Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 2556817 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1020 on: September 06, 2017, 04:22:19 AM »
New Star Citizen finds the community in game to be amazingly friendly and helpful. Which is nice.

7 hours pass, and my streams picked up 1000s of viewers, hundreds of subscribers and followers, and my Discord has a full crew of Star Citizen enthusiasts all having a blast in the buggy universe that is Star Citizen. It’s 3 am and I reluctantly shut the show down for the night and say my farewells to many new friends. After a days work I fire the game and stream back up, and sure enough, another feature by youtube and many new viewers join the show, many being invited to the Discord to chat on stream. One individual named Raydon even gave me temporary access to his account with $5,000 worth of ships to check out. Unbelievable!

What I found during my first playthrough of Star Citizen was that the game is a bit convoluted, difficult to navigate, extremely buggy and lacking of stuff to do. However, I also found that this alpha state of a game, holds one of the most friendly and wonderful gaming communities I have ever seen in my 20+ years of internet use. Everyone is super helpful to new players, and many of the community know each other well and play nightly.

Excellent. Go community! Just need more game to play now...soon...sometime.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 04:24:24 AM by Serendipity »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1021 on: September 06, 2017, 04:30:20 AM »
New Star Citizen finds the community in game to be amazingly friendly and helpful. Which is nice.

What I found during my first playthrough of Star Citizen was that the game is a bit convoluted, difficult to navigate, extremely buggy and lacking of stuff to do. However, I also found that this alpha state of a game, holds one of the most friendly and wonderful gaming communities I have ever seen in my 20+ years of internet use. Everyone is super helpful to new players, and many of the community know each other well and play nightly.

What I found during my first playthrough of Star Citizen was that the game is a bit convoluted, difficult to navigate, extremely buggy and lacking of stuff to do. However, I also found that this alpha state of a game, holds one of the most friendly and wonderful gaming communities I have ever seen in my 20+ years of internet use. Everyone is super helpful to new players, and many of the community know each other well and play nightly.

I fixed the parts you should have bolded after 6 years and 150million dollars.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1022 on: September 06, 2017, 04:34:28 AM »
That, and the guy forgot to mention that he got paid to write something positive about Scam Shitizen. Or more likely, it's just a marketing account.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1023 on: September 06, 2017, 05:18:07 AM »
It is not surprising a community known to be toxic and actively searching for new backers to fund their BS, is nice on a stream to a person who will most likely post their initial thoughts/interactions with community and game. The amount of those videos of people trying it the first time and laughing or waving it off as a giant hunk of shit outnumbers these probably paid trolls. Honestly WTF can you even do in that game for 7 hours, it boils down to laughing at the game itself. Takes 2 seconds to go to RSI forums or SC forums and find any person not handjobbing the narrative and Croberts being attacked mercilessly.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1024 on: September 06, 2017, 05:42:11 AM »
Oh you're all so bitter. A guy has a good time in a new video game's alpha and he's got to be a paid shill or a marketing account. This is like a cult. Refusing to see the wood for the trees. If it was either of those things why would they mention the bad points bolded by you cultists? It makes no sense.

The truth is this, the alpha of SC is exciting. It's buggy and broken and lacking features but you can feel where it wants to go and a lot of gaming enthusiasts are cheering it on.

The best bit here is the lip smacking irony of you guys acting in group think like a good little bunch of smartie cultists and displaying the very same behaviour you laugh at SC fans for engaging in. Hilarious.

I don't enjoy the alpha therefore anyone who does must be paid or stupid...


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1025 on: September 06, 2017, 06:22:31 AM »
There is nothing to do at all so yes, it is complete BS. Even the people advocating the game regularly tell people to wait to try it out, because they know it isn't fun. That guy probably did everything you can in 1 hour, spent the rest of the time probably just flying in circles and laughing at game breaking bugs


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1026 on: September 06, 2017, 07:05:04 AM »
You forgot to mention Serenstupidity that we can't see the wood for the trees because the forest is burning. Got lit by a guy named Chris Roberts.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1027 on: September 06, 2017, 07:11:12 AM »
Only 2 and a half million over the last 2 weeks. Such burn. Much collapse. ELE wow.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1028 on: September 06, 2017, 07:12:18 AM »
There is nothing to do at all so yes, it is complete BS. Even the people advocating the game regularly tell people to wait to try it out, because they know it isn't fun. That guy probably did everything you can in 1 hour, spent the rest of the time probably just flying in circles and laughing at game breaking bugs

He streamed it all so feel free to go watch a VOD or something instead of making baseless accusations with no basis in truth.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1029 on: September 06, 2017, 07:21:50 AM »
You forget people here have played this build, and laugh at streamers. When I say there is nothing to do it isn't baseless, it's literally first hand experience. Have you tried to spend 7 straight hours "playing" the game. Tell me honestly what you think one could do in this "game" that has nothing to do based on my own experiences. If it's so good why aren't you spending 7+ hours daily, ahhh, there it is, because no one except paid streamers spend that much time there, and the community itself admits to new backers there isn't shit to do


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1030 on: September 06, 2017, 07:24:48 AM »
I'll just give it one more try. I know I shouldn't, but anyways...

Serenstupidity, the funding tracker is BOGUS! It doesn't tell the truth about the money coming in and for one, it doesn't deduct al the money being refunded. So you can argue all you will here about that funding, we know it is not true. Why you keep insisting on bringing the same old false arguments back and back and back is beyond me. Speaking about not seeing the wood for the trees  :doh:


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1031 on: September 06, 2017, 07:28:53 AM »
It doesn't show refunds, true. How much has been refunded in total do you think? Not even close to a million is my bet. Much less than a single percent of total funding. Irrelevant? Not quite but near enough.

Now then, any other proof it's bogus in other ways? Any evidence? Anything you can show me to change my mind? I've a very open mind, always changing how I think about things. Show me evidence. Convince me it's bogus and they're running a 400 person company on no income.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1032 on: September 06, 2017, 07:32:53 AM »
That the current figures are false needs no further clarification. I'll just wait for the investigations to bring out the whole truth of the finances.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1033 on: September 06, 2017, 07:35:11 AM »
That the current figures are false needs no further clarification. I'll just wait for the investigations to bring out the whole truth of the finances.

So you can't show me a single piece of evidence to support your proposition that the funding chart is significantly inaccurate yet expect me to just believe you? Now that would be truly stupid...

Did you know there's a chocolate teapot in close orbit around the sun?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1034 on: September 06, 2017, 07:38:06 AM »
All the evidence you asked for has been given to you several times already. It's your choice not to take that as evidence, not mine. And I know about that chocolate teapot. Chris told me about it and sold me a picture of a teacup that I can use to visit it.


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