence

Hab carryable items vanished

Incomplete DNA customizer (some faces not clickable for addition)

Hair occlusion bugs

Advanced camera control bugs (DOF)

Lots of other bugs

« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 09:17:45 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1908 on: March 28, 2019, 05:14:03 PM »
One of the all-time classics

Cook: I haven't made a dinner in 10 years, please pay me money to make a dinner for you!

Customer: You are a famous chef so OK, how much money do you need?

Cook: just enough for 10 people, and it will be done in 20 minutes and be the Best Damn Meal Ever!

Customer: ok, that sounds great! here is enough money for 50 people just in case.

Cook: wow thanks...

*20 minutes goes by*

Customer: So where's the meal?

Cook: well, since you gave me money for 50 people, I decided to change the recipe and make a bigger meal, so I started over. It's going to take an hour now, but I need more money. It will be the Best Damn Meal Ever!

Customer: OK, still sounds great. Here is money for 100 people just in case.

Cook: Thanks it will be ready in an hour!

*hour goes by*

Customer: So where's the meal?

Cook: funny thing, we had a problem with cooking the recipe backbone, and had to start entirely over again. And we need more money, and it will take all rest of the day now. But it will still be the Best Damn Meal Ever!

Customer: I am getting pretty hungry, can I at least get an appetizer?

Cook: I don't want to spoil the meal, so I won't show you anything form the main course, but here are some broken crackers to munch on. Send us More money now please!

Customer: OK, here is money for another 20 people, will that be enough?

Cook: Oh we always had enough money to make the meal, just the more money we get, the more ingredients we can put in it!

Customer: OK, I will wait till the end of the day.

*end of the day*

Customer: So where's the meal?

Cook: *silence*

*the next day*

Customer: I am getting kind of tired eating broken crackers, where is the meal? You said it would be the BDME?

Cook: It's coming along great! But I don't want to show you anything or it might spoil it. And we need more money again, but now we won't be delivering all the ingredients, we can only put the Minimum Viable Ingredients into the meal.

Customer: I don't care, I am starving, just serve whatever you got please.

Cook: Ok I will give you a slice of the meal later today to snack on while we finish the meal.

Customer: for sure later today?

Cook: Yes! For sure later today! Also please send us more money for better ingredients, and cash only no credit!

*end of day*

Customer: So where is the slice of the meal?

Cook: *silence*

Customer1: This is Bullshit™

Customer2: The Cook never promised to give you a slice!

Customer1: Yes he did you idiot, he said it just 7 lines above this one!

Customer2: You can't rush a good meal! Stop acting like an entitled special snowflake-- oh look here comes the cook again, I bet he has our slice!

Cook: Hey, while you are waiting, here is a menu to browse through which shows all the ingredients we are working with, and estimated times for cooking. And please send us more money again, cash only no credit!

Customer1: well, that makes me feel better at least, here's money for another 20, thank you.

Customer2: I am sure we will get that slice, and the morrow tour, and 2.6 and 3.0 in the next 5 minutes because they probably were cooking them all at the same time!...

*Customer1 stabs Customer2 in the head with a salad fork*
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1910 on: March 29, 2019, 06:27:40 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1911 on: March 29, 2019, 10:34:17 AM »
Things are heating up :emot-lol:

LOL Clicker is a Hero for that comment.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1912 on: March 29, 2019, 02:42:58 PM »
Talk about false fidelity, I could be wrong but I doubt this will be how it look officially.
Maybe in 2030 after they have switched engines a few more times.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1913 on: March 30, 2019, 09:59:51 AM »
Sarsapillar has another one of his battle reports

Trip Report: 3.5 PTU

Self-imposed mission: Go to the new planet

Attempt 1: First thing's first, I have to get through the new character creator. I'm really not sure what they're bragging about here unless they have literally never created a character in any game in the last decade. It's an incomprehensible mess of options and sliders but none of them do anything- changing a face from 0 to 100% for any option results in extremely minor tweaks to the facial geometry and beyond that, nothing of interest. I finish making the character and enter the wank pod after an interminable 3 minute load- the character immediately stands up within the bed cubicle, and embeds her head into the ceiling.

Attempt 2: Respawn. Down to the ship consoles I go, remembering to "Scroll up" my middle mouse button because that is what makes you run fast in Star Citizen, the game of incomprehensible UI decisions. I do note while heading downstairs that the "Wrist-mounted" mobiglass may finally, actually be fixed- they have stopped it being an in-universe 3D popup and turned it into a standard loving overlay at long last. In any case this being the PTU I have access to every ship ever made, so I spawn the big 600i luxury yacht because why the gently caress not, at least it'll get me to the planet faster. Running out to the platform, I find that my ship has kinda spawned- that is, the doors have spawned. Everything else on the ship is invisible. As I stand there on the pad, the corridors and interior areas of the ship begin to load in, followed at long last by the exterior. It's really loving weird. Anyway, for once in all my various PTU experiences, the elevators work on the first try, and I make it into the ship. This thing is absolutely stupid- it's full of cavernous rooms that serve no purpose, and useless art assets like un-interactable bars and un-interactable pool tables. I can't believe people paid 600 dollars for this garbage. Anyway I get to the bridge and after some hi-larious hijinks trying to figure out which chair is the pilot's, I get it off the pad and into space. The new flight model is not immediately apparent- the 5 million ton luxury yacht still turns on a loving dime. I pull up the mobiglass to navigate to the new planet and hit my first snag- I cannot zoom out. I'm literally stuck on max-zoom to Port Olisar. I assume they remapped all the keys but I have no idea. I can't select a planet to go to it. So I close the map, hit B to pull up the QT system in the ship, and then QT to the nearest comm array (because those show up in your regular view). When I get there, my game crashes to desktop.

Attempt 3: Log back in. Wank pod, ship spawner. This time I opt to spawn the 300i, the luxury ship that they have reworked until it looks like a minivan. It's just as fat and ugly in person. I get in and do some laps around the station to test the flight model- as with the 600, I can't really detect any difference. I do learn that the old key for "Target Friendly" has been remapped into the "Eject" button. That's uh... quite a decision there, CIG. Returning to my pilot's chair, I decide to read the controls. I finally learn why I couldn't zoom the QT map in and out- it turns out that you don't scroll with the middle mouse button. Why would you assume that, you loving idiot? You goddamn imbecile. You click with the middle mouse button and then drag the mouse to zoom in and out. Star Citizen. Anyway I do this, and get the new planet targeted, and engage QT. That's when I remember- QT'ing in small ships is a one-way ticket to staring at the screen for 30 minutes while nothing happens. I go to let my dogs out and play with them in the yard because it will seriously take that long, 30 minutes is not an exaggeration, to fly from Port Olisar to the new planet. Star Citizen.

Attempt 3, Part 2: I return from playing with the dogs to find that my ship has inexplicably stopped dead, only about halfway to the new planet. I assume it ran out of quantum fuel or some other bullshit, but there is no indicator of anything wrong and the game lets me queue back up into quantum flight and launch again with no issues, so uh, okay. I go away again.

Attempt 3, Part 3: 15 minutes later I come back from doing dishes and learn that my ship has stopped dead, again, this time only about 2 minutes flight from the planet. Sure, gently caress it, whatever. I spool up QT again and sit there for the remainder of the trip. I get a little bored on the way in and decide to open the scanning UI. This proves to be a mistake. It will not close. Nothing I do can get this giant white circle off my screen. Then my ship arrives at the planet, and drops out of QT. But the QT interface and timer do not go away. Neither do the scanner interface and decorations. My screen is now jam-packed with horseshit and I can't even tell if I'm moving or not. I try powering the ship off and then on, getting into the chair and then out again, nothing works. The screen's just full of broken interfaces. As far as I can tell I am able to thrust forward, but I judge it would take another 40+ minutes of flying at low speeds to get to the planet this way. I turn the game off.

Summary: Nothing has changed. Star Citizen is still broken in every way that matters. I respect anyone who's able to get usable footage out of this game for their bullshit hype videos or twitch streams, because literally everywhere you look the wheels are coming off of this pig. The new planet is a pointless boondoggle and even traveling to it in a straight line is an exercise in tedium. The new flight model is not noticeable and even if it had improved anything, it is buried so deep beneath layer after layer of lovely jank and bugs that nobody's ever going to notice. gently caress Star Citizen forever.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1914 on: March 30, 2019, 11:20:41 AM »
I have no idea what's worse, that he actually put $18K in an incomplete video game, or that he settled for a $13.5K refund.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1915 on: March 30, 2019, 12:10:44 PM »
Words fail me...because I'm laughing so hard right now.

"She's also got no wrists and walks like a constipated ape"

"Why is there a sex doll standing next to him"

Female models. In a $250M "videogame"

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1916 on: March 30, 2019, 03:38:25 PM »
They are finally moving forward on fixing a database lol, just like I believe the 46m was for advertising.
Despite being a (refunded) day one backer I'm so out of the loop, that I understand nothing. Nothing of what CIG changed and why whales are upset. It seems these play an entire different game than us normal gamers.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1917 on: March 30, 2019, 05:13:15 PM »
As warf stated its a good day for karma to die, -48 in 3 hours, hopefully upon entering Sto-vo-kor  I can be reunited with my karma.
Look at these guys telling that I do not understand development.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 05:42:29 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1918 on: March 31, 2019, 05:32:15 AM »
Words fail me...because I'm laughing so hard right now.

"She's also got no wrists and walks like a constipated ape"

"Why is there a sex doll standing next to him"

Female models. In a $250M "videogame"

1:14 "Theres bound to be a few bugs". A few bugs? Thats an understatement.


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Re: Star Citizen Citizenship
« Reply #1919 on: April 01, 2019, 01:04:44 AM »
Sarsapillar has another one of his battle reports

Trip Report: 3.5 PTU

Self-imposed mission: Go to the new planet

Attempt 1: First thing's first, I have to get through the new character creator. I'm really not sure what they're bragging about here unless they have literally never created a character in any game in the last decade. It's an incomprehensible mess of options and sliders but none of them do anything- changing a face from 0 to 100% for any option results in extremely minor tweaks to the facial geometry and beyond that, nothing of interest. I finish making the character and enter the wank pod after an interminable 3 minute load- the character immediately stands up within the bed cubicle, and embeds her head into the ceiling.

Attempt 2: Respawn. Down to the ship consoles I go, remembering to "Scroll up" my middle mouse button because that is what makes you run fast in Star Citizen, the game of incomprehensible UI decisions. I do note while heading downstairs that the "Wrist-mounted" mobiglass may finally, actually be fixed- they have stopped it being an in-universe 3D popup and turned it into a standard loving overlay at long last. In any case this being the PTU I have access to every ship ever made, so I spawn the big 600i luxury yacht because why the gently caress not, at least it'll get me to the planet faster. Running out to the platform, I find that my ship has kinda spawned- that is, the doors have spawned. Everything else on the ship is invisible. As I stand there on the pad, the corridors and interior areas of the ship begin to load in, followed at long last by the exterior. It's really loving weird. Anyway, for once in all my various PTU experiences, the elevators work on the first try, and I make it into the ship. This thing is absolutely stupid- it's full of cavernous rooms that serve no purpose, and useless art assets like un-interactable bars and un-interactable pool tables. I can't believe people paid 600 dollars for this garbage. Anyway I get to the bridge and after some hi-larious hijinks trying to figure out which chair is the pilot's, I get it off the pad and into space. The new flight model is not immediately apparent- the 5 million ton luxury yacht still turns on a loving dime. I pull up the mobiglass to navigate to the new planet and hit my first snag- I cannot zoom out. I'm literally stuck on max-zoom to Port Olisar. I assume they remapped all the keys but I have no idea. I can't select a planet to go to it. So I close the map, hit B to pull up the QT system in the ship, and then QT to the nearest comm array (because those show up in your regular view). When I get there, my game crashes to desktop.

Attempt 3: Log back in. Wank pod, ship spawner. This time I opt to spawn the 300i, the luxury ship that they have reworked until it looks like a minivan. It's just as fat and ugly in person. I get in and do some laps around the station to test the flight model- as with the 600, I can't really detect any difference. I do learn that the old key for "Target Friendly" has been remapped into the "Eject" button. That's uh... quite a decision there, CIG. Returning to my pilot's chair, I decide to read the controls. I finally learn why I couldn't zoom the QT map in and out- it turns out that you don't scroll with the middle mouse button. Why would you assume that, you loving idiot? You goddamn imbecile. You click with the middle mouse button and then drag the mouse to zoom in and out. Star Citizen. Anyway I do this, and get the new planet targeted, and engage QT. That's when I remember- QT'ing in small ships is a one-way ticket to staring at the screen for 30 minutes while nothing happens. I go to let my dogs out and play with them in the yard because it will seriously take that long, 30 minutes is not an exaggeration, to fly from Port Olisar to the new planet. Star Citizen.

Attempt 3, Part 2: I return from playing with the dogs to find that my ship has inexplicably stopped dead, only about halfway to the new planet. I assume it ran out of quantum fuel or some other bullshit, but there is no indicator of anything wrong and the game lets me queue back up into quantum flight and launch again with no issues, so uh, okay. I go away again.

Attempt 3, Part 3: 15 minutes later I come back from doing dishes and learn that my ship has stopped dead, again, this time only about 2 minutes flight from the planet. Sure, gently caress it, whatever. I spool up QT again and sit there for the remainder of the trip. I get a little bored on the way in and decide to open the scanning UI. This proves to be a mistake. It will not close. Nothing I do can get this giant white circle off my screen. Then my ship arrives at the planet, and drops out of QT. But the QT interface and timer do not go away. Neither do the scanner interface and decorations. My screen is now jam-packed with horseshit and I can't even tell if I'm moving or not. I try powering the ship off and then on, getting into the chair and then out again, nothing works. The screen's just full of broken interfaces. As far as I can tell I am able to thrust forward, but I judge it would take another 40+ minutes of flying at low speeds to get to the planet this way. I turn the game off.

Summary: Nothing has changed. Star Citizen is still broken in every way that matters. I respect anyone who's able to get usable footage out of this game for their bullshit hype videos or twitch streams, because literally everywhere you look the wheels are coming off of this pig. The new planet is a pointless boondoggle and even traveling to it in a straight line is an exercise in tedium. The new flight model is not noticeable and even if it had improved anything, it is buried so deep beneath layer after layer of lovely jank and bugs that nobody's ever going to notice. gently caress Star Citizen forever.

This guy just doesn't understand game development. That 30 minute jump time is pure IMMERSION.


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