Author Topic: Ok, I am done  (Read 84933 times)


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2017, 01:16:09 PM »
Well, that is selective quoting. Why didn't you quote me here where I said:

Well, I do feel sorry for them, as for most staff at CIG. They are just people trying to earn a living. Not all of them are part of the scam that Chris is running. Probably some of them even don't know what is going on. So in that regard, I do not want to see CIG collapse. The human aspect remains that some 300 people will lose their jobs. But you didn't back Scam Shitizen to pay for other people's income. You want the game. And that's why this scam should stop.

Now, if you would care to actually read my quote, you'd see that I am talking there about the white knight cultist fanbois. The ones who downvoted everyting I typed on their Reddit because it wasn't in favor of Chris. The ones who were all over me when I started a new topic where I did say nothing but just pointed to a story on the Internet elsewhere. The ones who got me banned for a month because I didn't follow their narrative. The ones who started a Reddit about Derek where they are typing the most idiotic stuff. And that all started because Derek voiced his opinion and then Chris decided it was wise to kick Derek out of the project. Yes, I do want CIG to crash and burn so I can have my fun with and over those guys. And, I want it to be over. Every day that this scam continues, Chris is taking new money for people to pay refunders back and to keep this scam going. A scam that he and a couple of people very close to him are profiting the most of too. The sooner this stops, the better for all involved. That's something I have said before too, you might want to look it up.

This is a forum where objectively is being reported, documented and commented, all done by Derek. From there on, we discuss, speculate, wonder and laugh. We don't question Derek though, because there is no need to. He is right. Has been from the start and will be proven in the end.

But you decided to show your true colours in the end now have you? 'Cause I honestly knew anything coming from Derek would be complete nonsense does give you away. Man, you just can't help yourself now can you? You have to keep on trying and you do keep on coming back.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 01:25:23 PM by Motto »


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2017, 01:35:42 PM »
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 12:37:24 PM by dsmart »


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2017, 01:49:31 PM »
Oh man, here we go again. Even now we go in circles. Never mind...

BTW, I didn't say you quoted me half, I just wanted to point out to another post I did expressing exactly what you accused me of of not doing.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 01:51:43 PM by Motto »

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2017, 08:01:42 PM »
Serendipity clone. Regardless of who it is it is some character of the same ilk just here to troll for a while. I do wonder why if they are messed up and we are messed up why you are here. Just go away and write the whole affair off.

But that's not the truth. This Serendipity clone does have an agenda.  :bahgawd: Just another pole smoker.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2017, 09:09:12 AM »
There is nothing more to discuss here, she is creating accounts here on a daily basis, because she can't deal with the fact, that Derek Smart is right.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2017, 09:41:02 AM »
Nah man, these people are right. I've been here a while but I don't post a lot because it's mostly childish crap, but there is enough fun links to follow. It's true that you guys jump on anyone with a slightly dissenting opinion and just paint them as a returning troll because I guess that's easier than actually discussing with them.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2017, 11:26:38 AM »
That wou be true, if there was room to actually discuss something with them. But they only show up to make statements that Derek has been mispredicting, that we should give Chris the benefit of the doubt etc. We have discussed with them over and over and over and they just keep on coming back with the same point instead of actually discussing the points we come up with.

- "By these facts etc. Chris is running a scam"
- "But that is said by Derek and he is a failed developer, so therefore no, Chris is not scamming.

It's like we're a forum for atheists and people show up to discuss the existence of god. To expect a continuous discussion with us why god probably exists is just dumb. Yet still people show up and try to do that. Even after 90 pages when it should be very obvious what our stance is. Now, if somebody new would show up, read this whole forum and then try to discuss with new arguments, that I'd enjoy. But getting the same crap again, no thanks.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2017, 12:33:25 PM »
Been lurking here for a bit

Really? So you were lurking up to the point whereby someone who is "totally not another Serendipity alt" decided to post the same usual tripe, then created an account the SAME day that he was banned?


mainly because I like to get both sides of the story. I have to agree with many of the points on this though. I really don't know how you people don't see it either it is so obvious. I guess you are all blinded by DS like you think others are blinded by CR. I feel there has been some good information but this community revolves around links and posts from Derek that he uses his own material as references. Not what I was expecting for a serious discussion about the issues with Star Citizen. Those trying to say Derek is right I'm guessing you forgot about all his wrong predictions. If he was right then Star Citizen would have been long forgotten by now.

There is no "side" here. We're not telling people what to do with their money. We're discussing an on-going train wreck. If you want sides, go to Reddit.

The hilarity of you actually concerned that I am using my own material - on my own website (what gave it away? the - isn't lost on us you know.

Yeah, I was howling because you still aren't going a good job of hiding your tracks. You know, even if you re-position words and change statements, it's very easy to see that you're just spouting the SAME thing from your previous alts.

God, you guys are so predictable. The fact that you think coming here is going to make a difference, just goes to show that you all DO care what I think and say. And that's part of being scared of the truth.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2017, 12:45:02 PM »
Nah man, these people are right. I've been here a while but I don't post a lot because it's mostly childish crap, but there is enough fun links to follow. It's true that you guys jump on anyone with a slightly dissenting opinion and just paint them as a returning troll because I guess that's easier than actually discussing with them.

This isn't Reddit. We don't do witchhunts here. If this is how you feel, why do you keep posting here? Surely there's nothing in it for you. Or is there?

If you were actually paying attention, you would see a LOT of dissenting opinions being expressed here. This isn't a hug box. It just so happens that most of the people here, share a common mindset about the game: that it's an unmitigated disaster. And that's no different from the backers on the official Reddit, who feel otherwise. So why not go be amongst them? I am sure that you are, so maybe just stay there?

Nobody cares what you think of the people here. You can still read this forum without having to post. So don't post. Nobody asked you to create an account. If I wanted to keep this an exclusive club and/or hug box, I wouldn't allow guests to browse the forum.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2017, 06:08:31 PM »
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 07:13:33 AM by dsmart »


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2017, 07:18:17 PM »
I'm not Serendipity
Of course, you're not.  :allears:


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2017, 10:29:25 PM »
I'm not Serendipity

Of course, you're not  :allears:


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2017, 12:21:11 AM »
◔_◔ Can't mods look at our IPs or something? Edit: This thread is on /r/DS, that's where I saw it.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 01:13:49 AM by Suzikuh »


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2017, 01:18:07 AM »
◔_◔ Can't mods look at our IPs or something? Edit: This thread is on /r/DS, that's where I saw it.

Are you admitting that you're one of the r/DS guys?


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Re: Ok, I am done
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2017, 01:39:36 AM »
◔_◔ Can't mods look at our IPs or something?

IPs can easily be spoofed via proxies or VPN or changed dynamically by your ISP. IP tracking of alt accounts is hard unless you slip up (like jesterdipity).

While I will not jump the gun this time around and brand you to be the ever persistent jester that brought nothing new and relevant to the table I will call you out on doing mostly the same. That is - deflecting one argument (which might not be a 100% proven fact) for the sake of another without actually proving it 100% wrong. My final opinion on this whole debacle is that neither side can "win" with "facts" - yet. It's up to your level of critical thinking to decide on whose opinions you consider truthful.

If you think the project is doing great and no amount of red flags will convince you otherwise, then please do the smart move, and go discuss how adding diarrhoea in SC/SQ42 is a good thing because - fidelity (obviously sarcasm, but I've seen some batshit crazy ideas being discussed on the other side). If you do it here you'd find scarcely anyone interested to engage seriously in this conversation but you're welcome to try - as long as you don't break forum rules and don't try to keep running with alt accounts once you do.

There are 2 things whose outcome can tip the scales in this stalemate:
  • CIG releases 3.0
  • CIG opens their financial books

Obviously if 3.0 has stellar quality and all the promised features from last year it will deal a heavy blow on our stance. Furthermore, if CIG really has nothing to hide regarding their finances, the easiest thing they could do is to do what they actually promised! If they do both we'll really have to bite our tongues and rest assured that the "FUD" campaign will grind to a halt. Until then we reserve our right to trust our insincts - based on personal and historical experience - and say that this project is FUBAR.

TL;DR - You simply can't dismantle 90% of the statements passed around here. Many have tried and got nowhere. Unless CIG does something miracilous (Hail Mary/Jesus level event) to prove you guys right.

Farewell :wave:


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