CIG claim to have a single map, millions of km in size, populated with object entities, such as planets and moons etc, that is all accessible seamslessley, without loading screens, streaming data to the clients as you approach them. They've talked about this and shown it in numerous ATVs and other places. They've said they get real time day and night cycles because of this way they've built the game. They've said they can have planet rotation and orbits.
You seem to be suggesting they can't do what they have repeatedly said they can do. 0% probability, as you say up there, means anyone who has said they've got the ability to do it is telling a lie. Each and every time. I find it unlikely that everytime a dev on ATV has said they can do any aspect you've mentioned as being impossible, they've been telling lies. After all, they're the ones working with the modified engine, not you. How sure can you be about them having zero percent probability of achieving something they say they can, and have, achieved, when you don't have access to their cryengine base code?
Yeah because in the history of the gaming industry, devs have never lied or flat out made shit up. It's one thing to have stuff in R&D and claim to have it, than to actually implement it. If you go back to 2013, since the first version of this train-wreck, they've talked up a bunch of tech and features that either are long forgotten, or yet to be implemented. Even to this day, they're still doing it. There are no day/night cycles. No orbiting moons and planets. In fact, no planets - period.
I remember in Oct 2016 when everyone thought that the presentation being passed off as 3.0 - complete with a glitchy worm - was actual client code that was coming in Dec 2016. Then CIG came clean that it was all mostly R&D. Then they made a "Road To CitizenCon" video.
My stance hasn't changed, and I don't care what anyone says, the game they can't build the game they promised. They can make as many claims as they want, it won't change my stance.
I do not like absolutes. I'm a scientist and nothing has zero percent probability...
Common sense doesn't require scientific acumen, proof, or basis.