Latest TheAgent FUD 
- supposedly CIG working on something "exceptional" for E3
- Roberts has been MIA the majority of the year
- many design and gameplay changes are stalled due to lack of his approval
- since leads left or were fired, almost all decisions sit with Roberts
- CIG is using unpaid interns to help code and complete artwork
- several backers have been selected to help the design team
- special select backers were recently invited for an "appreciation" meeting/dinner
- unsure what the criteria was, but one backer had purchased over $100,000 worth of ships
- planetary module still coming along
- loading screen transition still in
- atmo fighting "in discussion"
- Star Marine a failure, Roberts unhappy with it entirely
- Roberts "imagined a different game" and blame devs that left for problems
- top execs blame recent bad funding on backers unwilling to help more
- "It's like giving a cat an Easy-Bake oven and expecting it to cater the Royal Wedding" on current tools
- "Bullies playing with the nerdy kids toys" on new mocap
All these points actually sound reasonable for a change. Could absolutely be possible which makes it only that more sad :(
E3 again?? how about not working on something amazing to showcase like the scripted demo on CitCon last year but actually finish up 3.0?
CR has been MIA pretty much every year so far.
Sadly enough, I can actually believe all these points....
@dsmart but if this is all a big scam, how to you incorporate 300+ employees into your scheme? Thats the biggest blocker for me right now in roder to believe it. That this whole thing is fishy as fuck is no question at all, but a big scam with 300+ people who put their careers on the line? doubt it....
It's not this kind of Scam, basically there are companies (alot) and they have people to work for them that get paid.
These people get their missive (do 3D interiour, do programming etc.)
The Scam is to sell stuff to people that are near to impossible (and 100% impossible with this team) to do just to make money.
The Scam is also saying that 3.0 release goal is dec 2016 to hype sales when the R&D for the desired technology hasn't even started.
The Scam is selling a DLC for big money (ship hull), nerving it and sell a DLC with almost exact the same unnerved stats 6 months later for more money.
The Scam is producing big Visuals like Ship Ads with features no where to be seen years after.
The Scam is showing off great features in a cryengine editor (sometimes scripted like @citcon > faded out) which are not developed nor build into the client years after.
The Scam is selling basic features of a game engine as new invented technology by CIG.
The Scam is buying their own assets to push the funding tracker for the illusion of steady cash flow (the tracker almost never went under 20k daily)
This is all to build hype and expectations only to keep the money rolling in. By default overhyping leads to fail - everytime.
This time due to extreme sunk cost fallacy and overhyping we have a very aggressive and toxic community and instead to manage the community expectations they are firing them up more and more.
This is not comparable to other projects where just a handful spend > $200 or more - in star citizen the majority is in for over $200 for a game ...