Author Topic: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch  (Read 808156 times)

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #285 on: November 13, 2018, 04:36:49 PM »
I really don't think these idiots have figured this thing out completely. How is this enormous beaurocracy supposed to continue on assumin that they manage to cobble together just a few planets and call it released. More to come. It will still cost the same 30 million a year to keep going to fund the glacial progress. Just how will CIG get this money? Supposedly ships can be earned in game (yeah right) so where will the money come from? I doubt very many new players will come when they see the cost to get a decent ship or the cost to maintain, insure, refuel, buy new armament and missiles.

Robbers has this economy locked up tight so that only he profits. Did they really think that they would be able to simply play without feeding cash into the game on a regular basis or lose their pretty and costly ships?

Regardless of what happens Roberts sloth, ineptitude, and greed will drive this project into the ground even if he manages a limited release. While some enthusiastic fools proclaim that CIGs volumetric clouds or other fidelity based bandwith killers will earn CIG loads of cash in royalties they dont realizze that most games are made to operate for the lowest common denominator, the console gamer. Console gamers cant use these fidelity first above bandwith or processing power technologies. Only fools like Robbers push ideas like this. Regardless, companies like EA or Ubisoft would not want to deal with shady characters like Robbers to use his "products" which probably only work with amazons lumberyard (or cryengine).

I still dont see Star Citizen as a viable project, CIG as a solvent corporation or C Robbers as anything but a shady character who dangles precariously above the fire.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #286 on: November 13, 2018, 05:24:37 PM »
hey, who remembers back when I wrote that they simply couldn't release 3.3.5 without OCS + NBC; and even so, the performance would still be shit?

« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 05:29:17 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #287 on: November 13, 2018, 06:07:21 PM »
So are you sad that they'll probably be getting enough money, and therefore time, to make this exciting, ($200m in sales), bare bones alpha into a proper game, or do y'all 'know' that they're definitely going to run out of money, lawsuit or otherwise, before they can?

Also, are you more sure now or 3 years ago when some of you first made the claim?

Croberts has made plenty of claims

Why don't you apply the same standard to him ?

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #288 on: November 13, 2018, 09:22:32 PM »
In the end its contingent upon Robbers to put out the game he sold the backers ar 65 million dollars of pledges. Nobody here has to prove anything. Robbers has fallen way short of the mark and is years too late.

We are still waiting....

He keeps comiong up with new ships and crap like facial expressions over voip but not even one system, he cant even make any single job fleshed out, mining, bounty hunting Piracy, none of it works well, not even a single star system letalone 100. Sorry nobody needs to prove anything here. To date he has failed on a level yet to be equalled.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #289 on: November 14, 2018, 05:14:21 AM »
Oh dear God, there's Stupendipity again. There is no game, there will be no game and this whole Star Citizen has turned into a scam of epic proportions. If they indeed have received 200 million dollars and this current 3.4 alpha build is all they have to show for after seven years in development with a team of about 400 people for the last couple of years, you have to be a complete and utter moron to still believe that CIG is capable of delivering anything remotely resembling the game(s) as promised, or to believe that there is (enough) money left for the next couple of years.

What is the deal with you? Are you just trolling, are you really that dumb, or are you living such a meaningless shallow life that the dream of Star Citizen is the only thing that is keeping you from killing yourself? I'm at a loss for words. Really. That goes for all those idiots still thinking this will end well. Are you a flat-earther too? Wouldn't surprise me.

Careful now, you might hurt my feelings or even get a warning for being a nasty meanie! I understand English isn't your first language so it may have slipped by you. I'm nowhere near as emotionally invested in the project as you. Not even close. I can feel your anger and resentment radiating off the screen here. You really should calm down my Dutch friend. I haven't even downloaded 3.2, never mind 3.3 or 3.3.5. So i'll say it again, just for you.

It's just a video game that I'm interested in. I'm not emotional about it, unlike you. I spend a few hours a week playing video games, if I'm lucky, as I work full time and have a family. I normally play Dota 2 when I get the chance. Badly.

As for the flat earth theory, I'd like them to explain how observable gravity works on a disc and also why the aurora at the poles happen too.

As for your assumption that future progress is impossible because of the work achieved up to now, I find it daft. I remember y'all laughing because 2.0 will never be stable to play, and 3.0. You were wrong then and I believe you are wrong now. It's a whole load of fun waiting to see who will be right.

The progress is still very slow on the ks goals that I still do not believe they can deliver what is promised to the backers. On the flip side I would absolutely be ecstatic if they finished the ks and extended goals and delivered what was originally promised. Chris also made major missteps with Crytek I believe it has and will continue to cost the backers substantial money. When he started extremely expensive mo-capping before the foundation was done I was greatly disappointed. I believe they have and are continuing to leech the project considering the heinous accounting errors. They have yet do anything that is substantial enough to warrant any change on that belief. It would take an immense change in the development and operation for me to believe anything else looking back over all the red flags.

Thanks for that calm response without insults and name calling. Appreciated. If only the Dutch had social skills like you.

I can totally understand your point of view. They've certainly made mistakes, (I feel that's pretty normal in game development), but I've accepted some of their reasons for it all. I'm seeing definite progress myself, hopefully it'll get there.


I guess you haven't "played" 3.3.5 then? Because every single stream (e.g. FTR played for two hours today, and I posted the link) shows that the whole this is a mess running at 17 fps

Haven't even played 3.2, never mind more recent versions. I'm no fanatic, obsessed with a dream, whatever is written about me. 2.0 suffered the same. You said it could never be any better. 3.0, same again. Again, you said it couldn't be any better. Wrong both times. I think you'll be wrong again and future iterations of this unoptimised alpha will improve. Call me crazy!

I really don't think these idiots have figured this thing out completely. How is this enormous beaurocracy supposed to continue on assumin that they manage to cobble together just a few planets and call it released. More to come. It will still cost the same 30 million a year to keep going to fund the glacial progress. Just how will CIG get this money? Supposedly ships can be earned in game (yeah right) so where will the money come from? I doubt very many new players will come when they see the cost to get a decent ship or the cost to maintain, insure, refuel, buy new armament and missiles.

Robbers has this economy locked up tight so that only he profits. Did they really think that they would be able to simply play without feeding cash into the game on a regular basis or lose their pretty and costly ships?

Regardless of what happens Roberts sloth, ineptitude, and greed will drive this project into the ground even if he manages a limited release. While some enthusiastic fools proclaim that CIGs volumetric clouds or other fidelity based bandwith killers will earn CIG loads of cash in royalties they dont realizze that most games are made to operate for the lowest common denominator, the console gamer. Console gamers cant use these fidelity first above bandwith or processing power technologies. Only fools like Robbers push ideas like this. Regardless, companies like EA or Ubisoft would not want to deal with shady characters like Robbers to use his "products" which probably only work with amazons lumberyard (or cryengine).

I still dont see Star Citizen as a viable project, CIG as a solvent corporation or C Robbers as anything but a shady character who dangles precariously above the fire.

If it were me, concept sales would continue. The development team would be stripped right back. Squadron will generate some income, your guess is as good as mine as to how much, plus sequels will add to it and selling currency. Add in the optional subscriptions and they might well be ok. The Reddit is a very positive place right now. Folk seem to be seeing it come together at its glacial pace and like what they see.

Croberts has made plenty of claims

Why don't you apply the same standard to him ?

I do. They've missed plenty of targets, some due to incompetence, (Star Marine), lots due to agressive targets, but I'm not invested enough to care about delays. They accomplished things some said were impossible and got to this current stage that looks like significant progress to me and an embryonic game. I'm excited to play what they've pitched and I'm pretty confident I'll get something pretty close. I'm in no rush.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #290 on: November 14, 2018, 05:40:39 AM »
You said it could never be any better. 3.0, same again. Again, you said it couldn't be any better. Wrong both times. I think you'll be wrong again and future iterations of this unoptimised alpha will improve. Call me crazy!

OK now you're just flat-out making stuff up.

First of all, there is no "game". And I don't quite understand what you mean by "it could never be any better". Aside from the fact that I've never said that - at all. I have always stated - with zero ambiguity - that they could never build the game promised. And they haven't because they can't. Raising money is immaterial and meaningless because it's not a money problem. It's a talent, tech, and leadership problem. Expensive games and projects with high quality production values, fail all the time - it's not a secret.

And it's four years this month since both games were promised back in Oct 2012 to be released in Nov 2014.

All the major builds (2.0, 2.4, 2.6, 3.0, 3.3) have been utter shit in terms of performance. For over 18 months I have written several articles saying that nothing they do is going to solve their performance problem, and that they were never - ever - going to build an MMO (the game will remain a minimal, session based game like it is now). Even as most of you guys were flat-out lying about performance gains in 3.3, I was still writing that it's all nonsense. Now 3.3. is out, and I'm proven right once again.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #291 on: November 14, 2018, 06:02:19 AM »
Oh, why bother responding? If he is trolling, he's not worth it. If he is serious, he's not worth it. Either way, the guy is an idiot. And Serenstupidity, don't start about being civil or whatever. Your kind of stupidity doesn't deserve that. The fact that a couple of stupid whales are keeping this trainwreck afloat doesn't mean you were right. It only means it is taking a little longer to prove you wrong.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 06:09:06 AM by Motto »


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #292 on: November 14, 2018, 06:47:41 AM »
Oh, why bother responding? If he is trolling, he's not worth it. If he is serious, he's not worth it. Either way, the guy is an idiot. And Serenstupidity, don't start about being civil or whatever. Your kind of stupidity doesn't deserve that. The fact that a couple of stupid whales are keeping this trainwreck afloat doesn't mean you were right. It only means it is taking a little longer to prove you wrong.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #293 on: November 14, 2018, 06:48:39 AM »

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #294 on: November 14, 2018, 06:50:29 AM »
If it were me, concept sales would continue.
I'm with you on this one, the longer the whales are fleeced for increasingly overpowered ships the more fun it will be when they all realise they will never get the game they have been promised, or as seems likely, the non-jpeg versions of a lot of the ships they have bought.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #295 on: November 14, 2018, 09:17:50 AM »
One thing about those travel times:  Seems that CIG is taking a responsible stand against the major problem of game addiction due to the click-to-dopamine-hit cycle.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #296 on: November 14, 2018, 12:48:39 PM »
Why are the speeds in m/s? To impress with high numbers? Even if m/s is the standard for velocity in space, why don't give them in km/s? What the F tell the numbers they display now tell me? You want to dazzle me, Chris?


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #297 on: November 14, 2018, 02:22:19 PM »
hey, who remembers back when I wrote that they simply couldn't release 3.3.5 without OCS + NBC; and even so, the performance would still be shit?
Yeah, the un-performance was to be expected...
What wil happen if there are even players running around there?
Even more hilarious is the fact that this guy is running around for 25 minutes, and I haven't seen any gameplay anywhere...
The city kind of reminds me of the game messiah - which still has tons more of gameplay than this oversized tech demo.
And going around in a train? Even waiting for a train? So hilarious.

But did you notice the subliminal messaging all over town?!  :evil:

In case you didn't: (small print in brackets)

- "Stop (.) Think (.)"
- "creating a better World"
- "Do your duty ( - Report suspicious behavior)"
- "Silence is complicity"
- "(There is) no time to waste"
- "(air quality) satisfactory"
- "we can't do it without you"
- "(we got you) covered"
- "Education (leads to) Innovation"

... and ...:
- "gutter Wash - united empire of trash"

No more words for this.



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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #298 on: November 14, 2018, 03:06:00 PM »
Why are the speeds in m/s? To impress with high numbers? Even if m/s is the standard for velocity in space, why don't give them in km/s? What the F tell the numbers they display now tell me? You want to dazzle me, Chris?

m/s = meters per sec, and is a standard unit of measure. It's what I use in all my games as well. km/s isn't granular enough for low amounts.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Dev Progress Watch
« Reply #299 on: November 14, 2018, 03:31:35 PM »
I know what m/s means :-)

It's just a stupid table with such large numbers. There is no quick reference to what kind of speed it actually is. Why not 50.511,32 km/s?


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