Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 2562782 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1470 on: November 12, 2017, 06:19:14 PM »
So... how long until Star Citizen has Loot-boxes implemented?

First they'll have a loot box concept sale so you can pick up limited edition loot box Jpegs.

and then after that there may be a version using face recognition tech and the popular English private school game of "Soggy Biscuit"   (I didn't go to a private school myself)

Soggy biscuit  involves getting a group of boys in a room and a biscuit (cookie).

All the boys have to beat themselves off and cum onto the biscuit which has been placed on a table, the middle of the circle, on a table etc (within penis reach)

The last boy to cum on the biscuit has to eat it.

It doesnt take much imagination to see how this game could be adapted for Star Citizen with loot boxes as a reward for those able to beat themselves off first  in response to a JPEG stimulus.   The face recognition tech would be used to verify the winners and losers or otherwise enhance the experience.    There would need to be some forfeit for the loser - perhaps playing a couple of rounds of Star Marine.

PTW (Play To Wank) indeed.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 06:22:34 PM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1471 on: November 12, 2017, 07:19:02 PM »
Not at all surprising, some have already dutifully pointed out that SC is still in alpha and that anyone whining about low fps in an alpha build doesn't understand game development and shouldn't be here among the big boys.

To a great degree, they are correct. Frame rate issues in a pre Alpha state aren't that big a concern. Late Beta would be a better time to worry.

Now...of more interest is why CIG are going through all of this whole the engine is incomplete. By focussing so much on polish and ships at yhis stage, they are only guaranteeing extra work for themselves when Beta foes come along.

You don't polish the game at this stage of development...there is still too much that requires adding and changing and anything added now runs a very real risk of needing rework or being thrown put during the Beta phase.

That means even more delays, even more costs.

Anyone who doesn't wonder why they are doing stress tests in a preAlpha build, especially when the netcide and server backends aren't complete, doesn't understand gsme development


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1472 on: November 12, 2017, 10:07:54 PM »
Of course, frame rates aren't a huge issue in early alpha. Far more significant is that, five years and tens of millions after a "working prototype" was unveiled to the public, it's a matter of debate whether what they have is a pre-alpha or early alpha. You know, we shoulda made it to Moscow by now.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1473 on: November 13, 2017, 01:12:59 AM »
Of course, frame rates aren't a huge issue in early alpha. Far more significant is that, five years and tens of millions after a "working prototype" was unveiled to the public, it's a matter of debate whether what they have is a pre-alpha or early alpha. You know, we shoulda made it to Moscow by now.

Since they their own admission....still working on their engine and don't have all functionality complete, the game is still in a pre-Alpha state. They are working TO an Alpha build...not working ON an Alpha build.

While I know they are a bit trapped by their own promises, one of the reasons why this game is taking so long is the attention they are giving to keeping it in a playworthy state. With the engine and game still incomplete and being worked on, the probability is that major sections of what has already been done will need to be redone.

From what I recall from my own experiences in development and programming, CIG should be building the game once the netcode and server meshing systems are in place. That way, they know the restrictions each of those modules will impose. Sure...maybe they'll get lucky. Maybe their netcode team will be able to arrange the systems so that they can transfer all the reqiired data in the planned x bytes and get it working do they can repeat that send 60 times a second....

But reality has a way of biting. Until the netcode is in place, the possibility exists that the team cannot meet your planned usage. And of course, you can't create the netcode until you know what information it will send (ship position in three axis, ship heading in three axis, speed, what actions it is doing and more) as well as how how you want to send it (at least 30 times a second if the entities are close) and who you want to send it to (how many players per instance), all of which also requires a certain idea of the basic specs you require for the game, such as minimum.bandwidth requitements for both the player and server. And of course, there are additional you want to encrypt or compress the data stream, for example - both of which offer certain advantages but also require CPU cycles and add to delay.

CIG should have an idea what their netcode can do....but to put such code into the game so late, and to have built so much around its absence?

And that isn't the only issue. Admittedly, I know a bit less about server systems, but from what I do know, server meshing strikes me as yet another technology that is critical to implement the game they want, but is also another critical feature they haven't added, a critical feature they haven't even started around designing how to implememt but which would be so much better being built into the game from the ground up instead of tacked on as an action which again seems to promise a need to rework huge sections of code to get meshing to work.

More delays and bugs.

And all that is on top of their current systems and way of working. Maybe I'm totally wrong here, maybe there is a method behind their madness - but much of what I see and hear regarding this development shows a certain degree of haphazardness. By that, I'm saying that it looks like at least some of the game appears to be being developed in a make it up as you go kind of approach....which is an approach that I would expect to be slower more expensive and more prone to bugs and performance issues than a more methodical approach.

So...for me, there is no question. Its a preAlpha state and unless CIG get really lucky, a lot of that work they have done and are doing on polishing the game and putting it into a playable state will have to be thrown out. That they are already reworking assets suggests that at least some of my assumptions along these lines are correct. some ways I am impressed with how quickly CIG are moving. Because of Chris Roberts incompetence or inexperience or whatever, the first 3...maybe even 4 years...of development effectively did not occur. And because of his decisions, because CIG are prioritising the market over game development, because CIG are putting so much effort into making a PreAlpha polished and playable...the game will take a lot longer to develop and cost a lot more mo ey than it should.

About the only good news in all of this is that IF the engine is now in the state they say it is, now in a state where the backend stuff is the only systems left to replace, then the engine is probably at a point where they can restart development on S42.

Its just a pity they seem to think the flight model requires tweaking rather than a massive rethink. While there are people who are trying to make up excuses for it and how "real" it is, the state of the flight model seems to be the one thing both "sides" agree's too arcadey, it isn't fun and it doesn't give enough feel or variance netween models. What they have is serviceable....but for what will be one of the biggest timesinks in game (flight) serviceable (IMO) isn't good enough. It needs to be great and, mote importantly, it needs to be fun.

Say what you will about EDs content (or lack thereof) but their flight model feels great even if it isn't realistic; reality has to bend before gameplay. And thst is abother lesson CIG don't seem to know

« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 01:16:42 AM by Kyrt »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1474 on: November 13, 2017, 06:08:51 AM »
I have no words, but this is the latest patch notes

No game loop, no actual missions. Just moving rubber dog shit from A to B.

I like how they confirmed my post about the QD lag/delay  :laugh:

SCLeaks Note: Patch 3.0.0p -

Mission Focus test, so folks today Evocati got a new patch and they're focusing on the missions similar to what we saw in GamesCon@2016.

Avocados need to go to a specific location, grab a special package and deliver it to some other place. The system still need some love, sometimes the target box doesn't spawn for example.

Server pop. is still 60, and "large freight" is in since the beginning (of evocati), and that means you don't need to grab a mission if you want to haul stuff.

That's it for today, good night o7
Issue Debugging Request
    If you are on Nvidia's latest drivers and getting the following GPU crash "GPU Timeout in CREATE_DEFERRED_BUFFERS ()" could you try running the game NOT in fullscreen (try full screen windowed and regular windowed) and see if the crash persists
Major Known Issues:
   All shops are missing items
   Quantum travel can take 30 to 90 seconds to engage
   There are many missing textures
    Interaction promps will flicker in and out after ejecting out of a ship and respawning at GrimHex
    Quantum linked slaves will end up inside of destinations far from masters
    LODs are broken and popping in and out at incorrect view ranges

Focus Feature Updates
    Hint System: Added try on/inspect enter and exit hint events, as well as spawn point enter/exit hint events
    Levski: Added additional LODs that should be viewable from orbit
    Improved audio for size 4 Behring laser cannon
    Adjusted close range lock-out for quantum destinations deemed too close
Ships and Vehicles
    Rebalance of quantum travel fuel usage on all quantum drives
    Prospector: Updated damage VFX
    Retaliator: Updated ladder metrics for better grasping and updated door animations
Bug Fixes
    Abandoned outposts should no longer have internal atmosphere
    Toned down the thruster reflection on the Dragonfly MFD
    Prone should now properly toggle
    Fixed certain ships that were using their quantum fuel for boost/afterburner
    Adjusted overly loud ambiance at Grimhex landing pad
    Airlock sounds should no longer be too loud when heard from 3rd person
    There should no longer be a floating box in the back room of Cafe Musain
    The doors at Port Olisar's Dumper's Depot should no longer clip into the walls when opening
    The "Spooling" message should no longer persist during the quantum travel sequence
    A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship
    Updated surface meshes to repair areas of the Prospector that were not taking damage
    Players should now have proper animation when entering pilot seat and lower turret of the Caterpillar
    Fixed various visual issues in and around Conscientious Objects at Levsk
    Motion blur fix for Port Olisar rings
    Terrain assets on Cellin and Daymar should no longer render noticeably close to the player
    Players should now be able to interact with the side door on the Freelancer
    Fixed floating assets inside Garrity Defense
    CryAstro stations should now recognize the Starfarer's automated landing system
    Fixed sign placement issue in Port Olisar weapon shop
    Removed replaceme balls above hangars at Levski
    Players should no longer be able to force their way through the collision of the front window in the Freelancer
    Ships should no longer sink into the ground after the player lands on the planet surface and exits
    Various crash fixes
    Non-Focus Feature Updates
    Changed lighting states at comm arrays
    Further updated mission rewards and timer variables
    Picking up the black box should no longer break the character or get stuck to the hand
    Updated various AI spawning parameters for bounty, assassination, and recovery missions
    Added overheat bar to the heat MFD
Shopping and Cargo
    Reduced the volume of shopkeeper's dialogue
    Further polish to nesting and accordian grid hierarchy on the commodities kiosk
    Avenger series: Moved location of ejection button so the interaction is less likely to be triggered accidentally
Bug Fixes
    Fixed the Deploy Data Beacon mission marker, which should no longer spawn far above the probe at Levski
    Fixed some missing VFX from the Avenger Warlock and Titan on incoming damage or destruction
    Fixed some LOD issues found within the Selfland hangar
    The P4AR should no longer be missing various LODs
    Starfarer interior should now have atmosphere
    The "friendly fire" warning audio should now properly play in Squadron Battle
    Item wear on MFD should now update properly
    Shields so no longer recover regen while off
    Player should now properly attach to the seats in the ARGO
    Fixed misaligned logos on Revel and York elevator doors
    Firing the P8-SC in burst fire mode should no longer create a looping mechanic sound
    The top turret in the Starfarer should now be usable
    Fixed unusual cockpit lighting in the 85X
    Fixed pirate swarm M50s having replaceme textures
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 06:11:01 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1475 on: November 13, 2017, 08:08:49 AM »
LOL!! if this is what Star Citizen switched to. It's fairly recent, and totally not a coincidence that they only just recently started doing 48-60 client tests - to disastrous results
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1476 on: November 13, 2017, 09:42:17 AM »
That's gonna get expensive real damn quick.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1477 on: November 13, 2017, 10:50:08 AM »
I have no words, but this is the latest patch notes

No game loop, no actual missions. Just moving rubber dog shit from A to B.

I've noticed it more than once on Reddit: this affinity for cargo hauling and repetitive grinding missions among the backer base.

I wonder how many backers work as pizza delivery guys, Fedex drivers, furniture moving people and similar "move A to B" type professions in their day jobs. Like those farmers who play Farming Simulator in the evening (I read once that there are quite a few of them). Other than that, I can't really figure out why people are so excited about a seemingly boring game mechanic (at least to me, it is) in SC.

Even if it's only about the UEC earned in-game: if you could earn more "real-money-equivalent" in the game than you can in real-life, then this market inefficiency would quickly be discovered and levelled out by loads of backers flocking into the business and undercutting cargo rates in SC. Just theory-crafting here of course, since SC will never get this far.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1478 on: November 13, 2017, 11:00:54 AM »
Since they their own admission....still working on their engine and don't have all functionality complete, the game is still in a pre-Alpha state. They are working TO an Alpha build...not working ON an Alpha build.

Actually, Star Citizen is about to go into "Early Access" according to Chairman Robbers. I guess he took the saying "it's not a bug, it's a feature" so seriously that he really believes SC is feature complete by now.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1479 on: November 13, 2017, 12:06:28 PM »
I don't know about this "Early Access" label. Doesn't that suggest that there is a game which is playable enough for people to buy at normal game prices? Since this is what all other Early Access games do - you buy the game at a reasonable price whilst it's in development. Clearly CR can't actually release Star Citizen at a normal price - nobody would buy it at the moment, and more importantly it would suggest that all they needed for future development is people to buy the game rather than support it with pledges.

The only way CR can continue making money is with more ship sales - so he can't ever "release" the game otherwise the ship sales would effectively stop. It has to be in perpetual "nearly there" development to keep the whales spending.

For those of you who might think that even with a "full release", they can still continue ship sales, think about that - it would be like EA releasing Battlefront 2 for $80 but saying that it'll be another $400 to unlock Vader - forget micro-transactions, Star Citizen would have MACRO-transactions. I can't see that working out well.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 12:08:37 PM by N0mad »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1480 on: November 13, 2017, 12:38:16 PM »
The only way CR can continue making money is with more ship sales - so he can't ever "release" the game otherwise the ship sales would effectively stop. It has to be in perpetual "nearly there" development to keep the whales spending.

Yes, that's basically what he implies…

According to him in the interview, "releases" are so traditional and old-fashioned. For a game to be good, it must never be finished. How convenient that SC will become the very epitome of "never finished".


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1481 on: November 13, 2017, 02:02:25 PM »
I don't mean to downplay the importance of getting cargo missions working but thank goodness they expanded the schedule to include this task and finish it - nothing's stopping PTU release now!

Improved audio for size 4 Behring laser cannon

BTW, Derek, I'm a C++ guy, so can you tell me if this is what the Java guys refer to as "garbage collection":

A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 02:04:14 PM by David-2 »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1482 on: November 13, 2017, 03:13:45 PM »
BTW, Derek, I'm a C++ guy, so can you tell me if this is what the Java guys refer to as "garbage collection":

A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship

Yes, that bug became apparent during the recent 60 players per server stress test. An Evocati leaked a screenshot of it:


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1483 on: November 13, 2017, 05:28:49 PM »
I don't mean to downplay the importance of getting cargo missions working but thank goodness they expanded the schedule to include this task and finish it - nothing's stopping PTU release now!

Improved audio for size 4 Behring laser cannon

BTW, Derek, I'm a C++ guy, so can you tell me if this is what the Java guys refer to as "garbage collection":

A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship

LOL!! No, that's not garbage collection in coding terms; but the analogy still works  :laugh:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1484 on: November 13, 2017, 05:29:17 PM »
BTW, Derek, I'm a C++ guy, so can you tell me if this is what the Java guys refer to as "garbage collection":

A pilot seat should no longer be left on the pad after spawning a ship

Yes, that bug became apparent during the recent 60 players per server stress test. An Evocati leaked a screenshot of it:

 :vince:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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