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Thank you /r/starcitizen_refunds for providing me with the information I needed to ensure that I got this back.I started this refund process around the time that 3.0 dropped to us in Evocati. After seeing it first hand and realizing it wasn't the dream patch that it was touted to be, I finally accepted that I wasn't going to be getting what was promised some years ago.It might be worthy of a simple $60 someday, though.As a related side note: I do admit that I have a problem when it comes to space games. I can't help myself and end up buying into the newest space game to play it early or just to help support them. Hopefully, this will finally break me of that habit.
I'm intrigued by that line about how they submit manual refunds once a week. So they're definitely getting enough refund requests that they've implemented a process to batch them all into one day as opposed to a more ad hoc style.
Not sure if the latest FailureToReport video was shared yet. Man, look at those down votes
I'm starting to think Chris actually meant that every player has to run his own server in order to get the highest levels of fidelity. If you can't run your own server, this isn't a game for you :D
Looks like they've started preparing for the worse case scenarioWhat framerate will you be happy with once 3.0 goes live?