It's cute that you think so. Wait for what comes next. This is nuthin' 
I know there is more. After all, this is CIG.
So, just hint on every one if we're in the right direction...
- CIG is almost broke. Frantically trying by downsizing, office closure etc. to fix some sort of skeleton crew to uphold the Kickstarter (as long a we are working on it, we're covered)
- By changing offices and company names etc. they are trying to create corporate entities to take on all the responsibilities and liabilities without them having a repercussion for Chris and partners
- They set up some sort of IP rights contruction were Chris sold and bought his own rights back and forth for millions in a way that all rights remain his to use again after CIG collapses
- Some heavy investor is trying to get his money back
- they defaulted on one or more loans
- one or more governments are chasing after CIG because of tax-fraude and stuff. Selling with added taxes but never actually paying them. The Australian government really likes that.
- Sandi officially divorced from Chris and to avoid having to testify against him officially registered as a UK Citizen. Just to be on the safe side, she married Erin.
Of course, the last one happened after Chris caught Sandi having a treesome with Jared and Ben and him having revenge sex with Alexis in return.