Oh yeah, because NONE of those people have ever been in a bad movie. Are you serious (you are).
Can a bad movie have good acting in it?
Did I mention the quality of the game/movie?
Was I only questioning the comment regarding the quality of acting being 'really, really wooden', with no mention as to the game itself being good or bad?
Please answer those questions in your head, read your response and wonder, as I did, u wot m8?
Right back at you for that comment. Expecting that CIG actually wil release something vaguely resembling what was promised 
Squadron 42 has become much more than an updated Wing Commander. So at last, we agree, it won't resemble the original pitch. It'll be much more. Isn't that part of you guys' problem? Trying to do too much.
I'm looking forward to it. I reckon it'll be a fun few hours in the UEE navy thing.