Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 1913743 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1740 on: January 29, 2018, 05:50:10 AM »
Instead we have Chris Roberts putting his son's turtles into the game.

Somebody needs to create Fallout 4 mod that in 2290+ year SC is still in development and Pre-Alfa.

And you can join 1 of 3 fractions:
1) Shilizens
2) Goons
3) Crytek (Skedden)

..and all main characters are still alive as ghouls ;) 

and outcome depends totally on your actions...

P.S. Buy an Idris jpg for 10 000 bottlecaps ;)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 06:01:33 AM by GaryII »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1741 on: January 29, 2018, 07:09:00 AM »
Somebody needs to create Fallout 4 mod that in 2290+ year SC is still in development and Pre-Alfa.

And you can join 1 of 3 fractions:
1) Shilizens
2) Goons
3) Crytek (Skedden)

..and all main characters are still alive as ghouls ;) 

and outcome depends totally on your actions...

P.S. Buy an Idris jpg for 10 000 bottlecaps ;)

Or a different  simple game would do...

Need a Kickstarter ....modest little affair ...

Shitizen special skills / weps etc ..throwing money into a dumpster fire - AOE attack

Skadden - chucking out law suits

Goons - answers on a ...

Derek ?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 07:12:36 AM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1742 on: January 29, 2018, 09:27:41 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1743 on: January 29, 2018, 09:50:23 AM »
First they came for the Space Pirates, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Space Pirate.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1744 on: January 30, 2018, 01:31:11 AM »
They're continuing to walk back design promises. The latest.

 I think its just a start, they starting to figure that:

1) People just can not have a nice things on Internet - people will exploit all that they can...
2) Actual development just can't compete with player dreams...

 If this game goes that far - I am very interested how they try to solve all problems like balancing profits from different professions (trade, combat, mining etc) that how they fight exploiters, cheaters, greifers etc.   


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1745 on: January 30, 2018, 07:39:51 AM »
I think its just a start, they starting to figure that:

1) People just can not have a nice things on Internet - people will exploit all that they can...
2) Actual development just can't compete with player dreams...

 If this game goes that far - I am very interested how they try to solve all problems like balancing profits from different professions (trade, combat, mining etc) that how they fight exploiters, cheaters, greifers etc.   

My guess is that it would be more of the same, watered-down concepts; probably all professions accessible through a missions UI which would be the same few missions constantly recycled - half of them buggy and broken. Trading will be just some pre-determined prices for trade goods that refresh occasionally, nothing dynamically driven - certainly no player driven economy. Mining will be a case of destroying prefabricated asteroids that again will be buggy and the times they do work just dropping the same stale minerals in pre-determined amounts. Combat will be the most boring of all imo which will involve boring 10 minute-long engagements which will consist of flying at the target, unloading a few volleys, then turning the ship around and repeating until the enemy ship explodes.

They've already shown with their hilarious "response" to the piracy question that they could give a rats ass about encouraging emergent gameplay or providing something fun - shitizens are there for one reason only and that's to keep on buying virtual items.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2018, 07:41:26 AM by helimoth »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1746 on: January 30, 2018, 02:00:43 PM »
My guess is that it would be more of the same, watered-down concepts; probably all professions accessible through a missions UI which would be the same few missions constantly recycled - half of them buggy and broken. Trading will be just some pre-determined prices for trade goods that refresh occasionally, nothing dynamically driven - certainly no player driven economy. Mining will be a case of destroying prefabricated asteroids that again will be buggy and the times they do work just dropping the same stale minerals in pre-determined amounts. Combat will be the most boring of all imo which will involve boring 10 minute-long engagements which will consist of flying at the target, unloading a few volleys, then turning the ship around and repeating until the enemy ship explodes.

They've already shown with their hilarious "response" to the piracy question that they could give a rats ass about encouraging emergent gameplay or providing something fun - shitizens are there for one reason only and that's to keep on buying virtual items.

The problem seems to be that they're not that far in concept to actually talk what gameplay they think will emerge and how they'd lead to wanted gameplay. And so far i don't see them actually putting any realt thought in how to get strangers to actually cooperate - so that might because i'm not following every dream they utter.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1747 on: January 30, 2018, 02:15:27 PM »
The problem seems to be that they're not that far in concept to actually talk what gameplay they think will emerge and how they'd lead to wanted gameplay. And so far i don't see them actually putting any realt thought in how to get strangers to actually cooperate - so that might because i'm not following every dream they utter.

The problem with Chris is that when anybody asks if a gameplay feature will be in the game: he says yes. They want all the gameplay, and to make it as complex as possible. At the same time all the actual gameplay development has been largely ignored thus far in favour of the graphical fidelity of the game (eg prioritising "Helmet polish" over anything which resembles a game mechanic). CIG have led the backers into believing whatever they want. Just read reddit a bit and you'll find that they all have their own idea about how the game will actually work and what they want to do in it. Very little of what has been promised will be implemented, none of it will work well, and, even if it does, none of it will be much fun.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1748 on: January 30, 2018, 02:40:43 PM »

Star Citizen: 7 hours of what Tony Zurovec said

NOTE: Nyx Landing Zone was previewed as "Coming Soon" in August 2015. This interview took place shortly after that preview - Tony Z says that Nyx Landing Zone is "largely done" and will be released in the next milestone after 'Shopping'.


Jared Huckaby:
Is there anything more you can tell us about Nyx?

Tony Zurovec:
Yeah, NYX... NYX will likely show up in the milestone immediately after shopping, NYX is... it's interesting in that NYX has actually been largely done for quite a while.

There was one particular area, this BAZAR area that still had a lot of design details and artistic, you know... ISSUES that needed to be worked out, um... but with those now RESOLVED, production is, ah... you know, proceeding at FULL SPEED on it and we expect to have that done, ah, you know FAIRLY SOON

We should actually be able to spend quite a bit of time REFINING and TWEAKING, you know, ensuring that the performance is at the level that we actually want before we release it to the community. In other words the actualy BUILD OUT of the level is, ah... going REALLY REALLY WELL at this point.

Jared Huckaby:
Will it be another destination on the elevator?

Tony Zurovec:
That's... for the SHORT TERM we're just going to CHAIN and you're going to have the magical elevator, you can access it from there or from your hangar, that will change you know as we get a little bit farther along and your... you know... gain ability to ah, you know travel to different systems and stuff, ah... but for the SHORT TERM we will just allow players to go in there, it will just be another destination, you know, on that elevator.

Um, it's actu... um... NYX is really INTERESTING ah, from my perspective for a variety of different reasons, one of which is that it actually gives us the ability to have three, ah, completely distinct functional areas. What I mean by that is when you first land in NYX and you come out and you go through CUSTOMS and you basically go down to the main, ah... the main AREA... there's LAW AND ORDER, there's SECURITY, it's WELL MAINTAINED, all the LIGHTS are on, there's SECURITY GUARDS, you know, there's CIVILIANS, you know, CIVILIANS going about their BUSINESS

There's SHOPS in which you can do business, you know, ahhhh... ETCETERA

There are HINTS, you know, internally, that you're within an ASTEROID that's... ah... you know... you can see that from windows that give you these beautiful views, you know, ah, of the OUTSIDE, aahhm, you can tell because some of the CEILINGS you know, there was no point to basically building, ah... you know... to building ROOFS and CEILINGS all that type of stuff um so you can actually see you know BIG HUGE CHUNKS OF STEEL EXPOSED YOU KNOW AH

Asteroid stone, rock, metal you know, etcetera, you know just HANGING in various areas... but in general that area actually LOOKS, aaahhh... it LOOKS you know, very... it looks very MODERN. It looks built out. It looks like what it's supposed to be which is an area where people, you know, did a lot of business, they, you know, conduct a lot of business in that area.

As you start to MOVE you know down various passages and corridors and passageways away from that central area, you'll start to encounter what we call, you know... it's... it's a it's a more... it's a more DANGEROUS zone... basically it's an area that's no longer officially utilised by, you know, by the POLITICAL and CIVILIAN classes of this planet and it's been overtaken by uhh, by uhh, by you know... more QUESTIONABLE types, lots... you know... lots uh... much more crime there than you would ever see in the central area of the city there's no security to discourage it, ah

There are obviously you know just some, just some HARD LUCK cases out there, ugghhhmmm

You'll see these, uh along uh

Stuff that's fallen into disrepair

Lights that are flickering not working

Control panels you know that are no longer

Operate doors that are you know half stuck open


To where it looks

Very similar you know conceptually to the central area except it looks like it hasn't really been you know properly maintained for you know for a decade


If you continue proceeding even farther you'll get into what we call the

E X C A V A T I O N   A R E A S

and this is where ONCE UPON A TIME
decades earlier
when this was


an area that they thought was going to be a... a... a...


They were clearing out all sorts of
you know


you know, the idea was...

they were, they were eventually going to put, put in


and that construction you know STOPPED

Very Quickly.


aahhh when they decided that

you know

given the

you know


the surveys that they were doing the the the it was going to be way more difficult to extract sufficient value to the war and all the investment beingmadeandsotheoriginalinhabitantsofnyxtookoff

and all the
you know





THAT WAS ALL LEFT BEHIND AND BASICALLY THESE more politically oriented you know population gradually moved in and basically what you wound up with is a populous that tends to be a little bit more you know ahhhh radical in there overall you know political beliefs versus the mainstream

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1749 on: January 30, 2018, 02:55:09 PM »
The problem with Chris is that when anybody asks if a gameplay feature will be in the game: he says yes. They want all the gameplay, and to make it as complex as possible. At the same time all the actual gameplay development has been largely ignored thus far in favour of the graphical fidelity of the game (eg prioritising "Helmet polish" over anything which resembles a game mechanic). CIG have led the backers into believing whatever they want. Just read reddit a bit and you'll find that they all have their own idea about how the game will actually work and what they want to do in it. Very little of what has been promised will be implemented, none of it will work well, and, even if it does, none of it will be much fun.

Yeah that's true.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1750 on: January 30, 2018, 04:26:18 PM »
Yeah that's true.

What's missing in that is also the fact that he knows that the more promises he makes, the more money that is to follow. That's pretty much been the basis of it all.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1751 on: January 30, 2018, 06:04:35 PM »
3.0.1 patch was released to Evocati. The patch notes are hilarious.

Star Citizen Patch 3.0.1

Alpha Patch 3.0.1 has been released to the Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-705284

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Major Known Issues:

When using the Mobiglas there is a chance to cause a graphical glitch that will remain for the duration of the session. W/A: Relaunching into crusader should fix it, but if this occurs please make note of it on the regression found here:

New Features

Added monocle to PMA and added eye accessory slot as option in PMA.


Temporarily removed deploy missions from the mission broker.

Feature Updates
Ships and Vehicles

- AI now have specific shield generators that provide half the shield health/shield regen.
- For all ships, shield HP halved, regen lowered, regen ramp up time increased. Shields now allow more physical damage through the less health they have.
- For all ships, armor reduced to 1.00 for physical and 0.95 for energy for all ships.
- Missile damage and explosive radius reduced.

Bug Fixes

- Players should no longer be sorted into Arena Commander races that have already started, causing an error code.
- Speculative fix for ships missing items.
- Reputation should now persist between player sessions.
- Fix for ship EMP weapons charging much faster than intended.
- Fix for certain weapon families starting at max spread and recovering significantly slower than expected.
- When trying on/inspecting clothes your face should no longer be illuminated by helmet lights that aren't there.
- Fix for ships duplicating if changes were made to the pledge while an insurance claim was being made.
- Admin NPCs should now accept boxes and allow players to complete related missions.
- Boxes placed on admin counters should no longer fall through to the floor.
- REC rented items should no longer invalidate prior rentals and rentals with time remaining from the prior patch should now be available.
- Carry-able crates dropped from vehicle destruction in excess of SCU crates in Cargo Grids will now spawn on positions of Cargo Grids instead of near world origin.
- Players should no longer be able to break their character and be stuck spawning as a white sphere.


- Various crash fixes.

Known bugs, issues, and work arounds (W/A):

- When using the Mobiglas there is a chance to cause a graphical glitch that will remain for the duration of the session. W/A: Relaunching into crusader should fix it.
- AC ship customization and VMA currently do not save changes to selected ship. W/A: Port Olisar port modification system still somewhat works.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1752 on: January 30, 2018, 07:25:09 PM »
THAT WAS ALL LEFT BEHIND AND BASICALLY THESE more politically oriented you know population gradually moved in and basically what you wound up with is a populous that tends to be a little bit more you know ahhhh radical in there overall you know political beliefs versus the mainstream

I didn't know any of this stuff was in the game!  Holy cow, I'm ready to buy in to SC at last!  I'm a big political junkie and the idea of having great political conversations with NPCs - maybe escalating, you know, into something more exciting, arguments, like, you know, fist fights or even gunplay! - that's really big for me!  Maybe a clan vs clan thing where some clans are more libertarian and others more communist and others are like, well, anarchists obviously - this is cool! BDSSE!!!!!!  :dance:

It is on the schedule for 3.3 or, end of year 3.4?  I mean he said it was real close!  They're just polishing it now!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2018, 08:17:33 PM by David-2 »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1753 on: January 31, 2018, 03:21:55 AM »
I didn't know any of this stuff was in the game!  Holy cow, I'm ready to buy in to SC at last!  I'm a big political junkie and the idea of having great political conversations with NPCs - maybe escalating, you know, into something more exciting, arguments, like, you know, fist fights or even gunplay! - that's really big for me!  Maybe a clan vs clan thing where some clans are more libertarian and others more communist and others are like, well, anarchists obviously - this is cool! BDSSE!!!!!!  :dance:

It is on the schedule for 3.3 or, end of year 3.4?  I mean he said it was real close!  They're just polishing it now!


Just a stream of thoughts for no reason. Still gotta share:

It's been such a blast to read all the endless visions of backers who are neck-deep in the muds of SC around the web. Countless times I've seen backers imagining all these beta phase features, embracing the collective consensus of needs and desires, and labeling criticism as an uninformed opinion. It's amazing. I feel people's general optimism and good faith has really hurt them this time. Personally, I consider myself a realist with a touch of cynicism, and I usually notice when I get overly optimistic about some great concept. But, when I think about SC, the project has never made me even remotely believe in the full vision 2.0.

Sure, the scope and demos were nice at first (during kickstarter mainly), but as time passed and, for example, no fundamental gameplay mechanics / stable core was ever introduced (outside the never-ending promises of even bigger things), my alarm bells really started ringing. Reading DS's first blog back in 2015 further confirmed my thoughts, and I started talking to my friends who were backers or followers of the project. Since then it has been very interesting and entertaining to follow and discuss the project. Better than TV, easily better than anything that comes out of the yellow press. Pure drama with many sides, endless surprises and secrets. Too bad nothing lasts forever.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1754 on: January 31, 2018, 03:52:54 AM »
3.0.1 patch was released to Evocati. The patch notes are hilarious.

 Evos can feel spacial again and try to test some broken mess again...
 To me looks like a lot of hotfixies, some of them looks like wild guesses to try to fix bugs...and nothing more...           


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