Once again, sources are telling me that the performance issues seen in the AtV video, are thus far insurmountable, and that they don't know how this 3.0 patch is ever getting released without that being addressed.
More talk about it possibly ending up being #justanotherlevel via a menu option.
Claim that if they were to release 3.0 within the "next 90 days", that it would be an unmitigated disaster.
I hope they release it - at least to Evocati (so I can get my hands on it).
CryEngine is legendary for its performance issues in pure fps games. We've seen in the 2.6.x builds just how horrendous it can be with all these fidelitious models in it. Now go and add million plus polygonal planets.
But croberts is arrogant enough to release 3.0, regardless of performance issues, then advocate to backers that they should upgrade their machines to run it. Most of them probably will. The rest will put in for a refund.
Now just imagine those planet meshes have to rotate (on Pi) and orbit (also on Pi) while calculating 64Bit coordinates (position, rotation) for every entity on the panet ... and now share this over the network through UDP ... (little hint it will lag, rubberband and jerk all over the place even if the whole architecture is a gigabit LAN)
I don't believe they're rotating. They're static spheres. Heck, they can't get the ring on Port Olisar to work right, and they're going to rotate a planet? LOL!!

Most of them probably will. The rest will put in for a refund.
Hello Derek;
While I agree with you I still wonder how many real physical backers there are left beside the disabled brains obeyfirst-ish and alike 
Also please whoever FED agent reading this, put SG and OF into jail where they belong please. In my opinion, not Derek's for the retards (shitizens) there that don't make any difference. Geez do I have to write this.
According to the data for the recent sales, even though we know that the funding chart is inaccurate, there aren't that many left. This is why they're not making enough money, and now have to continue taking out loans.
Oh, we already burned (got them banned) several Reddit accounts, including obey-the-fist. By the time this is all over, they're all likely to be banned. Especially if they are still around when the final collapse comes. Those guys can't help themselves; so it's only a matter of time before they step off a cliff, and get their accounts burned.