Today's live stream (on-going) is an embarrassment of lols. You can watch on
Twitch or YouTube (below)
The highlights:
- The full 3.0 client is
NOT being played. Just as I stated. So you won't be seeing
ANY of the
game loop I listed here- They have a single moon "level", Daymar, where everyone spawns
- No PU and/or space travel, means that's it: a single moon. You don't see ANY of the full game loop
- They have to reset the server every 15 mins. Ponder that
- Repeated crashes (seemingly every 10 minutes), hard locks etc
- Only 8-12 clients are allowed to connect
- The Mobiglass they have been touting, and which is currently marked as complete? DISABLED
- You can see all the glitches (e.g. DJ Knight trying to get into vehicle without success), rubbish dynamics model, terrain clipping, no-clip modeling, no damage collision on terrain, no fps damage etc. I will post some clips later, but here are some for now:
7Worst part? The current 2.6.3 game isn't even playable at the show. So for the next 3 days, they're going to be playing this ganky bullshit on repeat. And still no word of SQ42.
As I said yesterday, they basically came to GamesCom 2017 with a big CryEngine level. That's it. No full 3.0 game..
Also, they aren't showing ANY of the gameplay features because, well, they simply aren't there. No trading. No cargo manipulation. No missions. No AI entities. No Mobiglass. No gameplay loop. No QD. No gravity. Like nothing - AT ALL.
Basically, since they're using a moon "level" which isn't attached to anything, there is no need for QT as there's nothing to travel to.
Lando is basically choreographing the stream, just like they do when Chris is on stage. As soon as something is about to glitch, they switch cameras. It's the same old thing all over again. DECEPTION.
Oh and...
- They introduced trading cards. TRADING CARDS!
- They are giving out QR codes which give access to an exclusive...wait for it...SHIP SALE!
Remember when I said that 3.0 didn't exist? And it's been almost a year? And that they didn't even have 3.0 in ANY playable form ready for release? Well, you're seeing it. And this goes back to sources saying that 3.0 to be released in ANY reasonable playable form, needs at least SIX more months. And even then, that's if they can fix the INSURMOUNTABLE engine issues.
This is why
sources were saying that it's likely that streamers would be playing 2.6.3 and that if they attempted 3.0, which wasn't ready, it would be a disaster.
According to my sources, nobody quite knows what to do about GamesCom yet. And that was the same sentiment just last week!
They won't be doing any R&D demos this time apparently. But though my sources claim that rumors suggesting that streamers will be playing 2.6.3 during the show are false, one specific source has said that the goal is to live play sessions of 3.0 running in the same manner that they have done in the past. So far no word on whether or not streamers will be allowed to play it; either live during the show, or in closed sessions. Especially since it's still running at around 10 fps when you hit the moon. And that's on a LAN (which is what they will be running at the show).
So far, no word on SQ42.
Ask yourself this.
WHERE is the build that and PC Gamer reportable played
MONTHS ago, and in which at least PC Gamer claimed to have been able to fly in space, land on a moon etc. This is
my exchange with Chris Livingston from PC Gamer who wrote
this article this past July. And
what you see here from the article, is actually in the game. Those are ALL bull shots.
This 3.0 build as explained by Lando @ 17:31
What you are seeing is Star Citizen after
SIX YEARS + $156M.
This is what the
Star Citizen Reddit looks like - right now.
This is what
Spectrum looks like - right now.
Anyone who, for one minute, though a "game" was ever coming from this, is an ignorant fool.
A word from our sponsors. A FLYING ground rover.

Goon compilation of hilarity:
Flying rover clipping into mountain -
Crash -
Doors Fucked -
Balsa Wood Physics -
Still Invulnerable -
Cool Desync Bro -
Ram Clipping -
Animation Jank -
Rover =
Crash =
Trapped =
Physics =
Desync =
Clippy =
Jank =
UPDATED:More hilarious highlights.