Sunk Cost Galaxy 7 is online!
Yay! thanks, I'd wondered if there would be anymore. nice Oct. surprise.
As the star citizen super fan I have gone into that thread as asked everyone to love pledge to get the funding tracker over 300m.
Yup. They know the end is nigh; and that with each day that goes by the chances of them ever seeing the game(s) they were promised back in 2012 (!) erodes.
The next video is the one I'm mostly looking forward to. In the next chapter Bootcha dissects the Frankenstein engine powering this project. A glitch and bug riddled compilation is sure to be included.
Oh yeah, looking forward to it. They couldn't admit their engine was screwed from the start for the project, because it would be acknowleding 300 mil was wasted and siphoned for CR&Sandy's ill gotten gains & excesses. What a ponzi hole that was dug, and bigger clawback to ensue when the shtf time comes.