I have no words, but this is the latest patch notes
No game loop, no actual missions. Just moving rubber dog shit from A to B.
I like how they confirmed my post about the QD lag/delay

SCLeaks Note: Patch 3.0.0p -
Mission Focus test, so folks today Evocati got a new patch and they're focusing on the missions similar to what we saw in GamesCon@2016.
Avocados need to go to a specific location, grab a special package and deliver it to some other place. The system still need some love, sometimes the target box doesn't spawn for example.
Server pop. is still 60, and "large freight" is in since the beginning (of evocati), and that means you don't need to grab a mission if you want to haul stuff.
That's it for today, good night o7
Issue Debugging Request If you are on Nvidia's latest drivers and getting the following GPU crash "GPU Timeout in CREATE_DEFERRED_BUFFERS ()" could you try running the game NOT in fullscreen (try full screen windowed and regular windowed) and see if the crash persists
Major Known Issues: All shops are missing items
Quantum travel can take 30 to 90 seconds to engage
There are many missing textures
Interaction promps will flicker in and out after ejecting out of a ship and respawning at GrimHex
Quantum linked slaves will end up inside of destinations far from masters
LODs are broken and popping in and out at incorrect view ranges
Focus Feature Updates Universe Hint System: Added try on/inspect enter and exit hint events, as well as spawn point enter/exit hint events
Levski: Added additional LODs that should be viewable from orbit
Improved audio for size 4 Behring laser cannon
Adjusted close range lock-out for quantum destinations deemed too close
Ships and Vehicles Rebalance of quantum travel fuel usage on all quantum drives
Prospector: Updated damage VFX
Retaliator: Updated ladder metrics for better grasping and updated door animations
Bug Fixes Abandoned outposts should no longer have internal atmosphere
Toned down the thruster reflection on the Dragonfly MFD
Prone should now properly toggle
Fixed certain ships that were using their quantum fuel for boost/afterburner
Adjusted overly loud ambiance at Grimhex landing pad
Airlock sounds should no longer be too loud when heard from 3rd person
There should no longer be a floating box in the back room of Cafe Musain
The doors at Port Olisar's Dumper's Depot should no longer clip into the walls when opening
The "Spooling" message should no longer persist during the quantum travel sequence
A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship
Updated surface meshes to repair areas of the Prospector that were not taking damage
Players should now have proper animation when entering pilot seat and lower turret of the Caterpillar
Fixed various visual issues in and around Conscientious Objects at Levsk
Motion blur fix for Port Olisar rings
Terrain assets on Cellin and Daymar should no longer render noticeably close to the player
Players should now be able to interact with the side door on the Freelancer
Fixed floating assets inside Garrity Defense
CryAstro stations should now recognize the Starfarer's automated landing system
Fixed sign placement issue in Port Olisar weapon shop
Removed replaceme balls above hangars at Levski
Players should no longer be able to force their way through the collision of the front window in the Freelancer
Ships should no longer sink into the ground after the player lands on the planet surface and exits
Technical Various crash fixes
Non-Focus Feature Updates
Missions Changed lighting states at comm arrays
Further updated mission rewards and timer variables
Picking up the black box should no longer break the character or get stuck to the hand
Updated various AI spawning parameters for bounty, assassination, and recovery missions
UI Added overheat bar to the heat MFD
Shopping and Cargo Reduced the volume of shopkeeper's dialogue
Further polish to nesting and accordian grid hierarchy on the commodities kiosk
Ships Avenger series: Moved location of ejection button so the interaction is less likely to be triggered accidentally
Bug Fixes Fixed the Deploy Data Beacon mission marker, which should no longer spawn far above the probe at Levski
Fixed some missing VFX from the Avenger Warlock and Titan on incoming damage or destruction
Fixed some LOD issues found within the Selfland hangar
The P4AR should no longer be missing various LODs
Starfarer interior should now have atmosphere
The "friendly fire" warning audio should now properly play in Squadron Battle
Item wear on MFD should now update properly
Shields so no longer recover regen while off
Player should now properly attach to the seats in the ARGO
Fixed misaligned logos on Revel and York elevator doors
Firing the P8-SC in burst fire mode should no longer create a looping mechanic sound
The top turret in the Starfarer should now be usable
Fixed unusual cockpit lighting in the 85X
Fixed pirate swarm M50s having replaceme textures