Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 1225287 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1470 on: November 25, 2018, 05:05:36 AM »
You have to read this. Just read it. These elitist chucklefucks are the primary reason that their community is in tatters, and everyone outside of it just lols at them.

Casuals were given a hand, now they want the entire arm. [Travel Times]

Then there's this...

I did the math... and travel times as they currently stand have no future
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 05:07:15 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1471 on: November 25, 2018, 05:22:10 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1472 on: November 25, 2018, 05:30:02 AM »
Ship Review - Day 1

Ordered by cost:

Anvil Arrow
Cost: $75
Guns: 2 gimbal, 2 auto turret, no idea on size- S2's? Seemed like "Gladius plus one." Also, some missiles. All guns slaved to pilot, this is a good fighter for that reason alone.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: No.
Speed: Zippy
Reviewer's thoughts: So they basically said "What if Gladius, but 20 bucks cheaper and from a different company." It's kind of funny but most of the light and small fighters are actually the best combat ships in the game, because you don't have to rely on anyone else to run the terrible, terrible turret systems. This thing is ugly as poo poo but seems very effective. If it was priced sanely for a 6 year old MMO and combat was actually meaningful, I'd say "Sure, it's worth 12 bucks or whatever." But since combat means nothing in this game and the cost is seventy five of your hard earned dollars, stay the gently caress away.

Anvil Gladiator
Cost $164 worth of missiles that do not work
Guns: 2 gimbal, 2 in a separate turret that you can't control without another player. Lots of missiles.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: No.
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's thoughts: It's 164 loving dollars for a ship that can't do the primary thing it was meant for, because missiles are broken and have been broken for years. Basically for 90 bucks more than the Arrow, you get the same firepower only now you can't use it, and the ship is slower. I think it's actually kind of cool looking, and I like the concept of turreted bombers because I too have seen Star Wars. Unfortunately there's nothing to bomb in this game, and if there were you better loving believe that half the time the bombs would fall upwards or something. In another game, this would be a cool fighter and you'd have to defend a bunch of them as they bombed the mothership. In Star Citizen the mothership is a jpeg, the only ships worth bombing are effectively invincible, and you wasted 164 dollars.

Super Hornet
Cost $180
Guns: 2 nose gimbal, 2 wing gimbal, 2 auto turret. Some missiles.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Well it can carry a passenger I guess
Speed: Zippy
Reviewer's thoughts: I could review all the other Hornet variants but the reviews would amount to "Not as good as the super hornet" so why bother? This is the combat dogfighter. It used to be even better but at some point CIG decided it was punching too far above its weight, probably when they sold a shitload of other fighters, and so the gun size seems to have been nerfed really hard from back when I owned it. Doesn't matter though- with six guns all slaved to the pilot, this is one of the few fighters in the game where one player actually has direct control of all the firepower. Unfortunately it costs as much as three brand new triple-A games put together because Star Citizen's pricing is out of loving control. Also unfortunately, there's like, one combat mission in the whole game and everything else is box retrieval or delivery. Since none of these ships allows you to store boxes... it kind of ruins the entire Anvil lineup, to be honest.

Anvil Hurricane
Cost 195 big ones
Guns: 2 nose gimbal, 4 in a separate turret. Bunch of missiles.
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Nope!
Speed: Some
Reviewer's thoughts: This ship that irritates me. At some point CIG got tired of making shitloads of cash on the super hornet and went "What if Hornet, but 10 dollars more and BETTER" so they nerfed the SH and slapped a bunch of size 3 guns on a similar sized fighter. But obviously that would make it too good, so 4 of the guns are in a turret, which means you will never get to use them. So it's a fighter that does exactly the same thing as the Hornet, but worse if you're a single pilot, and costs even more money because gently caress you. Also it looks like an electric razor.

Anvil Terrapin
Cost 220 goddamn dollars
Guns: 2 nose gimbal, nothing else
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's Thoughts: I thought this was the starting ship in the anvil lineup but then I went and looked up the price and it's over two hundred motherfucking dollars! This thing has 2 guns and a big radar and some cargo space. Radar's pointless because nothing in the game loads into your client past about 10km, 2 guns are pretty much a joke, and the cargo space does make this the first Anvil ship capable of actually playing Star Citizen in its current, actual state, but the ship costs two hundred loving dollars Jesus H Christ what is wrong with you CIG. It doesn't even come with the decorative but useless missiles that all the other ships get! 2 guns and a worthless radar, that's it! Give us 200 bucks! gently caress you!

Anvil Valkyrie
Cost 375 smackers
Guns 2 nose gimabl, 1 regular turret, 2 remote turrets, 2 helicopter door guns
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Glacial
Reviewer's Thoughts: This ship exists because of the landing scene in Aliens. That's it. You could load marines in here, if there were such a thing as marines. You can load vehicles in here, sometimes, if they don't jank the gently caress out. But there's no mission in the game requiring vehicles, and there is no ground combat, and there's definitely nothing that would require a combat dropship, so why does this exist? It exists because Aliens. Because stupid fat gently caress nerdlings will pay 375 ludicrous dollars to sit in a cockpit and go "In the pipe, five by five" and then grin to themselves because they just made the funniest movie reference holy poo poo. It has door guns, because space Vietnam, I guess, so you can clear your space LZ before you drop your space crew. Nobody will ever do any of those things. This thing costs more than your car payment. I despair for the future of gaming.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1473 on: November 25, 2018, 05:32:37 AM »
Ship Review - Day 2

RSI Aurora
Cost: $25
Guns: 2 and some missiles
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Surprisingly, yes
Speed: Moderate
Reviewer's thoughts: This is probably going to be my most positive review in the whole series. First up, the negative- this ship is ugly as sin. It looks like someone took a radioisotope thermoelectric generator and stuck a cockpit on it. It looks like an overpriced kitchen gadget. It looks like someone said "How many wings is too many? Let's find out." For all that, this is a very effective ship! It has great visibility, it is moderately fast, it can carry a small load of trade cargo, you can put a box inside the cockpit area for courier missions- it even has a bed, if they ever bother to fix the log-out functionality. It has a couple token size-1 guns on it, but this thing is essentially tissue paper so fighting with it will get you killed. And, as compared to every other ship in the game, it is cheap as poo poo. You could fly 10 of these for the price of one Constellation, if you found 10 people willing to put up with the game long enough to load them all. At one point this was the chariot of choice for ram-griefing, but that particular pastime has been nerfed to the point that it doesn't seem to work at all anymore. If you have to give money to Chris Roberts, and I really heartily recommend not doing so, this is probably the ship to get. There are like 5 variants of this thing but they are all exactly the same with slight loadout changes, and loadouts don't matter in Star Citizen, so gently caress you if you think I'm wasting half an hour taking pictures of all of them.

RSI Ursa
Cost: $50
Guns: 2 in a little auto turret
Can It Do Anything But Fight: It can't even fight
Speed: Ground based
Reviewer's thoughts: All of the vehicles in this game seem like art assets in search of a mechanic. Of the three I've tried- Tumbril, Dragonfly, and Ursa- the Ursa seems like the best. It can carry a bunch of people or a box, it has a little gun turret, it does not immediately explode on impact with rocks. But... there's nothing in the game that requires ground vehicles. There are no missions requiring ground combat. There are no deliveries where you'd need to get out of your ship in a rover and haul a box anywhere. There's nothing to discover while exploring. Even mining is done via a ship. So what use is it? I'll tell you- it's extremely good for cramming into your gaping, aching cargo hold. The ultimate measure of any ship in Star Citizen is how many Ursas and Merlins you can wedge in there. I mean it's still going to jitter around and clip through poo poo and probably explode, but... it's not like you have a choice, if you want to put stuff in your holes.

Picture not found
RSI Constellation Taurus
Cost: $150
Guns: No idea
Can It Do Anything But Fight: It doesn't exist
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's thoughts: This one is weird. It is the only variant I know of that costs less than the original ship. It is a stripped down Constellation for significantly cheaper, that I guess is supposed to be more trade oriented? It's so unpopular that I'm not even sure it exists in the game. It certainly didn't exist on the showroom floor, so I don't have a picture of it. Oh well. Buy this if you want a ship that does what the Constellation does, only worse in every single aspect, but I guess you can cram more trade goods into it, but trade doesn't work and bulk trading is completely broken. The frogurt is also cursed.

RSI Constellation Andromeda
Cost: $225
Guns: 4 gimbal, 2x2 manned turrets, 50+ missiles
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's thoughts: This was my baby, when the game was first announced. It was billed as the Millenium Falcon of Star Citizen and was basically sold as the "top of the line" back when the "line" was like, 7 ships. It could carry a crew of 4 or 5, it could do cargo, it had a shitload of guns, it had lots of missiles, it had a little detachable fighter in the back. Of course, since then CIG has spent the last 6 years selling ship after ship, something like 100+ ships now, and obviously one of the earliest and cheapest of the big ships could not be allowed a dominant position in the pile. This ship has seen more nerfs and been outclassed by more ships that do exactly what it does, but better in every sense, than any other ship in the game. On top of that, the manned turrets turned out to be giant shitpiles that nobody wants to use, and they never even bothered to get the detachable fighter working. Today this ship is a two hundred dollar joke. It has four giant guns that can't hit anything because it turns like a shopping cart full of bricks. It has paper-thin shields and will die to any fighter in the game in a few shots. It still has 50 missiles, and you can fire all 50 and not do a single point of damage. There are ships that are literally just this ship but functional, and they all cost 300 or more dollars. This ship is the epitome of Star Citizen in my opinion- originally sold for a crazy amount, it was released as complete garbage, never updated or made effective, and has been completely overshadowed by stuff that costs twice as much in a game that just doesn't give a poo poo about your old money.

RSI Constellation Aquila
Cost: $310
Guns: 4 gimbal, 1x2 manned turrets, 50+ missiles
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's thoughts: CIG was experimenting with variants when they made these, and didn't know what people would or wouldn't pay money for. They thought "Same ship with different loadouts" was a good model, so... it's the Constellation! Again! But for 100 dollars more, and they took one of the turrets out for a "Radar" that doesn't work, and also you get a rover I think if you buy this one, but the rover doesn't work in the cargo hold of the Constellation, and is only 50 bucks on its own, so why wouldn't you buy the regular ship and then the rover separately and save yourself 40 bucks? Because you're a loving idiot, that's why. This ship comes with a slightly different, rounded cockpit. Also it has a blue and orange paint job. It is effectively just the Constellation and it sucks just as bad, but for more money.

RSI Constellation Phoenix
Cost: $350
Guns: 4 gimbal, 1x2 manned turrets, missiles
Can It Do Anything But Fight: Yes
Speed: Sluggish
Reviewer's thoughts: The Phoenix was originally sold as an up-gunned Constellation for like, armored personnel transport and VIP limo duties, in a game where there aren't any VIP's or personnel to transport. But it was still an interesting concept, and the thought of "Constellation but more dakka" was appealing at the time because the Constellation hadn't been poo poo on from a great height at that point. Of course, years later the ship actually came out, and... well, look at the picture. It's a flying bar and lounge. None of the extra equipment ever materialized, and this thing is essentially worthless except as a way to flash your cash wad. You cannot transport VIP's, it fights as poorly as a regular Constellation, and costs 125 dollars more. Not because of any mechanics- because it is "Luxury." Chris literally prices poo poo in-game based on aesthetic priorities, regardless of mechanics, because he is completely detached from the concept of value. It is particularly galling how much time has clearly been put into poo poo like whiskey tumblers and the animated hot tub in this ship, when basic mechanics are completely broken and the game barely functions. It is extremely revealing of CIG's priorities- they are a used luxury car dealership first and foremost, and they have gradually self-selected an audience that thinks used luxury cars belong in spaceship game. Everyone who still owns one of these is an unbearable twat and I consider these and all other luxury vessels in the game kill-on-sight.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1474 on: November 25, 2018, 10:07:23 AM »
You have to read this. Just read it. These elitist chucklefucks are the primary reason that their community is in tatters, and everyone outside of it just lols at them.

Casuals were given a hand, now they want the entire arm. [Travel Times]

Then there's this...

I did the math... and travel times as they currently stand have no future

People will have to pay $10 an hour to be put into a sleep pod. 

Playing Star Citizen this way is significantly better than the current state of affairs where Backers get to pay at least this much for a tech demo.

Cant wait to fly my Kraken around loaded with fighters escorting mining and cargo ships.

And yet he is waiting and waiting and waiting...

« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 11:35:09 AM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1475 on: November 25, 2018, 01:59:58 PM »
Ship Review - Day 2

All these reviews are great,


Everyone who still owns one of these is an unbearable twat and I consider these and all other luxury vessels in the game kill-on-sight.

Lowest FPS I have seen is lorville which was 45 FPS, everywhere else its like I'm frame capped at 60fps. They are all up in arms on reddit today, getting my karma hammered.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1476 on: November 26, 2018, 01:05:09 AM »
Oh lordy, some gems in this.


Even if SC is completed, these same people will either say it sucks, or if it doesn’t suck, they’ll say that it would have been a vapor ware/scam if it wasn’t for the fact that backers had put up a ridiculous amount of money into backing it - and that backers still got duped anyway because they paid hundreds of dollars for a game that only cost $40 to other people after it has gone live.

Everyone is always right in the end!

No they will say it will suck because it will, in fact, suck.

Those are people that have lost patience because this whole development cycle is going on in front of them versus 4 years of production before anybody see’s the game.

What is Chris supposed to do , release a game early then those same people will just find another complaint ?

Sorry they don’t know how game development works.

Classic defence! But what's this? A disturbance in the hivemind?


In 2013, Squadron 42 was coming next year.

In 2014, Squadron 42 was coming next year.

In 2015, Squadron 42 was coming next year.

In 2016, we were supposed to answer the call.

In 2017, it just needed a bit of polish.

In 2018, Chris didn't surprise anyone by saying it wasn't coming this year, but he absolved himself.

Don't fucking blame me for not being a video game developer... they're the ones who are supposed to know how this shit works, and they're the ones who set my expectations that they could have a game finished in 2014. They're the ones who set out in 2012 offering me a golden ticket for a 24 month development cycle. They're the ones who pitched in 2012 showing the Hornet and the Bengal and telling me they were already in engine, not saying they had to rework the whole goddamn engine over the next 6-10 years. I didn't write their goddamn marketing bullshit, and it's not super fair to blame me for the high crime of taking CIG at their word.

Oh no! Better tell him to take a break instead of spreading FUD, he is harming the safespace.


I mean, you're still not wrong, but relax :) I get that you're pissed you didn't get a refund, hell I'm pissed you didn't get a refund, but at some point you're only hurting yourself by staying angry. Have you tried selling your account on the black market?

And then the absolute best counter, equate the absolute bullshit that comes unbidden out of CRs mouth with standard large corporation lawyers activities.

Yeah, I hear ya. Problem with that is you have a Microsoft/Apple/Samsung/EA/Ubisoft/Bloody Everyone problem where the lawyers and marketing department are crapping on people, but everyone just accepts it because they want the shiny product regardless, and the vast majority of the company is trying their best despite the splashback on them. I agree that CIG has historically had dishonest and downright shitty strategies, and they probably will into the future too. I don't think arguing with fanboys on the internet is going to change anything however, and what do you really achieve from doing so? Raise your blood pressure and maybe gather a group of disgruntled non-backers for a brief moment of 'yeah, CIG sucks!' before the message is lost in the noise generated by the latest hotness CIG spit out?.

Finally, oh the irony!

I just don't think some random thread is worth your time countering.


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Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1478 on: November 26, 2018, 09:39:42 AM »
lol OSC tried the free-fly!!

I noticed that he was talking about the upcoming Ace Combat 7. So I dug up some images of their cities which you can fly over.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1479 on: November 26, 2018, 01:15:25 PM »
lol OSC tried the free-fly!!

I noticed that he was talking about the upcoming Ace Combat 7. So I dug up some images of their cities which you can fly over.

Excellent review and always well though out, the ACE7 looks impressive I'm curious to see some gameplay and if you can fly down into the cities.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1480 on: November 26, 2018, 01:20:34 PM »
Let's brag about putting money in the dumpster fire, least they are keeping the lols going.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1481 on: November 26, 2018, 03:33:33 PM »
the ACE7 looks impressive I'm curious to see some gameplay and if you can fly down into the cities.

Yes you can. It was always something you could do in all the AC games

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1482 on: November 26, 2018, 03:34:15 PM »
This is hands down the funniest post about the free-fly experience from a newbie

"My experience with the game:

Get out of bed, walk around, find ship terminal, ask for ship, get in ship, try to find out how to actually get somewhere with the ship. Had to stop playing for a while so I exit the game. When I go back I'm in bed at the station, not inside the ship anymore. Ok, go back to the ship terminal and... I have to wait 15 minutes?! Alright, I'll muck about the station until it's ready. Get in the ship spend another 15 mins trying to land on the planet right next to the station, get disconnected. Get back in and I'm in bed again. Get to the ship terminal and... 15 mins to get my ship again.

Nope, I'm good. You guys have fun
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1483 on: November 26, 2018, 03:35:51 PM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Citizenship
« Reply #1484 on: November 26, 2018, 03:38:44 PM »
Lots of threads of people throwing money away today, includes older backers mad about it.


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