Author Topic: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.  (Read 2142636 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #960 on: August 31, 2017, 02:12:51 AM »
I'm not here to defend CIG blindly because I'm not an idiot or mentally ill, despite what some may try to tell you. I've got a few ships but paid for by donations for Anna, so although I'm a concierge member, it's mostly come from the pockets of others. The SC community is full of brilliant people and a smattering of weirdos. Pretty similar to online communities everywhere.

I haven't seen Chris blame the face tracking for delays, in fact there's a spectrum post from a community team member saying the exact opposite.

I still think it's pretty cool and will be a fun addition to the game. Especially the head tracking element that comes for free as well, very good. Just hope it works well enough with a normal webcam is all.

I totally understand people who wish to refund and welcome the fact they're available if you ask. The first time I backed I understood it was a risk and I may never see a game and I handed over my cash happily. I could refund a lot more than I've ever put in of my own cash but I'm happy to wait for something I believe will be a fun gaming the end. I don't care about waiting at all. I don't really understand why others do but each to their own I suppose.

But yes, all we can do is wait and see so when I read people saying 'when this game is released and the best game ever' I find it just as ridiculous as someone else saying 'when CIG collapse...', but again, each to their own.

Only time will tell. So far it's told us they haven't run out of money, millions of km maps are possible in cryengine, seamless transition from space to planet is possible without losing visual fidelity and walking around inside a ship or vehicle can be done too. That's the basis of the game and it's on its way to us with 3.0.

Add some content and game mechanics and there we go. Derek's holy grail becomes reality. Which is exciting for me as a gamer.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #961 on: August 31, 2017, 03:00:28 AM »
I believe he's unhealthily obsessed with SC and spends far too long writing about it online.

 :lol: :vince:

I've registered simply to thank you Serendipity for the sheer entertainment you're providing on this thread. Derek is unhealthily obsessed? You apparently haven't played the game in a year, barely have time to watch the updates and yet somehow have still managed to find the time to post more than 160 times on his own forum valiantly (although ineptly) defending it. One hesitates to say that maybe you are full of shit.

I'm not here to defend CIG blindly because I'm not an idiot or mentally ill, despite what some may try to tell you.

I think you are all of those things and more but, please do carry on. I'm looking forward to more of your terrible attempts at spin and can't wait to see if you're brave enough to show your face when this shitshow finally collapses.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #962 on: August 31, 2017, 03:15:06 AM »
I'm not here to defend CIG blindly...

Okay, take DS and all the hyperbole (on both sides) out of the equation....  there have still been plenty of red flags that point to issues with the development of SC as pitched way back when by CR.
CR's vision got the best of him. Go back and watch all of the "10 for the Chairman" segments, if they are still available. They are scaling things back, with delay after delay. The release plan for Squadron 42 is completely unrecognizable from those early years. For every step forward they seem to take two or three back. Big games take a long time, but what they are showing after 6 years is paltry. To me that is the biggest red flag.
Also it seems trying to do a game of this scale with CryEngine may be what dooms this project in the end. 

I was excited when this game was announced. Pledged $125 Freelancer in Oct. 2012 and added a second ship about a year later. The game today is not the game pitched back in 2012. I received a full refund earlier this year.
Glad I did. 


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #963 on: August 31, 2017, 03:30:14 AM »
After your latest postings I'm officially changing my addressing you to Serenstupidity. And, on behalve of all of us here I assume, a truely heartfelt


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #964 on: August 31, 2017, 03:39:09 AM »
I believe he's unhealthily obsessed with SC and spends far too long writing about it online.

 :lol: :vince:

I've registered simply to thank you Serendipity for the sheer entertainment you're providing on this thread. Derek is unhealthily obsessed? You apparently haven't played the game in a year, barely have time to watch the updates and yet somehow have still managed to find the time to post more than 160 times on his own forum valiantly (although ineptly) defending it. One hesitates to say that maybe you are full of shit.

I'm not here to defend CIG blindly because I'm not an idiot or mentally ill, despite what some may try to tell you.

I think you are all of those things and more but, please do carry on. I'm looking forward to more of your terrible attempts at spin and can't wait to see if you're brave enough to show your face when this shitshow finally collapses.

Which bit appears like rubbish to you? I post here because it's fun. It doesn't take much time to tap on my phone in-between appointments. What's my average number of posts per day? Is it like 2? 3? Not exactly an obsession is it? Mr Smart however has published tens of thousands of words about SC in the week since Gamescom alone, it's unhealthy and weird. Especially because he apparently doesn't care about the game. He said that a page or so ago. He doesn't care yet posts thousands of words a day all about him not caring.

If it collapses befire release of something worthy then I'll show my face around here and admit I was wrong and Derek was right. No problem.

I'm not here to defend CIG blindly...

Okay, take DS and all the hyperbole (on both sides) out of the equation....  there have still been plenty of red flags that point to issues with the development of SC as pitched way back when by CR.
CR's vision got the best of him. Go back and watch all of the "10 for the Chairman" segments, if they are still available. They are scaling things back, with delay after delay. The release plan for Squadron 42 is completely unrecognizable from those early years. For every step forward they seem to take two or three back. Big games take a long time, but what they are showing after 6 years is paltry. To me that is the biggest red flag.
Also it seems trying to do a game of this scale with CryEngine may be what dooms this project in the end. 

I was excited when this game was announced. Pledged $125 Freelancer in Oct. 2012 and added a second ship about a year later. The game today is not the game pitched back in 2012. I received a full refund earlier this year.
Glad I did. 

Plenty of red flags, I agree, but I also appreciate the change in scope and ambition causing massive delays along with mistakes with poor communication and implementing ideas. Shit happens. I still believe I'll get a worthy game or two in time.

I'm in no rush to be given what I'm owed, in fact I'd rather wait for something good than be given something mediocre early, but that's just me.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #965 on: August 31, 2017, 03:46:15 AM »
Okay. Will you explain then why CIG is desperately trying to sell to Australia using arguments about losing VAT benefits that are postponed with almost a whole year and why CIG doesn't correct it even after being told they are wrong several times already?


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #966 on: August 31, 2017, 03:47:51 AM »
So, the latest stunt to grab some cash:

Additionally, we are pairing these ships with the upcoming five-year insurance that will be available during our annual Anniversary Sale.

That's right, 5 year LTI. Buy now, we are running on fumes here!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 04:10:25 AM by Motto »

Aya Reiko

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #967 on: August 31, 2017, 03:56:56 AM »
I'm also wondering what will happen on the SC reddit when CIG crashes. Will they all be there weaping and pondering where it went wrong and how unfair Chris has been targeted all along? Or will they admit that Derek was right and start discussing how they could have been so blind?
Some will be weeping uncontrollably while still in denial, the rest will get the torches and pitchforks while mostly ignoring Derek.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #968 on: August 31, 2017, 04:38:14 AM »
Okay. Will you explain then why CIG is desperately trying to sell to Australia using arguments about losing VAT benefits that are postponed with almost a whole year and why CIG doesn't correct it even after being told they are wrong several times already?

I have no idea. The thread on spectrum has posts explaining that digital goods do have the tax increase from tomorrow and the delay is for physical goods under a thousand dollars. Either way, if CIG believe it to be true it would be very unfair to not offer the same sale as Europeans had when VAT became applicable.

So, the latest stunt to grab some cash:

Additionally, we are pairing these ships with the upcoming five-year insurance that will be available during our annual Anniversary Sale.

That's right, 5 year LTI. Buy now, we are running on fumes here!

5 year LTI? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #969 on: August 31, 2017, 04:48:29 AM »
After your latest postings I'm officially changing my addressing you to Serenstupidity. And, on behalve of all of us here I assume, a truely heartfelt

Ok Mr 5 year LTI, universe will implode man, whatever floats your boat.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #970 on: August 31, 2017, 05:17:08 AM »
Stan. Bat-girl. Do they know which part of her name is true and which part  is false?

I bet these backers couldn't care less about Batgirl's carrying around a bat in her undies.

They probably are just are so oblivious that they wouldn't know the difference.. F*cking scary.

Bat girl has definitely been laid. 

Bored Gamer ... don't think so.. but he is doing all this SC stuff because he is being recognised for it, being paid in kind at the very least and it is all validation for him.

Isn't it funny that Backers will believe Bored Gamer and dismiss Derek who actually has a track record in the industry ?

This is it Serendipity.   

You believe the probability of success is greater than the probability of failure.   

SC must continue to break crowd funding records for several years to come in order to have sufficient time and resources to release a small percent of what's been promised.   

Thats before we actually consider what has been delivered so far, anything to do with the practicalities of developing what they say they can develop, the rest of the historical fact relating to this and other software development projects  from the last 40 years or so, current industry best practice and plenty of industry insiders saying it can't be done.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 05:29:14 AM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #971 on: August 31, 2017, 05:19:55 AM »
Stan. Bat-girl. Do they know which part of her name is true and which part  is false?

I bet these backers couldn't care less about Batgirl's carrying around a bat in her undies.

They probably are just are so oblivious that they wouldn't know the difference.. F*cking scary.

Bat girl has definitely been laid. 

Bored Gamer ... don't think so..

Schoolyard insults really make you appear as a normal, rational human being. Calling someone a virgin? Is that the best you got? Disappointing.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #972 on: August 31, 2017, 05:28:34 AM »
Ummm. It's not about Derek.
Nobody is trying to get their money back from Derek.
Derek has not made an ass of himself streaming live around the world showing off his $157 Million dollar failure.
Derek does not need to prove his credibility because he has not taken countless Millions of backers money and pissed it away like a drunken sailor on a half baked dream that will never work.
I think there is a separate area to discus Derek's games, this is the Star Citizen discussion forum.
Derek has not been caught tripping on his own lies repeatedly.

You cultists always come to the anti cult page trying to make the weak appear to be the strong, the wrong to be the right. You have one problem, this project is an abysmal failure. There was nothing they could show that worked well, nothing to indicate that the last years efforts of 400 employees was well spent, well directed and managed and that the backers actually have something worthwhile to use and gauge the project's progress by. If this was a Saturn moon launch it would have resulted in Gus Grissoms death.

Please show us something in that presentation where we can look and be blown away by the BDSSE.
Something, anything?
You cannot. Why. This project was led by an inept buffoon who talked a good game but was in way over his pointy head.
The chickens are coming home to roost. You seem to think that you are scoring some sort of victory here.
I was watching the Goons You Tube video and almost pissed myself because it was just that bad.

Is your game so boring and lacking in content that you would rather spend time here? You know, you don't need to keep your money tied up in the game and you could still try arguing for Roberts, it does not cost anything to be wrong and publicly admit it.

 :five: :five: :five:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #973 on: August 31, 2017, 05:30:22 AM »
Ummm. It's not about Derek.
Nobody is trying to get their money back from Derek.
Derek has not made an ass of himself streaming live around the world showing off his $157 Million dollar failure.
Derek does not need to prove his credibility because he has not taken countless Millions of backers money and pissed it away like a drunken sailor on a half baked dream that will never work.
I think there is a separate area to discus Derek's games, this is the Star Citizen discussion forum.
Derek has not been caught tripping on his own lies repeatedly.

You cultists always come to the anti cult page trying to make the weak appear to be the strong, the wrong to be the right. You have one problem, this project is an abysmal failure. There was nothing they could show that worked well, nothing to indicate that the last years efforts of 400 employees was well spent, well directed and managed and that the backers actually have something worthwhile to use and gauge the project's progress by. If this was a Saturn moon launch it would have resulted in Gus Grissoms death.

Please show us something in that presentation where we can look and be blown away by the BDSSE.
Something, anything?
You cannot. Why. This project was led by an inept buffoon who talked a good game but was in way over his pointy head.
The chickens are coming home to roost. You seem to think that you are scoring some sort of victory here.
I was watching the Goons You Tube video and almost pissed myself because it was just that bad.

Is your game so boring and lacking in content that you would rather spend time here? You know, you don't need to keep your money tied up in the game and you could still try arguing for Roberts, it does not cost anything to be wrong and publicly admit it.

Hello, a lot of my points are about Derek because I believe he makes stuff up all the time. I believe he's unhealthily obsessed with SC and spends far too long writing about it online.

And this has WHAT to do with Star Citizen's success or failure?
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #974 on: August 31, 2017, 05:31:44 AM »
Stan. Bat-girl. Do they know which part of her name is true and which part  is false?

I bet these backers couldn't care less about Batgirl's carrying around a bat in her undies.

They probably are just are so oblivious that they wouldn't know the difference.. F*cking scary.

Bat girl has definitely been laid. 

Bored Gamer ... don't think so..

Schoolyard insults really make you appear as a normal, rational human being. Calling someone a virgin? Is that the best you got? Disappointing.

The guy is an idiot.   I dont know what professional qualifications/career he has, but he is publically demonstrating to any employer that cares to look, that he is devoid of intellectual honesty and judgement.   

**I edited the post you refer to, adding more than the jibe, between your reply and the first version you refer to.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 05:35:18 AM by StanTheMan »


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