and Derek Smart is full of shit.

His 'sources' completely failed to let him know 3.0 was being used at the convention,
Oh, really? You're going with that?
August 18, 2017July 8, 2017June 22, 2017that they had partnered with face dudes and got that in the game and there was going to be a capital ship battle between two ships that can't fit into memory, according to him.
These are relevant how? And why do they have to tell me everything. And even if they did, why do YOU think that I would divulge material they told me not to reveal?
Fucking :lol: if you think the Idris combat slide show was due to memory. You're a clueless moron.
He was supposed to be making predictions before the event to prove he had an insider...never happened.
Really, please, go ahead and cite where you read this.
He was proclamating before the event they would be streaming 2.6...never happened.
See above
He's previously said an Idris doesn't fit into memory...has happened, 2 of them in fact.
See above
Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.
Nice try. That's not me. Even
your own psychotic brethren don't think so. And there is
ZERO evidence (which you guys tend not care about at all) to support that claim/theory. I
responded to Mrflappywilly after he implied that Fred Bloggs was my alt. Then Fred Bloggs accidentally replied to MY post, instead of to the top-level Mrflappywilly post. It's not rocket science. But to make it easy for you, I've
hailed the mod.
You must be confusing me with you guys who need various alts in order to post everywhere and signal boost your bullshit. Only
cowards and shills hide behind alts. Like you for example, until you got uncovered as an /r/ds alt,
ConfusedMonkehIt's unsurprising that you're deflecting the disaster that was 3.0, to make it about me. If you continue to do that, your posts will just continue to disappear - and then you will get a perma-ban this time because you're
NOT going to be allowed to use your forum account as a
/r/ds proxy to bring that shit from there, over here.
Stick to the subject:
Star Citizen is a $158M POS that's NEVER getting made.
You guys should really stop highlighting the inconsequential stuff and concentrate on the real questions. Bugs and glitches and boxes being invisible are not a big deal. Not showing mining or bounty hunting or other game mechanics is a big deal. Perhaps citizencon will show more and I'm waiting until then to make my mind up about this presentation. Gamescom is more for new players to find out about SC where as Citizencon is supposed to be for the backers to find out more.
No, we don't need to do what you think we should do. We don't give a shit about the game enough to care. We're just making fun of it and you loonies, while waiting for final stage of the E.L.E.
Gamescom showed a lot of people where the game wants to go and it seems a lot of people liked it. But then the tracker is bullshit and only a few whales continue to support the game and blah blah blah...
They've made enough to support them until citizencon where they'll make enough again to support them until the anniversary which will make enough to support them until the holiday sale and onwards and upwards. We'll be here talking about SC for quite some time yet guys, and we won't be talking about a catastrophic collapse either. Unless I get banned again of course but que sera sera.

:bahgawd: yeah, OK, we'll see about