Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 1676157 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #855 on: August 12, 2017, 09:53:12 AM »

You are in a forum with people with a clear anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance, and all your posts until now (either the subtle or the obvious ones) represent everything against the people here with their anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance and shows your irrational adoration for the SC project.

You also cannot hide your fanatism for SC with your pseudo sincere neutral behavior since your communciation pattern is way to obvious.

Also 140+ posts just to say subtly F.U. is quiet an accomplishment so far.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 01:47:05 PM by AlsoSmart »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #856 on: August 13, 2017, 10:32:13 AM »

You are in a forum with people with a clear anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance, and all your posts until now (either the subtle or the obvious ones) represent everything against the people here with their anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance and shows your irrational adoration for the SC project.

You also cannot hide your fanatism for SC with your pseudo sincere neutral behavior since your communciation pattern is way to obvious.

Also 140+ posts just to say subtly F.U. is quiet an accomplishment so far.

Well to be fair, he has the Spectrum and Reddit hug boxes to engage in, but he chose to come here. The problem with us here is not that we are anti-CIG. It's that we're anti-CIG Bullshit. There is a difference. We're neither believers nor sycophants.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #857 on: August 13, 2017, 10:48:49 AM »
FF to around 07:40

You have to read the mental gymnastics to grasp the gravity of what they just did with the Aug 11 schedule.

Wait a minute, it becomes clear now why they doing this Burndown segment.
This is to get ahead of the inevitable delay into late this year possibly even next year
They have not even locked down the 3.0 branch yet
and have thousands of jira issues

3676 issues in the 3.0 branch
This is only to have a plausible excuse for further delays. They know already they can;t get this out the door.

They have not even started with the burndown.
They are still forking the 3.0  branch

Another interesting thing is him saying that SQ42 and PU are in the same master branch. This confirms some of the rumors about SQ42 not being a stand alone game any more. If it is all in one repo then they either have to branch it at some point or if they build SQ42, it will have PU and SQ42

Meanwhile over there :

3.0.0 and Global Progress Watch - Update 2017-08-11

It's time we talked, the delay in 3.0 is partially our fault

concierge backer would like to ask for possibilities (refund)

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #858 on: August 13, 2017, 10:49:17 AM »
Yeah, this was totally real, and you're playing it right now.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #859 on: August 13, 2017, 10:57:12 AM »
Just some quotes, just for fun. Mind you, they're from the RSI forum...

This vapourware 'Jesus patch' is becoming even more of a joke among the general gaming community than it already was...I'm seriously embarrassed to admit on other gaming sites that I'm a backer as it is....and to think of all the hours explaining to the natural sceptics among my friends the possibilities I saw in SC, why I gave my support to the concept and the dream behind it. From now, I think I'll be wise just not mentioning SC at all.

How can I realistically explain my previous enthusiasm at being an alpha 'tester' when all that's been tested over the past year has been the cash cow backers patience? Well, like many wallet is firmly shut until this alpha test is on my hard drive...after all, CR saw fit to let gaming media play test something we as backers, subscribers and supposed play testers apparently are now so superfluous, we haven't even seen as much as a fix for the the current and very broken baby PU. I'm tired of lies, misdirection, smoke and mirror tech demos, excuses and smiling faces expecting me to swallow even more bullshit on a weekly basis....I know, I just know there will be the ever chanted war cry that's fast becoming a meme...'I know nothing about game development'. ...But I can certainly tell bullshit when I hear it.

It's really seeming like the only person on the entire planet that doesn't want SC to be the BDSSE outside of aimless dreaming is CR himself. Enough crap, enough with the polishing, refactoring, burn downs, sales talk and adding pointless fluff to something that doesn't exist outside of CiG's offices and get the damned thing shipped so I can hold my head up among my many friends in the gaming community and be proud instead of embarrassed I backed the bloody thing in the first place.


see, you can't keep saying "this update is huge, the technology is revolutionary, no man has gone there before" and then slap a 5 to 10 days on this task and call it a "genuine best estimation". The schedule on tasks seems good enough and slippage here and there was to be expected, but all the release aims dates, that was a joke!

Who in his right mind would think that bringing this whole humongous pieces together could take between 2 weeks to a month and be taken seriously. Given the huge number of various bugs given in the report, who could estimate to 'maybe next week or the next' an evocaty release for 2 months straight??

The new schedule format certainly seems more honest, but at this point, it's hard to believe it comes from a genuine intention as opposed to the fact that the fantasy dates schedule was putting cig in an untenable situation so a format change had to happen to avoid antagonizing the potential buyer. Also, a lot of communication doesn't equate to a lot of transparency, what is communicated matters for that. i don't know that using atvs and bugsmasher to promote an ongoing sale can really be called 'transparency' more than marketing.

IMHO, i'd like more hard truths from cig, like removing the '2017' from the squadron 42 pre-order page and replace it with something which bear some sense like 'in development' and in general avoid the whole routine of giving 'optimistic' dates around events to be replaced by 'dev is hard we can't give dates' around delivery time.

I look forward to the days of chris roberts simply saying 'coming next' the public events, not 'soon' which translate to 6 months / more than a year later.
I look forward to him clearly stating when something has taken considerable delays and not sweep in under the rug while showing a new shiny concept tech.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 02:54:30 PM by Motto »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #860 on: August 14, 2017, 01:36:05 AM »

You are in a forum with people with a clear anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance, and all your posts until now (either the subtle or the obvious ones) represent everything against the people here with their anti-CIG-business-philosophy-stance and shows your irrational adoration for the SC project.

You also cannot hide your fanatism for SC with your pseudo sincere neutral behavior since your communciation pattern is way to obvious.

Also 140+ posts just to say subtly F.U. is quiet an accomplishment so far.

Should those of opposing views not be allowed to mingle in public? Shall we all retire to echo chambers where all we hear is biased confirmation of our own thoughts and ideas?

Not for me.

Fanaticism, pseudo sincere, SC adoration? Ok. I sense more flawed analytics. Perhaps just hyperbole. I never can tell but you guys sound much more emotionally involved than I will ever be. Some posts on the last page come across as particularly unhinged. Is it impossible to accept that I might just be a normal person that isn't heavily invested, either emotionally or financially, who likes chatting on forums?

What do you think will be in the Gamescom presentation then people? Throw some predictions out there.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 01:56:00 AM by Serendipity »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #861 on: August 14, 2017, 01:41:06 AM »
Fanaticism, pseudo sincere, SC adoration? Ok. I sense more flawed analytics. Perhaps just hyperbole. I never can tell.

Any comment on latest news? CIG lying again about release dates?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #862 on: August 14, 2017, 01:58:17 AM »
Fanaticism, pseudo sincere, SC adoration? Ok. I sense more flawed analytics. Perhaps just hyperbole. I never can tell.

Any comment on latest news? CIG lying again about release dates?

Which release dates would that be? Did you mean the estimated dates that come with a few paragraphs of caveats? Being wrong isn't necessarily lying. We've been through this a few pages ago.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #863 on: August 14, 2017, 02:03:26 AM »
Fanaticism, pseudo sincere, SC adoration? Ok. I sense more flawed analytics. Perhaps just hyperbole. I never can tell.

Any comment on latest news? CIG lying again about release dates?

Which release dates would that be? Did you mean the estimated dates that come with a few paragraphs of caveats? Being wrong isn't necessarily lying. We've been through this a few pages ago.

Well we too have R&D projects at the company. But we never pushed estimated dates more than once/project.
If we would say 2 weeks, and then 2 weeks and again 2 weeks later, our customers would think that we are lying again and we can't deliver.
I think experienced game designers can estimate at least within a few weeks accuracy. Yet they are 1 year late with 3.0 while always stripping content from it.

This is lying.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #864 on: August 14, 2017, 02:29:06 AM »
If you say so. Personally not really bothered if it was. They've had my money so now I'm waiting for a couple of cool space games. I'm in no rush.

They've added new stuff to 3.0 as well as removed stuff, it's almost as if, "Gamedev is like a jigsaw puzzle that you put together piece by piece. Like seeing how the sausage is made, it’s not always glamorous, stuff breaks (like all the time); and sometimes you put in a wrong piece that doesn’t fit (making it either a bug or a bad design choice) at all. Then you refactor it, put in a new piece that either fits, or breaks everything that previously worked 

Those are Derek's words. He understands game development is hard and unpredictable.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 02:31:25 AM by Serendipity »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #865 on: August 14, 2017, 02:35:56 AM »
Please. Not this „people don't understand game development“ stuff again. As for release dates… they are no longer with us. Are we supposed to accept this straightfaced? Who in their right mind would think that this is the most normal thing in the world to happen??


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #866 on: August 14, 2017, 02:36:34 AM »
Those are Derek's words. He understands game development is hard and unpredictable.

Looking at CIG looks like for some people game dev is too hard...

 Unfortunately looks like CR will kill this project..initial idea in 2013 was good, that I and many others (including Derek) backed...

 After watching first "Burndown" is clear that project state currently is overcomplicated mess..   

 Anyway interesting times ahead -> BIG question - will people spend a lot of money on remaining 2017 sales..
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 02:42:21 AM by GaryII »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #867 on: August 14, 2017, 02:54:16 AM »
Looking at CIG looks like for some people game dev is too hard...
That’s a good way to look at it… CIG makes game development look way harder than it actually is  :laugh:

A doctor examines an overworked developer with chest pain in the emergency room and asks him what day it is. He gets the following reply:

"This week's delay is due to the second mission giver, Ruto, completing his subsumption, and therefore needing some support from gamecode engineers and graphics engineers to be fully polished“

I’m certain that would lead to a prolonged stay at the clinic and possible referral to the psychiatric ward  :supaburn:


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #868 on: August 14, 2017, 03:01:21 AM »
Please. Not this „people don't understand game development“ stuff again. As for release dates… they are no longer with us. Are we supposed to accept this straightfaced? Who in their right mind would think that this is the most normal thing in the world to happen??

You can accept it or not at your leisure. I can accept it because I don't care about waiting for a video game. My life is full of other things and other games. I lose no sleep over this. It's not normal I suppose but very little about this project is normal.

The schedule report page shows lots of things getting finished. Hopefully I can play it soon. TM or not.

Those are Derek's words. He understands game development is hard and unpredictable.

Looking at CIG looks like for some people game dev is too hard...

 Unfortunately looks like CR will kill this project..initial idea in 2013 was good, that I and many others (including Derek) backed...

 After watching first "Burndown" is clear that project state currently is overcomplicated mess..   

 Anyway interesting times ahead -> BIG question - will people spend a lot of money on remaining 2017 sales..

Very interesting times. Presentations and sales upcoming and hopefully a major release as well. Exciting. It'll be hard to gauge the response though, what with the funding tracker apparently being completely unreliable. How will we measure the success or not of these upcoming events?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #869 on: August 14, 2017, 03:38:55 AM »

Any comment on latest news? CIG lying again about release dates?

Which release dates would that be? Did you mean the estimated dates that come with a few paragraphs of caveats? Being wrong isn't necessarily lying. We've been through this a few pages ago.

Hi all, I know this has been analysed to death but I though I might put all the links here - partly because there isn't a single reference for all this, but mostly because of Serendipity.

GamesCom August 2016
FF to 23:35

CR referring to 3.0: "It's our big end of the year release. We're going to get it out at the end of the year, hopefully not on December the 19th"
"I get shot for making promises, but that's our goal"

Up to April 14th 2017
No 3.0 release dates but they were listing: basic professions (Trading / Cargo / Piracy / Smuggling / Bounty Hunter) as well as the entire Stanton system.

April 14th 2017
Stanton update reduced to 3 moons. Delamar (and Levski) now a stretch Goal.
Evocati Start: 52 days
Release in: 76 days (Release Aim Date 29th June)

5th May 2017
Evocati Start: 32 days
Release in: 69 days (Release Aim Dates 29th June - 13th July)

19th May 2017
Evocati Start: 25 days
Release in: 62 days (Release Aim Dates 6th July - 20th July)

9th June 2017
Evocati Start: 13 days
Release in: 48 days (Release Aim Dates 21st July - 27th July)

23rd June 2017
Evocati Start: 14 days
Release in: 48 days (Release Aim Dates 4th August - 10th August)

7th July 2017
Evocati Start: 14 days
Release in: 49 days (Release Aim Dates 21st August - 25th August)

Derek posts how his sources say that the performance issues are thus far insurmountable.

28th July 2017
Evocati Start: 6 days
Release in: 42 days (Release Aim Dates 4th Sept - 8th Sept)

11th August 2017
Aim dates removed

Now one argument might be that it's hard to predict Game development, especially months ahead, but look back at the 5th of May update - they were predicting a release to the test server in 32 days. Yet here we are 3 months later with all aim dates dropped.

Even if this isn't lying to the backers, it's at least gross incompetence.


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