OK well, it looks like it's time to make this public.
Some of you here already received my PMs from yesterday when
VeritasLiberos registered here, and on my Discord channel
We knew it's the same guy who faked the $45K refund, because if you look at the Twitter accounts (
2) that were linked in my
refund article, and which were traced back to the info he provided, he is (again) using the same identifiable username everywhere.
Following my refund article, he appeared on the Discord channel as VeritasLibero, where he was subsequently banned. In discussions with others, we decided to unban him in order to see what he was up to. Both have been banned again of course.

Then he registered here as well as VeritasLibero, and I noticed it when I got the email notification. I then sent him a PM asking him to rejoin Discord because he was "accidentally" banned there. He made
two posts here.

So now, he
has resurfaced on, where else, but Shitizen enclave over on /r/ds. Again he's using an
alt account created back on Aug 27th.
He's gone into full on paranoid mode, it's almost like this $45k refund was a purposeful Derek Smart discrediting scheme. Derek's deleting people left, right and centre from his forums and Discord at the moment, he's running scared.
Here is the truly hilarious part....
Having used two Twitter accounts which were uncovered during our investigation, he changed one of them to have a new image and name. I present:
Thomas Crabtree (Google Cache)
Thomas Williams (Google Cache)
Nick Parsons (current one)
where he got the new Nick Parsons name and image? Scroll to the bottom of the page.